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10 Best place to visit in Almolonga Guatemala


THIS might be our favorite place in Guatemala... (Quetzaltenango is underrated!)

In this video, we travel from San Juan La Laguna in Lake Atitlan, Guatemala over to Quetzaltenango, or, XELA. We also take you through our first impressions in Xela and show you some of the quick things to do in the area :)

We started off taking a 2 hour shuttle from Panajachel over to Quetzaltenango and arriving around night time. The next morning we woke up and started exploring and getting to know the city. We have so many cool things and videos coming up and we can’t wait to show y’all! Quetzaltenango and the surrounding area are amazing!

Howdy! We're Jenna & Andrew and we create travel vlogs (right now we are in Central America!). With this channel we hope to do more than just the typical bucket list. We set out to better understand the culture, language, and most importantly the people of the places we travel to. Our channel is designed to give a unique perspective and knowledge of each country, and our honest and true experience.

Subscribe and follow our social medias if you want to join us on our future journeys :)

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ANTIGUA, GUATEMALA TIPS FOR FIRST TIMERS + Top 10 Things To Do in Antigua, Guatemala

Traveling to Antigua, Guatemala but need recommendations and tips? THIS VIDEO will HELP! WATCH IT BEFORE YOU GO!


Antigua, Guatemala: Exploring Cultural Marvels and Hidden Gems:

The Scenic Route Traveler Blog, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala Travel Guide: The Lake Como of Latin America

The Scenic Route Traveler Blog:

In this captivating video, I'll be your virtual tour guide through the picturesque streets and hidden gems of Antigua, Guatemala. Whether you're planning your first visit or looking for new ideas to make the most of your trip, I've got you covered. Discover the enchanting beauty and rich culture of Antigua while learning about must-see attractions and insider tips.

???? Highlights of this Video:
1️⃣ Antigua's Historic Charm: Immerse yourself in the UNESCO World Heritage-listed cityscape of Antigua, known for its well-preserved colonial architecture, cobblestone streets, and vibrant markets.

2️⃣ Explore the Ruins: Visit the iconic ruins of Antigua's churches and monasteries, including Santa Catalina Arch and La Merced Church, to witness the city's storied past.

3️⃣ Adventurous Activities: Get your adrenaline pumping with thrilling activities like hiking up Pacaya Volcano or taking a biking tour in Antigua and the surrounding villages.

4️⃣ Market Magic: Dive into the bustling local markets, such as the Mercado de Artesanías, to shop for unique souvenirs and immerse yourself in the vibrant culture.

5️⃣Safety & Travel Tips: Stay informed about essential tips for a safe and enjoyable trip. Learn about currency, transportation, and cultural etiquette to make your visit smooth and memorable.

???? Whether you're a history enthusiast, nature lover, or a foodie seeking new culinary adventures, Antigua, Guatemala, has something to offer for everyone. Join us on this incredible journey as we showcase the best this charming city has to offer.

???? Don't forget to hit the Like button if you find this video helpful and subscribe to our channel for more travel guides and tips. Share your thoughts and questions in the comments section below, and let's make your Antigua adventure unforgettable!

Bike Tour Around Antigua, Guatemala:




15 destinos de GUATEMALA que debes conocer ????????????

Historia y un patrimonio único en un país donde la tradición es visible en la vida cotidiana, en el vestir de su gente, en las artesanías y su gastronomía…

Guatemala, tierra de volcanes, ciudades coloniales, reservas naturales, zonas termales y uno de los mejores recintos arqueológicos del mundo. Además de los guatemaltecos gente acogedora y muy amable.

Veamos algunos de los sitios y experiencias que debes realizar si viajas a este maravilloso país de centroamérica ????????????

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Almolonga is a municipality in the Quetzaltenango department of Guatemala, located on a road between Quetzaltenango city and Zunil.

The village is known as the Vegetable Basket of the Americas (la Hortaliza de América) due to an intense cultivation of vegetables in its vicinity. It also has tourist attractions like termal baths or Paradise Valley; it attracts about 120 tourists a year.

Music By: El Gordo

La Hortaliza de América - MAYAKAKAW

Agencia Profesional de Turismo GT WHATSAPP (+502) 5702-0551 TWR @MayakakawTours FB /Mayakakawtours WEB MAIL

Fuentes Georginas, qué hacer en Quetzaltenango

Las Fuentes Georginas son uno de los atractivos más importantes de Quetzaltenango, acompáñanos en éste video a descubrir cómo llegar a las Fuentes y qué más hacer en Quetzaltenango. Continúa leyendo la descripción del video para saber más detalles de cómo llegar y qué hacer en las Fuentes Georginas.

