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10 Best place to visit in Долнени Macedonia


The village of Rotino | Bitola | Village under Pelister | Rotino Lake

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✔️ Video about The village of Rotino | Bitola | Village under Pelister | Rotino Lake

✅ Video chapters:
00:00 Start
00:30 The Village of Rotino
01:33 Rotino Lake
04:04 Monastery St.Ilija
04:46 The Village of Rotino
09:36 End


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???? Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

???? Macedonian villages:

???? Places to visit in Macedonia:

???? Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ About us:

✔️ MACEDONIA is positioned in Balkan Peninsula, making it a bridge that connects the West and the East for centuries.
Macedonia is rightly said to be the heart of the Balkans.
Our goal is to promote its beauties

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✅ Our moto:
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✅ Used equipment:
Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

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Village STARAVINA | Birthplace of Kalesh Angja | Novaci | Macedonia

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✔️ Video about Village STARAVINA | Birthplace of Kalesh Angja | Novaci | Macedonia
✔️ Видео за село Старавина | Родното место на Калеш Анѓа | Новаци | Македонија

✅ Used materials in the video by fair use:
- Photo of Kalesh Angja - Dejan Makrievski
- Old pictures from school

- Part from the text from Nova Makedonija newspaper article

Ivan Terziev

00:00 Start
00:13 The Village of Staravina
01:03 The birth house of Kalesh Angja
02:27 The Village of Staravina
06:37 Monasteries and Churches in Staravina
09:40 End


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???? Most beautiful Macedonian villages:

???? Macedonian villages:

???? Places to visit in Macedonia:

???? Mountain villages in Macedonia:

✅ About us:
✔️ MACEDONIA is positioned in Balkan Peninsula, making it a bridge that connects the West and the East for centuries.
Macedonia is rightly said to be the heart of the Balkans.
Our goal is to promote its beauties

???? To keep track of upcoming content, Subscribe here, it's FREE :

✅ Our moto:
What you can't imagine, you can Discover

???? Enjoy our travelogues

✅ Used equipment:
Camera: Cannon EOS 250D
Drone DJ Mavic
Editing software: Adobe Premiere Pro CC and After Effects

✅ Contact us:

Čaška (Macedonian: Чашка)

Čaška (Macedonian: Чашка) is a village in the Republic of North Macedonia. It is the seat of the Čaška Municipality. Near the village, historians from the Republic of North Macedonia found a 6,000-year-old flute called the Globular Flute.

Video: PDJ Mavic Pro

Горна и долна Блатија, Козле и Блаце

ГОРНА и ДОЛНА БЛАТИЈА - регион Полошки-скопски регион

[4K] Desovo, Desovali [North Macedonia] By drone

Desovo (en macédonien Десово) est un village du centre de la République de Macédoine, situé dans la municipalité de Dolneni. Le village comptait 1026 habitants en 2002.

【4K Видео 】Зрзенски манастир / Св. Преображение ???????? The Zrze Monastery / Holy Transfiguration ????????

【4K Видео 】
Зрзески манастир (се среќава и како Зрзенски манастир или Зрзевски манастир) или манастир „Св. Спас— манастир во средишниот дел на Македонија, на јужните падини на планината Даутица, во близина на селото Зрзе.До него се пристигнува по асфалтен пат којшто поминува низ прилепските села Ропотово, Пешталево, Костинци и Зрзе.Манастирот е прогласен за споменик на културата. Тој е епископско седиште на хераклејскиот епископ Климент.

Манастирот најверојатно бил изграден некаде во XIV век од монахот Герман за време на владеењето на српскиот цар Стефан Душан, што е поткрепено со натписот сместен на надворешниот ѕид од јужниот влез на главната манастирска црква.Првобитната манастирска целина зафаќала површина од околу 7.000 м2. Таа имала утврдени ѕидини и одбранбени кули, а нивниот распоред е забележлив и во денешниот изглед на манастирот кој е со помала површина.Денес, манастиската целина ги вклучува црквите „Св. Преображение“ и „Св. Петар и Павле“, а како негов метох се јавува и црквата „Св. Никола“ во селото Зрзе.

Во манастирот има активен монашки живот, а откриено е постоење на средновековна монашка населба којашто со сигурност броела 48 функционални целини, познати како испосници, тихувалишта, платоа за општење и сл., како и делови од уште 17 објекти.

Опремата што се користеше за ова видео е: Дрон (Fimi X8 SE 4К)

Музиката во ова видео е: Разумна молитва

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Zrzeski Monastery (also found as Zrzenski Monastery or Zrzevski Monastery) or the monastery St. Spas - a monastery in the central part of Macedonia, on the southern slopes of Mount Dautica, near the village Zrze. It is reached by an asphalt road that passes through the Prilep villages Ropotovo, Pestalevo, Kostinci and Zrze. The monastery is declared a cultural monument. It is the episcopal see of Bishop Clement of Heraclea.

The monastery was probably built in the 14th century by the monk Herman during the reign of Serbian Tsar Stefan Dusan, which is supported by an inscription on the outer wall of the south entrance of the main monastery church. The original monastery complex covered an area of ​​about 7,000 m2. It had fortified walls and defensive towers, and their layout is noticeable in the present appearance of the monastery, which has a smaller area. Today, the monastery complex includes the churches St. Transfiguration and St. Peter and Paul , and the church St. Nikola ”in the village of Zrze.

There is an active monastic life in the monastery, and the existence of a medieval monastic settlement was discovered, which certainly numbered 48 functional units, known as hermits, shrines, a plateau for communion, etc., as well as parts of 17 other buildings.

The equipment used for this video is: Drone (Fimi X8 SE 4K)

The music in this video is: Razumna molitva

It was a pleasure to make this video, and if you liked it, please share it with your friends! And if you want to see more videos like this, please subscribe.




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