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10 Best place to visit in Živinice Bosnia and Herzegovina


Best Places to Visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Travel Guide

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a small country in southeastern Europe, borders Croatia, Serbia, and Montenegro. Bosnia is a Balkan republic that won independence in 92 after being a part of Yugoslavia. In Bosnia, you'll find charming Ottoman mosques coexisting with churches and bright modern buildings. It is home to some glorious mountains, breathtaking nature, bridges, and old towns. Here are the best places to visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

1:41 Mostar
3:04 Trebinje
4:35 Pocitelj
5:14 Kravica Waterfall
5:54 Sarajevo

The Touristy™ is a premium niche video brand specializing in travel guide videos and travel destinations to bring you the most attractive cities and places around the world.

Thanks For Watching!???? Best Places to Visit in Bosnia and Herzegovina - Travel Guide

Entdecken sie Bosnien und Herzegowina, Tuzla - Eine Reise durch Natur und die einzigen Salzseen


In diesem Video nehmen wir euch mit auf eine unvergessliche Reise durch Tuzla, eine wunderschöne Stadt, reich an natürlicher Schönheit und kulturellem Erbe. ????????

Lass uns mit einer Tour durch die Innenstadt und die Pannonischen Seen beginnen, wo ihr die entspannte Atmosphäre und die atemberaubende Aussicht genießen werdet. Aber das ist erst der Anfang! Unser Abenteuer setzt sich fort mit dem Besuch unverzichtbarer Ausflugsziele, die Tuzla so besonders machen.

Zuerst führt uns der Weg zum Naturschutzgebiet Ilinčica, ein Paradies für Naturliebhaber. Genießt die Ruhe und Frische dieses wunderschönen Ausflugsziels, spaziert entlang malerischer Pfade und genießt die faszinierenden Ausblicke auf die umliegenden Berge. ????????

Danach geht es weiter zur Panonica Tuzla, wo wir die geheimnisvolle Welt der Salzseen entdecken und faszinierende Geschichten über die Geologie dieser Region erfahren werden. Besucht das Museum und taucht ein in eine Vergangenheit, die euch begeistern wird. ????????

Anschließend könnt ihr euch in der Salzheilanstalt entspannen, einem Ort mit heilenden Eigenschaften. Genießt einen Spaziergang entlang der Promenade mit wunderschönen Denkmälern und Stećci-Grabsteinen und lasst euch von der entspannten Atmosphäre dieses Ortes verzaubern. ????️????

Nicht zu vergessen ist ein Besuch des Tierparks Bing, einem Ort, der euch mit der Schönheit verschiedener Tierarten begeistern wird. Lernt die exotischen Bewohner des Parks kennen und schafft unvergessliche Momente. ????????

Wir beenden unsere Tour auf dem Gipfel des Kicelja, wo wir einen Panoramablick auf Tuzla genießen werden. Spürt den Zauber der Stadt und haltet die wunderschönen Momente fest, die euch inspirieren werden. ????????????

Schließt euch uns in diesem unglaublichen Abenteuer an und entdeckt alles, was Tuzla zu bieten hat. Abonniert unseren Kanal und verpasst keine zukünftigen Videos über Reisen und das Entdecken neuer Orte!

Video production:


In this video, we take you on an unforgettable journey through Tuzla, a beautiful city rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. ????????

Let's start with a tour through the city center and the Panonica Lakes, where you will enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and breathtaking views. But that's just the beginning! Our adventure continues with a visit to must-see destinations that make Tuzla special.

First, we head to the Ilinčica Nature Reserve, a paradise for nature lovers. Enjoy the tranquility and freshness of this beautiful excursion site, stroll along picturesque paths, and admire the captivating views of the surrounding mountains. ????????

Next, our journey takes us to Panonica Tuzla, where we will discover the mysterious world of salt lakes and learn fascinating stories about the geology of this region. Visit the museum and immerse yourself in a past that will amaze you. ????????

Afterward, relax at the Saline Spa, an oasis of healing properties. Take a walk along the promenade adorned with beautiful monuments and stećci tombstones, and let yourself be enchanted by the relaxing atmosphere of this place. ????️????

We must not forget to visit the Bing Zoo, a place that will captivate you with the beauty of various animal species. Get to know the exotic residents of the zoo and create unforgettable moments. ????????

We end our tour at the top of Kicelj, where we will enjoy a panoramic view of Tuzla. Feel the magic of the city and capture the beautiful moments that will inspire you. ????????????

