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10 Best place to visit in Alagir Russia


North Ossetia mountains. Sadon. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Sadon. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 Start of the tour
0:24 Sadon. Translation from ossetian
1:10 History of Sadon
2:26 Natural disaster
2:50 The ghost village of Sadon
3:40 Remaining residents
4:10 Walk around Sadon
5:20 Sadon mine
6:43 Song Miners of Sadon
7:30 Dialogue with Alan
7:45 Beauty all around
8:18 The ghost village of Sadon
8:35 Let's go further!

Sadon means Black Water in the Ossetian language and is located in the Alagir Gorge at an altitude of one thousand two hundred meters above sea level. From the capital of the republic, the city of Vladikavkaz, it's about 70 kilometers.

Sadon, an unusual settlement for Ossetia with European architecture, was built in the Alagir Gorge thanks to the Belgian Industrial and Chemical Company.

In 1886 enterprising Europeans leased the rich Sadon deposits for 60 years.

The Belgians built not only a mining and processing factory in Sadon, but also houses for the workers, a school and a hospital.

After the October Revolution, the company was nationalized. I don't think anyone was interested in the opinion of the Belgians in this matter. The plant developed rapidly. Specialists from all over the Soviet Union came here. Thus, the population of Sadon village gradually grew to 3,000 people.
The village lived in prosperity... people had work, children went to school, kindergarten... The polyclinic, the house of culture and the cinema were in full swing... In the stores, thanks to the Moscow deliveries, the shelves were bulging with delicacies (‘delica’si:s). It was a true socialist paradise!

In 2002, from July 20 to 21, at 3 a.m., as a result of a heavy downpour, the Sadonka River burst its banks and flooded the village.

The water level in Sadonka rose to a height of 7 meters! Along with the water, a stone-mud stream, a mudslide, also broke into Sadon. The impact of the elements was so great that both the plant and the village were almost completely destroyed. And along with the plant and the village, the happy, carefree lives of three thousand people living in Sadon at that time were also destroyed. The state considered the restoration of the settlement inexpedient (ˌinikˈspēdēənt). The victims received a small financial compensation and were placed in different settlements in North Ossetia.

Now the village resembles the setting for a post-apocalyptic movie. The houses are destroyed, the mines are flooded.

But despite the global destruction and the fact that legally a settlement like Sadon simply doesn't exist, people still live in the village. Twelve families brave the devastation and just ... live. live not because they've nowhere to go, but because they love this harsh, but at the same time beautiful land with all their hearts.

Me: Don't come near the houses or something might fall down!
Alan: There were production facilities here, as you can see from the large arched windows that let in as much daylight as possible...
Me: We're walking down Lenin Street... People who pasted wallpaper used to live here...

From the village there's a path you can follow to an abandoned mine.

The rich ore deposits (dəˈpäzət) in Sadon were discovered in the 18th century. According to Wikipedia, the famous geologist Carteron and mining engineer Reineck conducted an extensive study of the deposit. They highly estimated the possibility of exploiting the deposit. In 1843 it gained state importance and its industrial exploitation began.

Looking down from the top of the old building of the Sadon mining and processing plant, you involuntarily feel the raw beauty and stony harmony of the mountain world around you. Rocks and tunnels... from which, it seems, you can still hear the beating of the pickaxes on the stone...


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -


North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 Intro
0:42 Tsey Gorge
1:00 Zaramag Hydroelectric Power Plant
2:05 Construction team song
3:00 Mamison Gorge. Tunnel
4:05 Sanatorium TIB
5:07 Year-round ski resort Mamison
6:15 Alan is grilling meat
6:40 TIB mineral water
7:20 Picnik in Mamison gorge
8:05 Ancient Ossetian village, Lisri
9:30 Sanctuary of Migdau Dzuar
10:10 Heading back to the Hotel

And here we are again on the road ... The last point of the excursion route is Mamison gorge. The hydroelectric power plant Zaramag, a mineral water in Tib and the village of Lisri.

And we have just left the incredibly beautiful Tsey gorge, where the Skazsky glacier is imposing in the realm of rocks, snow and rhododendrons ... You can find the link to the Tsey video in the description.

Zaramag Hydroelectric Power Plant is the largest power plant in North Ossetia and the third largest in the North Caucasus ...

And for me the Zaramag Hydroelectric Power Plant has also a special personal meaning ... As a student of the North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy in 1985, I was directly involved in its construction as part of a construction team. And today I am very proud of it! After all, they built such power and beauty!

Yes, the times of our reckless student youth have long been forgotten, but the photos remain ... the song remains, the lyrics of which I wrote right there - during the construction of the Zaramag hydroelectric power plant

If you want to listen to the whole song, you can find the link in the description.