-Cómo llegar a las Fuentes Georginas:

Si viajas en autobus desde Quetzaltenango a las Fuentes Georginas, aquí te diremos cómo hacerlo:

Ubica la Central de Autobuses del Templo la Minerva
Toma un bus para Zunil, el trayecto es de 30 minutos y cuesta 5 quetzales, sale cada 15 minutos a partir de las 6 a.m. a las 7 p.m.
En Zunil toma otro bus que te lleve a las Fuentes Georginas, puede ser un colectivo que cobre entre 10 y 15 quetzales y el trayecto es de 22 minutos.

En nuestro blog te decimos cómo llegar en caso de que vayas en automóvil.

-Qué hacer en las Fuentes Georginas

La actividad principal en este balneario es disfrutar de las albercas con agua termal, que te relajan y a la vez por las propiedades minerales del agua te ayudan a mejorar tu salud física, si traes algún dolor muscular seguramente saliendo de aquí te vas a sentir mejor. También si te sientes muy estrenado, este lugar tan pacífico hará que te desistieses de inmediato y más con la temperatura tan rica del agua.

Aquí también hay senderos ecológicos y una zona especial dedicada a ceremonias mayas, que si durante tu recorrido te toca presenciar alguna, no tomes fotos ni interrumpas ya que sería una falta de respeto para las personas.

No olvides llevar contigo:
*Dinero en efectivo
*Traje de baño
*Sandalias o zapatos acuáticos
*Ropa abrigadora
*Cobijas extra en caso de que te hospedes ahí

*No se puede comer o beber dentro de las albercas
*No nades o hagas actividad física dentro del agua ya que podrías descomepensarte y desmayarte
*No están permitido los clavados, la profundidad de las albercas es de 1 a 1.50 metros

*No te preocupes por dónde dejar tus cosas, ahí te rentan lockers
*Hay cambiadores y sanitarios
*Una tienda para comprar snack y souvenirs.
*Cuenta con estacionamiento propio que cuesta 30 quetzales por auto

-Dónde comer en las Fuentes Georginas

Cuenta con servicio de restaurante que ofrece platillos regionales y a un precio accesible. Te sugerimos probar el churrasquitos y/o los tacos con chorizo, son platillos muy bien servicios que te van a dejar realmente satisfecho. Venden bebidas alcohólicas y no alcohólicas.

También hay mesas y parrillas en diferentes puntos del balneario para que prepares tus propios alimentos, recuerda no dejar basura para que más viajeros lo disfruten.

-Dónde hospedarse en las Fuentes Georginas

Hay 9 bungalows en las Fuentes Georginas que puedes alquilar por 190 quetzales por noche, por persona. Cuenta con 2 camas matrimoniales, baño privado, agua caliente y chimenea. Si te hospedas ahí, puedes entrar a las albercas cuando quieras, no hay un horario fijo para huéspedes. La Luz eléctrica se corta a las 9 p.m. No hay t.v., ni wi-fi en la zona, y tampoco red de celular.

El costo del bungalow ya incluye entrada y estacionamiento, recuerda que la tarifa puede variar dependiendo la temporada.

Si deseas saber más sobre las Fuentes Georginas visita nuestro blog: donde encontrarás más información útil.

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¡Nos vemos en el camino!

#fuentesgeorginas #guatemala #quehacerenguatemala


La Ciudad de Guatemala, cuyo nombre oficial es Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción, es la capital de la República de Guatemala y la ciudad más poblada y cosmopolita de Centroamérica; es la sede de los poderes gubernamentales que rigen la política del país, así como sede del Parlamento Centroamericano. Está dividida en 25 zonas y es también la capital del Departamento de Guatemala. Ha sido nombrada como «Capital Verde de las Américas» en los años 2019 y 20216​7​ y fue elegida como la mejor ciudad para hacer negocios con la efectividad de costos, según el ranking FDI American Cities of the Future 19/20.

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????Quien somos:

Somos Mateo y Lisanna, ella de Estonia y el de nacido en Argentina y criado en Brasil, nos conocimos en 2020 y decidimos comenzar el canal de YouTube juntos, desde entonces nunca más paramos de hacer videos. Después de 1 año y medio con este proyecto de vida y canal, decimos dejar todo lo que hacíamos para dedicarnos en tiempo integral a los que nos hace mas felices, vivir aventuras y experiencias por el mundo.