Join us on this incredible adventure and discover everything Tuzla has to offer. Subscribe to our channel and don't miss future videos about travel and exploring new places!

Najbolje turističke destinacije u Bosni i Hercegovini: Tuzlanski Kanton i još mnogo toga! 2023

Dobrodošli na naš kanal posvećen Tuzlanskom kantonu, putovanjima i otkrivanju prekrasnih turističkih destinacija u Bosni i Hercegovini. U ovom videu, prikazujemo neke od najljepših destinacija našeg predivnog područja.

Počinjemo u Tuzli, grad sa bogatom historijom i prekrasnim prirodnim ljepotama. Prošetajte starom gradskom jezgrom, posjetite Tuzlanski Trg slobde i isprobajte neodoljive lokalne specijalitete. Ovdje ćete pronaći spoj tradicije i modernosti.

Nastavljamo putovanje do Srebrenika, grada sa fascinantnom tvrđavom koja datira iz srednjeg vijeka. Uživajte u prekrasnom pogledu sa zidina tvrđave i istražite bogatu historiju ovog područja.

Dalje se upućujemo u Gradačac, malo, ali šarmantno mjesto poznato po svojim prirodnim ljepotama, Kuli Husein Kapetana Gradaščevića i banjskom turizmu. Ovdje možete uživati u opuštajućim šetnjama prirodom i istraživanju netaknute okoline.

Put nas dalje vodi do Kladnja, mjesta gdje ćete otkriti spoj kulture, historije i prirodnih ljepota. Posjetite znamenitosti poput Muške vode i uživajte u prelijepim pejzažima koje pruža okolna priroda.

Gračanica je sljedeća stanica na našem putovanju. Ovo mjesto je poznato po starom gradu Sokolu i prekrasnoj čaršiji.

Napredujući dalje, stižemo do Banovića, grada bogate industrijske baštine. Upoznajte zanimljivu historiju industrije uglja i posjetite Muzej Rudarstva koji nudi fascinantan uvid u ovu temu.

Živinice su sljedeće na našem putovanju. Ovo mjesto je okruženo prirodnim ljepotama i idealno je za ljubitelje outdoor aktivnosti. Uživajte u planinarenju, biciklizmu i istraživanju netaknute prirode.

Kalesija je idući grad koji posjećujemo. Ovdje ćete pronaći predivne prirodne krajolike, kao i kulturne znamenitosti poput Kalesijske džamije. Osjetite duh tradicije dok istražujete ovaj šarmantni grad.

Ako želite doživjeti nevjerojatna putovanja i otkriti skrivene dragulje Bosne i Hercegovine, ne zaboravite se pretplatiti na naš kanal i pratiti nove videozapise. Uživajte u avanturi!

Jasmin Jatić, Mario Stjepić, Amir Mustafić
@prosmarttuzla2867 @levelmedia1504
Welcome to our channel dedicated to the Tuzla Canton, travel, and discovering beautiful tourist destinations in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this video, we showcase some of the most stunning destinations in our magnificent region.

We start in Tuzla, a city with a rich history and breathtaking natural beauty. Take a stroll through the old town, visit Tuzla's Freedom Square, and try irresistible local specialties. Here you will find a blend of tradition and modernity.

We continue our journey to Srebrenik, a town with a fascinating fortress dating back to the Middle Ages. Enjoy the beautiful view from the fortress walls and explore the rich history of this area.

Next, we head to Gradačac, a small yet charming place known for its natural beauty, Husein Kapetan Gradaščević Tower, and spa tourism. Here you can enjoy relaxing walks in nature and explore the untouched surroundings.

Our path then takes us to Kladanj, a place where you will discover a fusion of culture, history, and natural beauty. Visit landmarks like Muška Voda and enjoy the beautiful landscapes offered by the surrounding nature.

Gračanica is the next stop on our journey. This place is known for its Sokol Fortress and beautiful bazaar.

Moving forward, we arrive at Banovići, a city with a rich industrial heritage. Get acquainted with the interesting history of the coal industry and visit the Mining Museum, which offers a fascinating insight into this topic.

Živinice are the next destination on our journey. This place is surrounded by natural beauty and is ideal for outdoor enthusiasts. Enjoy hiking, cycling, and exploring the untouched nature.

Kalesija is the next city we visit. Here you will find beautiful natural landscapes, as well as cultural landmarks like the Kalesija Mosque. Feel the spirit of tradition as you explore this charming city.