And now we are driving along the Mamison Gorge, where we pass the tunnel that until recently served as the water intake tunnel of the Zaramagskaya hydroelectric power plant. As you can see, this building is in dire need of renovation! The road is in terrible condition and the old concrete vaults can no longer hold back the groundwater.

But there is also good news! Reconstruction is currently in full swing. The tunnel is being reinforced with a ring of strong rebar. The new vaulted ceiling will be made of modern, reliable materials that do not shy away from water and time. The roadway is also being widened and a modern drainage system is being installed. Soon what you see on the screen now will be just a bad dream!

While the tunnel is being repaired, you will be able to reach the Mamison Gorge by pontoon ferry, which will be placed directly through the water reservoir of the Zaramagskaya hydroelectric power plant.


Before heading back, we strolled with great interest through the picturesque ruins of an ancient Ossetian village, Lisri.

Lisri is one of the oldest settlements in North Ossetia. The first buildings of the village were probably built in the fifteenth century.

Originally there were 14 battle towers in the village. Only seven have been handed down to us. And, of course, both the towers and the houses are in great need of restoration.

All the buildings were built of rough stone and without binding mortar. A good master built the walls stone by stone, carefully selecting each stone so that the masonry was perfectly uniform and strong.

The buildings are very close together, which is why Lisri is also called the Labyrinth City.

On the outskirts of the village stands an almost completely destroyed Orthodox church, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, built in 1897.

But the oldest and most mysterious building in Lisri is the sanctuary of Migdau Dzuar. It's the only ziggurat in the North Caucasus - a step-shaped ritual structure. Similar temples are discovered by archeologists during excavations in ancient Mesopotamia. It's completely incomprehensible how and for what purpose it was built in North Ossetia.


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -


Владикавказ. Прогулка по городу и немного истории

Владикавказ – Готовые туры

Представляем Вашему вниманию нашу поездку в красивый город Владикавказ

Увы, нам не удалось заснять зажигательных местных танцев, поэтому пришлось позаимствовать вот от сюда:
Осетинские старики зажигают)) Танцы Зилга кафт и Хонга (архив) -
Alan_ Ailarty_1986 -

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Путешествие во Владикавказ: достопримечательности за 1 день


00:00 – Владикавказ, мы идем к тебе
00:15 – мини-отель «Царское» (Владикавказ)
01:38 – Владикавказ – проспект Мира вечером
01:46 – ресторан-чайхона Lookoom
02:02 – пробуем осетинское пиво
02:45 – пробуем осетинские пироги
03:25 – река Терек вечером
04:05 – Mini-hotel Tsarskoe – отзывы и завтрак
04:30 – улица Титова во Владикавказе
05:06 – здание Северо-Осетинской филармонии (бывшая лютеранская кирха)
05:58 – памятник Пушкину во Владикавказе
06:24 – проспект Мира во Владикавказе
08:14 – центральный парк культуры и отдыха имени К.Л. Хетагурова
09:34 – колесо обозрения во Владикавказе
10:36 – река Терек
11:04 – мечеть Мухтарова во Владикавказе
12:07 – набережная Терека во Владикавказе
13:02 – памятник генералу Плиеву во Владикавказе
13:27 – вид на горы во Владикавказе
13:45 – место основания Владикавказа
14:24 – армянская церковь во Владикавказе
15:23 – ресторан Lookoom (Владикавказ)

Столица республики Северная Осетия, Владикавказ, достопримечательности которого очень разнообразны, ждет вас в рамках этого видео из нашего путешествия по России. Владикавказ сегодня – это не просто административный центр республики Северная Осетия – Алания, которую населяют в основном осетины, но и отличный вариант ответа на вопросы, куда поехать в России и с чего начать путешествие по Осетии. Первый вопрос, которым мы задались в наше путешествие во Владикавказ: что посмотреть в этом городе? Вариантов ответа тут великое множество, и есть все основания полагать, что Владикавказ 2022 даст их больше, чем дал нам Владикавказ 2021. Второй вопрос, которым мы задались, приехав во Владикавказ: где поесть осетинские пироги? И в этом видео мы дадим на него ответ. Напоследок скажем, что если бы мы не заехали во Владикавказ, путешествие по России, наверное, было бы не таким насыщенным.

#кавказ #севернаяосетия #осетия #владикавказ

Владикавказ. СТОИТ СЮДА ЕХАТЬ? Северная Осетия. Люди цены.