#mateoylisanna #guatemala #ciudaddeguatemala

Reserva Natural Patrocinio ???? Lugares turísticos de Quetzaltenango

Si estás buscando qué hacer en Quetzaltenango, te recomendamos visitar la Reserva Natural Patrocinio. Esta es una de las fincas en Guatemala más hermosas que conocemos.

La Finca Patrocinio es uno de los principales destinos turísticos en Quetzaltenango. Además, si tienes ganas de desconectarte de todo, y te gustan los hoteles rodeados de naturaleza en Guatemala, en este lindo lugar hay opción de hospedarte en su bello hotel, o bien, acampar con la hermosa vista al Volcán Santiaguito y Volcán Santa María.

Los lugares turísticos de quetzaltenango guatemala suelen ser fríos, sin embargo, aquí es más cálido, ya que está muy cerca de Retalhuleu.

Si buscas algo diferente qué hacer en Guatemala, debes visitar esta bella reserva natural.

#quetzaltenango #reservanaturalpatrocinio #parentesisviajero


¡Hola viajero! en este canal encontrarás fascinantes destinos turísticos de Guatemala y tips que te servirán para planificar tu viaje. Te daremos recomendaciones de hoteles, restaurantes, guías de turismo locales, destinos de naturaleza, cultura e historia. También podrás encontrar trucos para tomar mejores fotos y vídeos de tus viajes.

Somos Juls y Wofo, una pareja de chapines amantes de las aventuras, ¡Si te gusta viajar estás en el canal correcto! Te mostraremos todos los bellos destinos turísticos de Guatemala. Suscríbete a Paréntesis Viajero y acompáñanos en nuestras aventuras.

???? Conoce los lugares más cool de Guatemala en nuestro blog:

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Cascada de Almolonga

Cascada que se encuentra en la comunidad de Almolonga, perteneciente al municipio de Zongolica, Veracruz, Mexico, en este municipo ecuentras una gran infinidad de paisajes, que sin duda debem de visitar.

Xela Quetzaltenango, Guatemala 4K | The Land of Eternal Spring | DJI Air 2S

In the highlands of Guatemala, at around 7,640 ft, you’ll find the colonial capital city of Quetzaltenango, or Xela as the locals call it. The Mayan population knows it as Xelaju. While a bit cold in the winter months, this city is sought out by travelers and ex-pats for its fantastic weather throughout the rest of the year. Here you’ll see some local landmarks but to experience the vibrant culture, aromatic coffee and world-renowned chocolate, amazing food, and amazing volcano views, you’ll have to head there yourself.

Want More Of Xela? Here Is A 6-Hour Drone Video Of Quetzaltenango:

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Ruins of Copán & Guatemala travel vlog

Copán & Guatemalan travel vlog, Copan Ruins & Tunnels from Guatemala City, Copán Day Trip from Guatemala City, The Ruins of Copan, Guatemala travel guide
Travel Videos (Subscribe Now) ????

Copán is a province in Honduras best known for the Mayan archaeological sites at Copán Ruinas and La Entrada.

Guatemala is a small country in the Central America region. It has borders to Mexico in the north/northwest, to Belize in the northeast, to Honduras in the southeast, to El Salvador in the south. It has a Pacific coastline to the southwest, and a tiny piece of Caribbean coastline to the east.

See in Guatemala
Antigua Guatemala is often regarded as the travelers hub, a crumbling, picture-perfect central american town ringed by volcanoes. From here you can take a hike up Volcano Pacaya, take a bus to the bustling market of Chichicastenango, or simply sip some coffee in a street-side cafe and watch the world go by.

Flores in Guatemala's wild north is a tourist friendly island in the middle of Lake Petén Itzá. From here you can take a bus ride to one of best preserved Mayan ruins in the world, Tikal. Howler monkeys and dense jungle make walking around the ruins an adventure in itself.

Lake Atitlan (or Lago de Atitlán) is another frequent stop on any visitors itinerary. A volcano-rimmed lake with plenty of backpacker hostels and Mayan villages that dot the shores.