If you want to experience incredible journeys and discover hidden gems in Bosnia and Herzegovina, don't forget to subscribe to our channel and follow our new videos. Enjoy the adventure!

Magistralni put M18 Kladanj Živinice 9/10


Magistralni put M18 Kladanj Živinice 10/10


Putujemo od Žepča do Živinica, M17.1 ( Prvi dio: Žepče - Zavidovići - Vozuća - Ribnica )

Danas putujemo od Žepča do Živinica, magistralni put M 17.1( Prvi dio : Žepče - Zavidovići - Vozuća - Ribnica )
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Magistralni put M18 Kladanj Živinice 5/10


Yugoslav Spomeniks (Part 7-E): The Only Free City in Europe

16 - 20. July 2023. Bosnia & Herzegovina (Bosnian & Croatian: Bosna i Hercegovina / Serbian: Босна и Херцеговина).

Spent 5 days in Brčko, Europe's only self-governing free city.

This video is the 5th of 7 presenting our 45-day summer drive around Bosnia for 2,189 miles (3,522 km) looking for Yugoslav-era spomeniks (monuments). I found (54) of them. The spomeniks are World War II memorial sculptures that were part of a grand project of Tito's to unify socialist Yugoslavia (Југославија) in the aftermath of the National Liberation War (NOB). Estimates put the number of such spomeniks built at up to 40,000. These communist works of art are unique and beautiful and often abandoned.

The places we rolled through are (Part 7-A) Bratunac (Братунац), Srebrenica (Сребреница), Vlasenica (Власеница), Sokolac (Соколац), Foča (Фоча), Tjentište (Тјентиште) / Sutjeska National Park (Национални парк Сутјеска), Gacko (Гацко) / Klinje Lake (Језеро Клиње), Korita (Корита), Bileća (Билећа), Trebinje (Требиње), Neum (Неум), Kravica Waterfall (Слап Кравица), Počitelj (Почитељ), Hutovo Blato (Хутово Блато), Stolac (Столац), Radimlja (Радимља), Blagaj (Благај), Mostar (Мостар), (Part 7-B) Konjic (Коњиц), Sarajevo (Сарајево), Ilidža (Илиџа), Vogošća (Bогошћа), Igman (Игман), (Part 7-C) Visoko (Високо), Zenica (Зеница), Travnik (Травник), Turbe, Donji Vakuf (Доњи Вакуф), Jajce (Јајце), Bravsko, Medeno Polje, Una National Park (Национални парк Уна), Busovača (Бусовача), Bihać (Бихаћ), Ostrožac (Острожац), Grmuša ( Грмуша), (Part 7-D) Novi Grad (Нови Град), Dobrljin (Добрљин), Veliko Palančište, Čirkin Polje, Prijedor (Приједор), Kozara National Park (Национални парк Козара), Banja Luka (Бања Лука), Prnjavor (Прњавор), Pojezna, (Part 7-E) Brčko (Брчко), Dubrave (Дубраве), Brezovo Polje (Брезово Поље), (Part 7-F) Vukosavci, Tuzla (Тузла), Lukavac (Лукавац), Tinja Donja, Srebrenik (Сребреник), Živinice (Живинице), (Part 7-G) Sokolac, Rogatica, Međeđa (Међеђа), Višegrad (Вишеград), Stari Brod, Drinsko (Дринско), Sarajevo, Travnik, Kneževo (Кнежево), Kotor Varoš (Котор Варош), Banja Luka, Krupa na Vrbasu, Laktasi, Gradačac (Градачац), Bosanska Rača.

Related Videos:
Banja Luka - 8 Girls for Every Boy?

The Spomenik Series:
Part 1 - Autumn in Slovenia:
Part 2 - Autumn in Croatia:
Part 3-A - Winter in Serbia:
Part 3-B - Winter in Serbia:
Part 3-C - Winter in Serbia:
Part 3-D - Christmas in Serbia:
Part 4-A - Serbia's Most Beautiful Towns & Villages:
Part 4-B - Serbia's Most Beautiful Town's & Villages:
Part 5 - Owl Capital of the World - Kikinda, Serbia:
Part 6 - Đerdap National Park, Serbia:
Part 7-A - Bosnia Beach Crawl - Bosnian Seaside:
Part 7-B - Sarajevo:
Part 7-C - Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Road Trip:
Part 7-D - Republika Srpska Road Trip:
Part 7-E - The Only Free City in Europe:
Part 7-F - Europe's Salt Lakes City:
Part 7-G - Goodbye, Bosnia:

Živinice - Drone - Bosnia and Herzegovina ( 4K )

Živinice grad

Drone 4k

Živinice 4k

Srebrenica Bosnia and Herzegovina

Srebrenica is a town and municipality located in the easternmost part of Republika Srpska, an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is a small mountain town, with its main industry being salt mining and a nearby spa. As of 2013, the town has a population of 2,607 inhabitants, while the municipality has 13,409 inhabitants.