Подписывайтесь на мой второй канал на YouTube Правда о жизни в Крыму:

Владикавказ это столица Северной Осетии. Алания это красивый край где живут гордые но добродушные люди . В этом видео мы вам покажем Владикавказ своими глазами. Вы вместе с нами прогуляетесь по улицам столицы Алании, увидите красивые места, памятники , скверы, различные достопримечательности. Узнаете где можно поесть национальную кухню и цены, ещё мы вам покажем отель в котором остановились и расскажем цену на жильё.

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Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound! ссылка:

Рекомендованные видео от нашего канала:
1. Плейлист На машине на Кавказ.
2. Видео УЕЗЖАЕМ из Крыма. Почему? Цены на топливо, дорога, впечатления.Наше путешествие. Часть 1.
3. Видео Пятигорск. ЭТО ШОК. Такое вы не видели. Большая экскурсия.
4. Видео КАВКАЗ РАЗОЧАРОВАЛ! Медовые водопады.
5. Видео КАВКАЗ ПОРАЖАЕТ! Чегемское ущелье. ВОДОПАДЫ. ЦЕНЫ ШОК!
6. Видео Роза пик. Я в ШОКЕ от увиденного. Путь к вершинам. Горы и цены.
7. Видео Абхазия. ГАГРА. Рынок, цены, колорит, жильё.Часть 1.
8. Видео Эльбрус. Подъём на гору. РОССИЯ на ладони. Цены. Горы завораживают.
9. Видео Акармара -город призрак. Абхазия.

Информация о канале: На нашем канале мы с Ириной Вам расскажем об отдыхе и путешествиях по России и Крыму.Расскажем Вам об отелях ,пляжах,базах отдыха и кемпингах.А так же расскажем о том какие проблемы существуют на наших курортах и в наших городах. В своих видео мы покажем вам не только как отдыхать на курортах Крыма ,а также достопримечательности Крыма и красоту горной и степной части полуострова. Смотрите видео ,оставайтесь с нами и подписывайтесь на канал.
Почта для коммерческих предложений :

Осетины | 6 Выпуск

Кавказ очень богат на разные национальности и народы, и сегодня мы подробно остановимся на осетинах ????

И познакомимся с самыми интересными представителями осетинской культуры, которые расскажут вам о своем народе! В конце выпуска вас ждет любимая рубрика стереотипы, в которой мы подтвердим или опровергнем самые популярные стереотипы об осетинах ????

Скорее включайте видео и пишите в комментариях - таким ли вы представляли себе этот народ?????????

Владикавказ - ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ РЫНОК Цены на еду и одежду

Владикавказ - ЦЕНТРАЛЬНЫЙ РЫНОК Цены на продукты и вещи. Цены на рынке. Цены на еду. Цены на одежду. Владикавказ цены. Северная Осетия Алания. Кавказ. Сколько стоит одежда. Сколько стоят вещи. Сколько стоят продукты. Рынок Глобус. Русские во Владикавказе. Русские на Кавказе.Отзыв. Обзор рынка Владикавказ.

Гора Лысая (1038м.), Северная Осетия, Владикавказ.

Дорога от Реданта, после поста ГИБДД, мимо дендрария, поворот налево на Попов Хутор, далее после крутого поворота направо съезд вправо на грунтовую дорогу, которая и выведет вас на смотровую площадку с видом на Владикавказ.

North Ossetia mountains. Alagir Gorge. Uastyrdzy. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Alagir Gorge. Uastyrdzy. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 Start of the tour
1:00 Who is Uastyrdzy
2:05 Sculpture of Uastyrdzhy
2:35 Sculptor Nikolai Khodov
2:45 Holy place
3:07 Ossetian feast
4:10 Let's go further! To Sadon settlement
4:22 About Sadon settlement

And so begins our second tour through the mountains of North Ossetia. The first one was already very interesting and full of impressions! You can find the links to the corresponding videos in the description. This time, accompanied by our guide Alan, we want to visit the most interesting places of Alagir and Tsey gorges. The first place is here, in Alagir Gorge, at the beginning of Transcaucasian Highway, the road connecting Georgia and Russia. Here in 1995 the monument to Uastyrji was erected, flying out of the rock on a horse.

Uastirdzhy is one of the most important dzuars, that is celestial figures, in the traditional religion of the Ossetians and one of the heroes of the Nart epic. The name Uastirdzhi comes from Wac Gergi Saint George.

Saint George is a mediator between God and people and is depicted in folk epics as an old man in a white coat on a white three-legged horse, but sometimes appears among people in the form of an old beggar.

Numerous shrines are dedicated to Uastirdzhi in Ossetia, and a holiday, Dzheorguba, is celebrated annually in the second half of November in honor of the heavenly being.

Saint George is the patron saint of men, travelers and warriors. For women even the name Uastirdzhi is forbidden, they can call him only allegorically Lagty Dzuar, which literally means patron saint of men in Ossetian.