Volcanoes. Guatemala has a lot of volcanoes, many of them over 3,000 metres high. Volcán de Pacaya (2500m) - this is an active volcano about 30 minutes outside of Antigua. Some days it will not be accessible as the volcano may be too active to observe safely. Bring a jacket since it will be windy and cold at the top (although the ground will feel warm) and wear long pants as the volcanic rock can easily give you a nice cut. Tour guides can be organised from Antigua. Up until its most recent significant eruption in late May of 2010, you were able to walk right up to see real lava and even roast hot dogs and marshmallows over it. Although trips are still common and travel agencies still boast this possibility with pictures of tourist doing so in the past, this is no longer possible. If you decide to travel to Pacaya alone the prices are quite reasonable. About GTQ50 (USD6) entrance to the park itself. At the entrance to Pacaya National Park you will be required to have a local guide, licensed by the park to take you to the top of the volcano. There are two separate entrances to the park, the first located in the town of El Cedro and the second in the town of San Francisco. The El Cedro route is an easier climb, around 2 hours up & 1 hour down the volcano. The San Francisco entrance is a few miles further past El Cedro. It's a bit of a steeper climb. The entire park is patrolled by local police as well as is quite safe. Locals also offer horses to bring you for around GTQ125 (USD15) which if you're not into hiking is a great alternative. These are offered to you when you begin your ascent. There are restrooms & snacks/drinks available for sale at both entrances as well. Secure parking is available for those travelling without a tour group.

Do in Guatemala
There are a lot of attractions that tourist can visit in Guatemala. For more information, visit the official website of tourism.

Hiking. In different parts of Guatemala can perform many adventure activities in island flores can make a 5-day hike to reach el mirador archeological site, or can rent kayaks on Lake Atitlan, climb the volcanoes that have Guatemala, cycling tours and others activities can be performed in any part of this country. In several cities tourists can contact community tour guide could ask for their services.

Semuc Champey, Lanquin, near Coban, Alta Verapaz. Semuc Champey is a cascade of turquoise limestone pools created by the river plunging below ground for a stretch before rushing back out through a spectacular waterfall. Definitely worth making the trip to Lanquin for as well as the beautiful lodges that have sprung up from the captivating hilly landscape.

Wildlife watching. Rio Dulce The Rio Dulce is a majestic emerald river, sandwiched between Belize & Honduras, which sweeps out to the Caribbean. The Rio Dulce area consists of two towns on either side of one of the largest bridges in Central America, Fronteras & El Relleno. Rio Dulce is a haven for Sailors and Backpackers alike, with plenty to do and to see. Finca Paraiso is a hot springs waterfall which is like having a spa day in the jungle; Castillo San Felipe de Lara is a historical fort site and an inexpensive way to spend the afternoon touring the castle and swimming in Lake Izabal. The many species of Birds & Animals (including manatees) makes Rio Dulce a great spot for birdwatchers, animal lovers & fishing fans. Definitely a Must See!

QUETZALTENANGO | ¿Qué LUGARES visitar cerca de XELA? ????????????

Quetzaltenango es la segunda ciudad más importante de Guatemala, pero también es un departamento lleno de naturaleza, ¿estas listo para conocerla?

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Top 10 Most Amazing Volcanoes in Guatemala - Travel Video 2024

Welcome to our channel where we bring you the most breathtaking natural wonders around the world! In this episode, we dive into the mesmerizing volcanoes of Guatemala, a country renowned for its stunning geological formations. Join us on this virtual expedition as we uncover the hidden beauty and learn intriguing facts about Guatemala's most incredible volcanoes.

Our journey begins with Acatenango Volcano, known for its awe-inspiring hiking trails and panoramic views that will leave you speechless. Next, we venture to Fuego Volcano, famous for its frequent eruptions that paint the night sky with mesmerizing lava displays. You'll be amazed by the power and beauty of these natural fireworks!

Moving further, we explore Pacaya Volcano, where you can witness surreal landscapes and even roast marshmallows over volcanic heat vents, an unforgettable experience. Then, we make our way to Santa Maria Volcano, an adventurer's dream with its challenging treks and stunning vistas.

Join us as we unveil more incredible volcanoes, such as Santiaguito Volcano, Tajumulco Volcano, and many others. Discover the secrets hidden within their majestic peaks and witness the harmony of fire and earth. The beauty and geological wonders of Guatemala's volcanoes are sure to leave you in awe.

If you're a nature enthusiast, adventure seeker, or simply appreciate the earth's wonders, this video is a must-watch. Subscribe to our channel for more exciting adventures in different parts of the world. Don't miss out on exploring the most amazing volcanoes in Guatemala!


00:00 Introduction
00:50 Volcan de Fuego
01:33 Volcan Pacaya
02:12 Volcan Toliman
02:51 Acatenango
03:30 Santa Maria Volcano
04:14 Volcan Tajumulco
04:54 Volcan de Agua
05:29 Volcan Atitlan
06:10 Almolonga
06:51 Volcan Tacana

#volcanoes #guatemala #naturalwonders #adventure #geologicalformations #lava #eruptions #hikingtrails

Music credit:

Extenz - Gravity (Vlog No Copyright Music):
Cinematic Background Music - Mu Hanz:
Epic Adventure Cinematic Music - Infraction:
Inspiring Cinematic Music - Michael Nik:

Disclaimer ▶ All information in this video is based on Internet data. This YouTube Channel does not claim on the truth of the information provided. Some of the pictures and footage in this video are for examples only. All credit goes to their respective owners.