➡️Visit #Sarajevo, try #cevapi and explore most famous #foodie places in ????????#bosniaandherzegovina

Enjoy lovely video recorded by Edin Ogrešević, local tour guide from Meet Bosnia Tours agency (Sarajevo). Story is about Ćevabdžinica Nune, one of the oldest ćevapi restaurants in Sarajevo. Meet Nune, an owner of the place whos grandfather opened ćevapi restaurant in 1966.

Try best ćevapi in town and welcome to #Sarajevo and #BosniaandHerzegovina.

Here is location of Cevabdzinica Nune in Sarajevo:

Join us on our Sarajevo Free Walking Tour starting every day at 10:30. This is one of the best ways to get to know our beautiful capital – Sarajevo.

Fall of Yugoslavia, Sarajevo Siege Tour is the most popular tour provided by Meet Bosnia Travel agency. With our experienced Sarajevo local guides, you will be able to understand better the rich and sometimes violent history of this city and the whole Balkan region. The facts presented in this war tour are delivered from an intellectual perspective, greatly insightful if you want to learn about what it was like to live in the former Yugoslavia and to have been affected by the war, as well as the big picture of these tragic events.

Check out our other tours:

???? +38761240286

Special thanks to:

Jajce Bosnia and Herzegowina

Music: Prove You Wrong
Musician: 3rd Silhouette

Sarajevo Walking Tour, Cable Cars and Bobsleds

In this video, we take you on a walking tour around Sarajevo and show you why we loved Sarajevo so much! We visit the abandoned bobsled track and learn about the culture and history of this amazing city in the Balkans!

Want to support the channel? You can buy us a coffee and we will personally thank you in a future video.

If you’re new here, WELCOME FRIEND!!!!! We are Evan and Lemon. In January 2022 we quit our jobs in the restaurant/bar industry to live out our dreams and travel for a year! We are currently exploring four new countries on an epic Balkans road trip. Please hit the subscribe button and give the video a thumbs up- it’s free and we appreciate it more than you know. We look forward to sharing our adventures with y’all and hope it inspires you to live out your travel dreams too!

Want to know how we saved enough money to travel for a year? Check out our blog on our website.

Music provided by Epidemic sound

Follow us on Instagram for a behind the scenes look at full time travel

Our travel health insurance- SafetyWing.

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Intro art by

Balkans Episode 66: What is so special about the fruits of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Finding Workarounds: Bosnian Video Games & Development

Despite many setbacks, Bosnian development studio Prime Time has learned to thrive in the aftermath of war.

Prime Time website:

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Bosnia and Herzegovina (Gradovi Bosne)

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Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020 Živinice i Kalesija

Magistralni put M18 Đurđevik Živinice 1

Vozim se po Tuzli | DRIVING THROUGH TUZLA CITY | Bosnia and Herzegovina ????????

Tuzla is the third-largest city of #Bosnia and #Herzegovina and the administrative center of #Tuzla Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. As of 2013, it has a population of 110,979 inhabitants.

#Tuzla is the economic, cultural, educational, health and tourist centre of northeast #Bosnia. It is an educational center and is home to two universities. It is also the main industrial machine and one of the leading economic strongholds of Bosnia with a wide and varied industrial sector including an expanding service sector thanks to its salt lake tourism. The #city of Tuzla is home to #Europe's only salt lake as part of its central park and has more than 350,000 people visiting its shores every year.  The history of the city goes back to the 9th century; modern Tuzla dates back to 1510 when it became an important garrison town in the Ottoman Empire.

In Bosnia and #Herzegovina, Tuzla is also regarded as one of the most multicultural cities in the country and has managed to keep the pluralist character of the city throughout the #Bosnian War and after, with Bosniaks, Serbs, Croats and a small minority of Bosnian Jews residing in Tuzla.

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Movie Lukavac in Bosnia and Herzegovina

This is my original photography and this slide show.Lukavac to have two lake,and marked of trails for trail in nature.nature walk uncle Misa circular path,



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