The size of the sculpture is very impressive! For example, the hoof of a horse is more than a meter, the height of his head is six meters, and a person can easily fit into the hand of the rider.

The monument is made of metal and weighs 28 tons. It is the largest sculpture of a rider on a horse in the world!

The monument is placed on a rock at a height of 22 meters. This exceeds the height of a seven-story building.

The author of this unique art object is the famous Ossetian sculptor Nikolai Khodov.

The place where the sculpture of Uastirdzhi on a horse is placed is also a sacred place. Under the rock from which the divine horseman flies out, there is a special platform where you can leave an offering, usually coins, and ask St. George to intercede. This is a long tradition... everyone who goes to the mountains by car asks for a safe and easy way, for protection from falling rocks on the mountain roads.

The eldest sits in the middle, the second eldest sits on his right hand, and the third eldest sits on his left hand. The toast can only be pronounced by the elder. And You can drink only after the elder.

The first toast is, of course, thanks to God that everyone is alive and well.

The second toast, since only men were sitting at the table, always thanks to Uastirdzhi. After all, they got to this table, which means Uastirdzhi helped ... showed the way ... And only the third toast will be for the birthday man, for the newlyweds ... only the third toast will be on the occasion, because of which they gathered

After also asking Uastirdzhi for intercession and a safe road, we headed to the next destination of our trip, the mining ghost village of Sadon.

Once upon a time, Sadon flourished ... it was one of those places called a socialist paradise, where people lived beautifully and happily ... and even after our country turned to capitalist tracks, it did not lose its attraction ... but, as it always happens, one summer night in 2002 an unexpected event happened that radically changed the fate of the inhabitants of the mining village... but that's what our next video is about …


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -


रूसी पहाड़ों की यात्रा/Journey to Russian Mountains/ Best Hilly places in Russia/Beautiful Caucasus

The Caucasus Mountains[a] is a mountain range at the intersection of Europe and Asia. Stretching between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, it is surrounded by the Caucasus region and is home to Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe at 5,642 metres (18,510 ft) above sea level.

The Caucasus Mountains include the Greater Caucasus in the north and Lesser Caucasus in the south. The Greater Caucasus runs west-northwest to east-southeast, from the Caucasian Natural Reserve in the vicinity of Sochi, Russia on the northeastern shore of the Black Sea nearly to Baku, Azerbaijan on the Caspian Sea. The Lesser Caucasus runs parallel to the Greater about 100 km (62 mi) south.[1] The Greater and Lesser Caucasus ranges are connected by the Likhi Range, and to the west and east of the Likhi Range lie the Colchis Plain and the Kur-Araz Lowland. The Meskheti Range is a part of the Lesser Caucasus system. In the southeast the Aras River separates the Lesser Caucasus from the Talysh Mountains which straddle the border of southeastern Azerbaijan and Iran. The Lesser Caucasus and the Armenian Highland constitute the Transcaucasian Highland, which at their western end converge with the highland plateau of Eastern Anatolia in the far north east of Turkey. Mountains near Sochi hosted part of the 2014 Winter Olympics.
The climate of the Caucasus varies both vertically (according to elevation) and horizontally (by latitude and location). Temperature generally decreases as elevation rises. Average annual temperature in Sukhumi, Abkhazia at sea level is 15 °C (59 °F) while on the slopes of Mt.Kazbek at an elevation of 3,700 metres (12,100 ft), average annual temperature falls to −6.1 °C (21.0 °F). The northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus Mountain Range are 3 °C (5.4 °F) colder than the southern slopes. The highlands of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains in Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are marked by sharp temperature contrasts between the summer and winter months due to a more continental climate.

Another video for Vladikavkaz. Below is the link

North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 Galiat view
0:15 Digora Machu Picchu
0:35 Village of Galiat
1:34 Galiat in the Middle Ages
2:03 The Great Chinese Silk Road
2:45 Multi-storey building
3:23 Galiat nowadays
4:45 Locals
5:20 Bagira and George
6:15 Coming back to hotel

If the remains of the Belgian mining and processing factory in the village of Fasnal are the Digorsky Colosseum, you will find a link to the corresponding video in the description, then the high mountain village of Galiat is the Digora Machu Picchu ...

Galiat village is the largest and at the same time perfectly preserved archeological complex in the mountains of North Ossetia. Probably, it is the highest mountain complex of this scale in the world! It is located in the Digora Gorge on the bank of the Komidon River, 115 kilometers from the capital of the republic, Vladikavkaz.

When exactly the village of Galiat was founded is difficult to say ... But judging by the results of the study of archeological findings from the numerous graves around the settlement, it can be assumed that people lived on the site of the village as early as the Bronze Age, about three thousand years before Christ!