Note ▶ For any copyright issues, please reach out to us first before filing a claim with YouTube. Send us a message or email detailing your concerns and we'll make sure the matter is resolved immediately.

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Vegetales gigantes de Guatemala ????????

What to do in Guatemala

If you are wondering what to do in Guatemala, hiking and trekking is one of the most popular activity, but not the only one, to do.

Quetzaltenango is located in the highlands of Guatemala, surounded by mountains and volcanoes that you can hike.
Cerro Quemado
Chicabal Lagoon and volcano
Santa Maria Volcano
Santiaguito volcano, this is an active volcano.
and much more to hike.
to see more information and book your trip.

Trip to Almolonga

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Life Builders International
P.O. Box 90654
Sioux Falls SD 57109

One of Our Favorite XELA HIKES | Stunning Guatemalan Scenery!

We've done a few XELA HIKES since our first visit to Guatemala in 2009. One of our favorite Xela hiking trails features some stunning Guatemalan scenery including two volcanoes, patchwork fields, amazing views and dramatic valleys.

We've spent years hiking near Xela and we never get tired of this route! Quetzaltenango (Xela) is beautifully situated and we're happy to share this amazing Guatemala scenery!

Watch all of our Guatemala videos:

#cantónchicuá #quetzaltenango #guatemala #guatemalatravel

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Simply put, house sitting supplements our travels. Learn more about house sitting here:

Want to join TrustedHousesitters? Get a 25% discount on your membership with code RAF101778

ETSY Hair Bands: ????
Like the hair bands (head bands) I'm wearing in the videos? Find them on Etsy!

We receive a nominal commission for purchases, at no extra cost to you.

We travel on a strict budget of $15 each per day. How long have we been travelling and where have we been? Visit our website (below) for articles on quirky road trips, inexpensive street foods, hot springs, long-term travel tips, Baja beach camping, our van life experiences and much more.


Guatemala Part 1

Trip to Guatemala - Watch this first.

Video is 10 minutes long.


The famous hot springs at Fuentes Georginas near Xela are a popular day trip for many visitors in Guatemala. However, we prefer a more... au natural experience than rules at Fuentes Georginas would permit, so we head directly to the area known as Los Baños in Almolonga for a private soak and a tin of beer.

We take you on a steamy tour of some private baths and tell you the protocol for properly soaking in all of the geothermally heated water you can handle. We'll share with you some of our favorite local bathhouses and why we love them. This video is squeaky-clean...we promise!

Watch all of our Guatemala videos:

0:00 - Intro.
1:06 - Bathing Protocol
6:01 - Our Favourites
10:00 - History & Nature
11:41 - Fuentes Georginas
12:17 - Abandoned Bathhouse in the City
12:53 - Why We Love Los Baños
14:14 - Hot Springs and a Hike

#quetzaltenango #guatemala #guatemalatravel

Our Gear: ????????

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Get 2 years of TorGuard VPN for $60 - use code Drifters at checkout!

House Sitting Through TrustedHousesitters: ????????
Simply put, house sitting supplements our travels. Learn more about house sitting here:

Want to join TrustedHousesitters? Get a 25% discount on your membership with code RAF101778

ETSY Hair Bands: ????
Like the hair bands (head bands) I'm wearing in the videos? Find them on Etsy!

We receive a nominal commission for purchases, at no extra cost to you.

We travel on a strict budget of $15 each per day. How long have we been travelling and where have we been? Visit our website (below) for articles on quirky road trips, inexpensive street foods, hot springs, long-term travel tips, Baja beach camping, our van life experiences and much more.


Real Estate in Guatemala | New Beginnings

Interested in buying real estate in Guatemala? Looking for a change? Look no further!

We can help you with the process of buying land here in beautiful Guatemala. Send an email to for more details.

10% of all real estate sales go to helping to local community we are in the process of building a local clinic for the village, as well as a playground, internet and facilities for the local school.

With your help and investment, we can make a true difference.

The Utopia Experience

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#Invest in Guatemala #Land in semuc champey #Off grid Real estate #Remote Real estate in guatemala #Remote land for sale #Semuc champey #guatemala city #guatemala travel #off grid living #real estate investing #semuc champey guatemala #Remreal estate in guatemala 2020
#Alternative lifestyle #live free



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