In the Middle Ages, Galiat flourished ... it was a large and rich settlement, which could well be called a town. About three hundred and fifty households, were more than five thousand people lived. Indeed, the village was located directly on the Great Chinese Silk Road, and as a result, trade and various crafts flourished here.

Archeologists claim that Galiat had a sewage system and water supply system even back then.

To this day, walking through the ancient settlement, you can see the remains of unique multi-storey buildings and defense towers, built of almost untreated stones. It looks simply epic!

The first floor is a barn where livestock was kept and grain was stored, people lived on the second and third floors, and the top floor was used for military purposes.

Ethnographers believe that the name of the village comes from the name of one of its founders, a native of Alagir Gorge, Galayon Gavis.

Although Galiat looks more like an open-air architectural museum, people still live here.

At the moment, of the permanent residents, there are three farms, and a few more families come for the summer.

There is electricity, television, cell phone connection and internet. There is cleanest and tastiest, but really cold water from local sources… but here the list of advantages of civilization ends.

No pharmacy, no first aid station, no store... The nearest first aid station and grocery store are in Matsuta village.

People live from agriculture and cattle breeding. They raise cows, horses, poultry... they grow the most ecological potatoes in the world...

On the street we met a big dog …

As it turned out later, Bagheera alabai is the faithful companion of one of the local residents, George ..., or Zhorik, as the villagers call him.

It is said that in a previous, simple life, George was diagnosed with an incurable, fatal disease ... the doctors predicted his imminent death ... But instead of waiting at home for inevitable death, George decided to leave the city and move to his ancestral home in Digora Canyon. And since then, he has lived in Galiat for more than ten years ... he is alive and well. George's family - Alabai Bagheera and the horse Dur Dur. He walks barefoot both in summer and winter, prepares firewood for winter, grows potatoes ... And he has already forgotten his illness ... he has not caught a single cold in all this time!


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -

Story about George:
Photo of George: by Anna Kabisova


North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 Intro
0:10 A cave
0:21 Sadon
0:55 Buron
2:23 Horn of Plenty
2:55 Afshati
4:00 Stalin
5:25 Tsey Gorge
6:00 Rekom
7:30 Cableway
8:00 Tsey
9:47 Skiing
10:19 Skazskiy Glacier
12:03 I am going to Tsey Song
13:50 Back from Skazskiy glacier
15:10 we go further

From the world of food, TV and 5G.
Rocking and shaking on the chair.
We suddenly found ourselves in a world of ice and peaks
On the glacier, with the magical name Skazsky

And now we're heading to an amazing place, one of the most famous gorges in mountainous Ossetia, Tsey Gorge.

Tsei Gorge begins just behind the village of Buron, located on the Transcaucasian Highway on the right bank of the Ardon River, about 80 kilometers southwest of Vladikavkaz.

At the entrance to the high mountain village of Tsey, you'll certainly notice a huge granite boulder, about four meters high, standing right on the edge of the road. , but the fact that on it, on the side facing the beginning of Tsey Gorge, there's a portrait of Joseph Stalin. And on the back of the boulder there's a portrait of the great Ossetian poet and educator Kosta Khetagurov.
I don't know how true it's, but it's said that when Khrushchev came to power, he ordered to throw this boulder into the abyss. But the very next day the villagers, unhappy with Stalin's fall, returned the huge boulder to its place. And even then, it's said, they guarded the stone image for a while with weapons in their hands so that such a thing wouldn't happen again.
And here it must be made clear that this veneration of the Ossetians for Joseph Stalin isn't based on an empty square ... There are good reasons to believe, even if historians still argue on this point, that Stalin himself, through his father, was an Ossetian.

Alagir Gorge, which includes Tseyskoye Gorge, is located not only in the center of North Ossetia, but of the entire North Caucasus. This is the only gorge that the Ossetians and their ancestors, the Alans, never left. No matter what happened, no matter what bloody battles the Ossetians participated in, in Alagir Gorge the warlike people survived and were reborn.

In Tsey Gorge there's the oldest Ossetian sanctuary - Rekom, which serves as the main place of worship for the most powerful sky god of the Ossetian pantheon, Dzuar Uastirdzhi.

The name Rekom is originally Ossetian and dates back to ancient times. There are various interpretations, but given the special role of the falcon bird in Ossetian mythology, it can be assumed that Rekom is a cut off from the Ossetian Uarikom which means falcon canyon.
The building itself is a log house built without nails from thick pine logs.

According to the legend, the Recom is God's creation... men weren't involved in any way in the construction of the sanctuary. It was created on the spot where one of God's tears was shed over the fallen nart Batraz.

Rekom is revered as one of the oldest and most important shrines of Ossetia ... On one of the bells of the sanctuary there's preserved an inscription which says: The prayer book of Digoria and Dvaletia, the sanctuary of the whole country of Ossetia.

And here's another visiting card of Tsey - the mount Monk. The mount got its name because of the striking resemblance to the hood - the headdress of monks.

Winter in Tsey Gorge is mild - the air temperature rarely drops below minus ten degrees Celsius, which makes skiing here very pleasant.

Tsey has long been a popular place for ski lovers. Since the 60s of the last century, people have been coming to the gorge in large numbers to ski. The ski season starts in December and ends in April. The altitude difference in the ski resort is 920 meters.


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -


North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD.

North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD.

0:00 Domodedovo airport
0:45 Preparing for the trip
1:10 On the airplane Moscow - Vladikavkaz
1:30 Vladikavkaz
1:56 Travel agency Tourism Ossetia
2:30 First excursion: Karmadon, Dargavs, Midagrabin
4:10 Karmadon Gorge
4:50 Sergei Bodrov. Tragedy in the Karmadon Gorge
8:40 Oh my God, what a beauty!
9:25 Let's go further. Zoroastrianism.
10:30 The village of Karmadon

In preparation for the trip, I searched the Internet for a local travel agency with which we could travel through the mountains of North Ossetia with quality, comfort and preferably not very expensive.

Our choice finally fell on the travel agency Tourism Ossetia. You can find a link to the company's website in the description.

I contacted the guys from Tourism Ossetia via Whatsapp. As a result, three excursions were planned. And tomorrow the first one, called The Ring, was to start at eight in the morning. We were going to visit three remarkable places in the mountains: KARMADON, DARGAVS, and MIDAGRABIN.

The Karmadon Gorge, or, another name, the Genaldon Gorge, is located at an altitude of 750 to 1200 meters above sea level. Genaldon - translated from Ossetian means a river in a hemp gorge. However, we have not checked whether this name corresponds to reality.

In the fall of 2002, the famous Russian director and actor Sergei Bodrov came to Vladikavkaz with his film crew to shoot just one scene of his movie The Courier. On September 18, the film crew arrived in Vladikavkaz. On September 20, the group was supposed to go to the Karmadon Gorge to shoot the scene.

That day, the filmmakers waited a long time for transportation to take them to the mountains, and the start of work had to be postponed from nine in the morning to one in the afternoon. This delay cost the lives of everyone who was on the set that day.

Shooting continued until seven in the evening, when work had to stop due to the lack of daylight. The group gathered the equipment and prepared to return to the city. And at this time, at 8 p.m., a block of the hanging glacier with a volume of about 8 million cubic meters fell from the eastern spur of the mountain Dzhimarai Khokh from a height of 4350 meters and fell on the rear part of the Kolka glacier. This resulted in a fatal ice collapse and a mudslide.

The total volume of the moving ice-rock mass reached 130 million cubic meters, its width was about 200 meters and its length more than 11 kilometers.

The main part of the flow ended at the crevice of the Karmadon Gate. But at least 10 million cubic meters flowed through the gate.

The mudslide swept down the river valley at a speed of 150 - 200 km/h, crushing everything in its path. Escape was absolutely impossible!

The mudslide completely covered the Karmadon Gorge, where Sergey Bodrov and his film crew were, in just 20 minutes.

125 people became victims of the disaster.

Within hours after the tragedy became known, almost all the residents of the surrounding villages arrived to help. After a three-month rescue operation, only nineteen bodies were found. For the next two years, volunteers worked every day at the crash site. Right on the glacier, they set up a camp called Hope. Hoping that someone could survive by hiding in the tunnel.

Oh my god, what a beauty!
What power, harmony and strength
Clear air, clean rivers
Ossetia has given us so generously...
Mountain gorges of the highest beauty
Crystal waters of gushing rapids
Alpine meadows of tender grass
Stones and ice of austere temples

Alan: Scientists say that the Ossetians have a belief that is considered proto-religion. This is the first belief on planet Earth in one God. This belief was practiced by the Sumerians ... it is called Zoroastrianism.


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -


North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 - Digora gorge
1:00 - Chikola
1:20 - Some facts
2:17 - Akhsinta gorge. Devil's bridge
3:35 - Monument to Uastyrdzhi
4:53 - Digora's beauty
6:12 - Matsuta village
7:25 - Nart epic
8:55 - Nart Soslan's tomb
9:30 - Go further...

This is our last tour through the mountains of North Ossetia. In conclusion, we are going to the most far location of North Ossetia, but probably the most beautiful one… Digora gorge.

Digora gorge is located in the Urukh river basin, 120 kilometers from Vladikavkaz.

It should be noted that Ossetians are generally divided into three sub-ethnic groups: the Digors, the Irons and the Kudars. So, Digora gorge is the main place of residence - Ossetian-Digors.

After almost two hours of driving we reached the settlement of Chicola, one of the four largest villages of Digoria, and the administrative center of the district. The other three are Digora, Dur-Dur and Lesken.

The Akhsinta gorge is the deepest gorge in North Ossetia

In Ossetia there are two monuments to Dzuar Uastyrdzhi - the most influential celestial body of the Ossetian pantheon. I have already remembered one of them, standing at the very beginning of Alagir Gorge, the link to the video is in the description, the second monument, also on a horseback, though smaller, but definitely not less significant, can be found here, in Digora Gorge, just four kilometers from the Devil’s bridge over Akhsinta Gorge, which we have just visited.

The monument is made of bronze and was erected in 2015 on the highest rock above the Urukh River.
The weight of the monument is 13 tons, the height is six meters. The author of the sculptural composition is a well-known Ossetian sculptor, Sosyev Vladimir Borisovich.

So, Digora gorge is the northern part of the main Caucasus mountain range, Iraf district, Urukh river basin. By the way, the Urukh is the largest river in Digoria... Its length is 104 kilometers. Translated from Ossetian language Urukh meaning Wide.

Since the Digora Gorge is the farthest from the republic capital Vladikavkaz - 120 kilometers - the way here is a bit more backbreaking than, for example, to the Tsey Gorge, but it's definitely worth it! Amazing beautiful views, many impressive monuments of Ossetian history - high settlements, towers, crypts...

Interestingly, as a native of Vladikavkaz who lived in Ossetia until the age of 27, I never bothered to visit Digora Gorge. Precisely because it is so far from the capital of the republic. It was the first, very bright and impressive acquaintance with the amazing corner of North Ossetia - Digora Gorge.

MATSUTA village

In Matsuta village we went to the last store on our way ... further there will be no such opportunities to buy cookies and ice cream ...

The name of the village Matsuta in the Ossetian language means Go no further According to one version, this name is due to the fact that in the 18th century there was a plague epidemic, as a result of which the population of Ossetia decreased sharply.
Here there was a quarantine post, beyond which it was strictly forbidden to go ...
Here you can admire another interesting art object, The arrows of the Nart Soslan, based on one of the episodes of the Nart epic ...

By the way, in the village of Matsuta there is an old tomb where, according to legend, the famous Nart Soslan was buried. Of course, one can be skeptical about this fact, but in 1880 Professor Vsevolod Miller, a world-famous archeologist, actually found in this tomb the remains of the skeleton of a huge man ... Makes you think, doesn't it?

Immediately behind the crypt of Soslan a monument to the Ossetian warriors who died in World War II was erected.


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -





Алагир – город в Республике Северной Осетии – Алании, административный центр Алагирского муниципального района. Расположен у подножья Скалистого хребта, на границе Осетинской наклонной равнины и горной территории республики, на р. Ардон при ее выходе из Алагирского ущелья Большого Кавказа, в 40 км к западу от республиканского центра – города Владикавказа.

Численность населения – 20 043 человека (2018 г.).

Город Алагир является административным центром муниципального образования «Городское поселение Алагирское»


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Top 20 most visited art museum in the world. Famous museums you must visit before you die!

Famous museums around the world that you must visit once in your life ! Here are the 20 most visited art museums in the world:

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam  Netherlands,
Somerset House London  United Kingdom,
Museo del Prado Madrid  Spain,
The National Art Center Tokyo  Japan,
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Rio de Janeiro  Brazil,
National Portrait Gallery London  United Kingdom,
Shanghai Museum Shanghai  China,
National Gallery of Victoria Melbourne  Australia,
Galleria degli Uffizi Florence  Italy,
MuCEM Marseille  France,
National Museum of Scotland Edinburgh  United Kingdom,
Moscow Kremlin Moscow  Russia,
J. Paul Getty Museum Los Angeles  United States,
FAMSF San Francisco  United States,
Art Institute of Chicago Chicago  United States,
Saatchi Gallery London  United Kingdom,
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil Brasilia  Brazil,
National Galleries of Scotland Edinburgh  United Kingdom,
Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam  Netherlands,
Grand Palais Paris  France,
Tokyo National Museum Tokyo  Japan,
Tate Britain London  United Kingdom,
Tretyakov Gallery Moscow  Russia,
Dalí Theatre and Museum Figueres  Spain,
Musée du quai Branly Paris  France,
Doge's Palace Venice  Italy,
Gyeongju National Museum Gyeongju  South Korea,
Australian Centre for the Moving Image Melbourne  Australia,
Pergamon Museum Berlin  Germany,
Galleria dell'Accademia Florence  Italy,
Queensland Art Gallery/GoMA Brisbane  Australia,
Mori Art Museum Tokyo  Japan,
LACMA Los Angeles  United States,
SAAM/Renwick Gallery Washington, D.C.  United States,
Guggenheim Museum New York City  United States,
Institut Valencià d'Art Modern Valencia  Spain,
Art Gallery of New South Wales Sydney  Australia,
National Museum of Western Art Tokyo  Japan,
Museum of Fine Arts Boston  United States,
Museo Soumaya Mexico City  Mexico,
Acropolis Museum Athens  Greece,
National Portrait Gallery Washington, D.C.  United States,
National Art Museum of China Beijing  China,
Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum Glasgow  United Kingdom,
Royal Academy of Arts London  United Kingdom,
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts Montreal  Canada,
Museum of Liverpool Liverpool  United Kingdom,
Israel Museum Jerusalem  Israel,
Belvedere Vienna  Austria,
Royal Ontario Museum Toronto  Canada,
Serpentine Galleries London  United Kingdom,
Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum Madrid  Spain,
Neues Museum Berlin  Germany,
Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil São Paulo  Brazil,
Guggenheim Museum Bilbao  Spain,
Museu Picasso Barcelona  Spain,
Musée de l'Orangerie Paris  France,
MCA Australia Sydney  Australia,
CaixaForum Barcelona Barcelona  Spain,
Art Gallery of Ontario Toronto  Canada,
Museum of Fine Arts Houston  United States,
Melbourne Museum Melbourne  Australia,
Merseyside Maritime Museum Liverpool  United Kingdom,
Louvre-Lens Lens  France,
Exposition event gallery of Royal palace of Milan Milan  Italy,
CaixaForum Madrid Madrid  Spain,
Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna  Austria,
National Gallery of Australia Canberra  Australia,
Ashmolean Museum Oxford  United Kingdom,
Palais de Tokyo Paris  France,
World Museum Liverpool Liverpool  United Kingdom,
Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris Paris  France,
Ullens Center for Contemporary Art Beijing  China,
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Amsterdam  Netherlands,
Seattle Art Museum Seattle  United States,
Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium Brussels  Belgium,
Huntington Library San Marino  United States,
Art Gallery of South Australia Adelaide  Australia,
National Portrait Gallery Canberra  Australia,
Hirshhorn Museum Washington, D.C.  United States,
MACBA Barcelona  Spain,
National Gallery of Ireland Dublin  Ireland,
Philadelphia Museum of Art Philadelphia  United States,
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya Barcelona  Spain,
Tel Aviv Museum of Art Tel Aviv  Israel,

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ВК -

Ардон - небольшой город в Северной Осетии, расположенный Осетинской наклонной равнине, в 39 километрах от республиканского центра Владикавказа. Площадь населенного пункта составляет 20,7 квадратных километров.

Ahmad Kadyrav Masjid-Chechnya/مسجد احمد قديروف/Мечеть Ахмата Кадырова/अखमत कादिरोव मस्जिद

The Akhmad Kadyrov Mosque (Russian: Мечеть Ахмата Кадырова, is located in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya. The masjid is one of the largest in Russia and is officially known as The Heart of Chechnya
The masjid is named after Akhmad Kadyrov, the first president of the Republic of Chechnya and father to the current president of the Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov. The construction of the mosque was commissioned by the mayor of the Turkish city of Konya. The masjid's design includes a set of 62-metre (203 ft)-tall minarets which are based upon those of the early seventeenth century Sultan Ahmed Mosque (known also as the Blue Mosque) in Istanbul.

On October 16, 2008, the mosque was officially opened in a ceremony in which Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov appeared and conversed with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

The mosque is located on the picturesque banks of the Sunzha River in the middle of a huge park (14 hectares) and is part of an Islamic architectural complex, which in addition to the mosque, consists of the Russian Islamic University, the Kunta-Haji, and the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of the Republic of Chechnya.

The mosque design is executed in the classic Ottoman style, as exemplified in the architecture of Istanbul. The central hall of the mosque is covered with a huge dome (diameter - 16 meters, height - 32 m). The height of the four minarets is 62 meters, making them among the tallest in southern Russia. The exterior and interior walls of the mosque are built of marble and travertine, while the interior is decorated in white marble.

The area of the mosque is 5000 square metres and which allows a capacity of more than 10000 people. The same number of the faithful can pray in the mosque adjacent to the summer gallery.

Starring - Sahil Abbas Ahmad
Sara Aqeel Salim

Дорога 15rus : Верхний Фиагдон - Алагир - Ардон - Дигора - Анзорей - М-29



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