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10 Best place to visit in Ćuprija Serbia



je građen od 1375. do 1377. godine, gradio ga je knez Lazar kao svoju zadužbinu. Knez Lazar je poginuo 28. juna 1389. godine na kosovskom boju i tada su monasi izmolili njegovo telo od Bajazita i sahranili ga u crkvi Svetog Vaznesenja u Prištini. Njegove mošti su tamo bile dve godine i prenešene su u manastir Ravanicu na godišnjicu bitke na Kosovu 1391. godine. Jedan od uslova Srbije za mir sa Turskom je bio i prenos njegovih moštiju u Ravanicu. Njegova ćerka Olivera je već tada bila Bajazitova supruga i smatra se da je ona imala veliku ulogu u tome, da turci dozvole prenos njegovih moštiju. Njegove mošti iz Prištine je ispratio Vuk Branković i njegova supruga Mara, najstarija Lazareva ćerka. One su prenoćile u manastiru Nova Pavlica u selu Pavlica u opštini Raška. Tu ih je dočekala kneginja Milica sa sinovima Stefanom i Vukom, i srpski patrijarh Danilo III. Turci su Ravanicu više puta rušili i palili u naročito u periodu dok su osvajali Srbiju, kasnije nisu dirali manastir a monasi su uspeli da sačuvaju mošti. Zabeleženo je da su se ljudi okupljali oko manastira za Vidovdan. Mošti su u Ravanici bile oko 300 godina i 1690. godine, tokom austrijsko-turskog rata, sa prvom Velikom seobom Srba pod vođstvom Arsenija III Čarnojevića, pošli su i monasi iz Ravanice. Sa sobom su poneli i svetinju nad svtinjama, mošti kneza Lazara. Monasi su se zaustavili iznad Budima, u mestu Sentandreji i tamo, pored Dunava napravili drvenu crkvu u kojoj su položili mošti. Tri godine kasnije su obnovili manastir Vrdnik, u današnjem mestu Vrdnik i tamo preneli mošti. Manastir su nazvali Vrdnička Ravanica i mošti su više puta sklanjane iz manastira na neko vreme, kada bi monasi procenili da postoji opasnost od uništenja tokom ratnih vremena. 1942. godine, za vreme II svetskog rata, ustaše su pljačkale i uništavili srpske svetinje po Vojvodini. Srbi su uz pomoć nemačke komande koja je obavila transport, preneli mošti kneza Lazara, cara Uroša i Stefana Štiljanovića u Sabornu crkvu u Beograd. Sav drugi nakit koji je bio uz sve tri mošti, je opljačkan i odnešen a same mošti nisu dirane. Tu su ostale sve do 1988. godine kada su posle godinu dana putovanja po Srbiji i Bosni, 1989. godine na šestogodišnjicu od boja na Kosovu, stigle na staro odredište, Manastir Ravanicu u okolini Ćuprije.



Country : Serbia/Srbija ????????
Date : 23.07.2021
Vehicle : Mercedes-Benz A 200 d
Camera : MiVue_798D
Time-lapse video : x2
Itinerary :
Intro : 00:00
State Road/Državni Put IIA-158 (Ćuprija) : 00:16
State Road/Državni Put IIA-160 (Ćuprija) : 00:55
Ćuprija Toll Booth/Naplatna Stanica Ćuprija : 01:32
State Road/Državni Put IA-1/E 75 (Motorway/Auto-put E 75/A 1) (exit/izlaz 42, Ćuprija) : 01:47
Morava Bridge/Most na Moravi (280 m) (Great Morava/Velika Morava) (E 75/A 1, Ćuprija-Mijatovac-Supska) : 02:44
Rest area/Odmorište Lapovo (State Road/Državni Put IA-1/E 75) : 11:28
State Road/Državni Put IA-1/E 75 (Motorway/Auto-put E 75/A 1) (exit/izlaz 38, Markovac) : 12:37
Markovac Toll Booth/Naplatna Stanica Markovac : 12:44
State Road/Državni Put IB-27 (Markovac) : 12:54
Morava Bridge/Most na Moravi (280 m) (Great Morava/Velika Morava) (State Road/Državni Put IB-27, Markovac-Svilajnac) : 14:38
Svilajnac (State Road/Državni Put IB-27) : 15:03
State Road/Državni Put IIA-160 (Svilajnac) : 16:44

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Video made by Road by Stevča

Jagodina, Ćuprija - 52 vikenda u Srbiji | Јагодина, Ћуприја - 52 викенда у Србији

| | |

Спортско-туристички комплекс „Поток Ђурђево брдо“ састоји се од неколико занимљивих целина: Музеја воштаних фигура, јединог у Србији, великог Аква парка и атрактивног Зоо врта. Ђурђево брдо је негован парк са летњом позорницом и столетним липама.

Јанко Брашић, земљорадник и уметник из села Опарић, заслужан је што у Јагодини постоји Музеј наивне И маргиналне уметности. Његове слике биле су зачетак збирке у којој су данас сабрана вредна дела самоуких стваралаца са простора бивше Југославије и Европе. У том раскошном свету боја и мотива могу се видети дела светских класика као што су Сава Секулић, Илија Башичевић Босиљ, Емерик Фејеш...

Манастир Раваница (14. век) задужбина је и гробна црква кнеза Лазара Хребељановића. Драматични догађаји у историји Србије могу се пратити у причи о судбини кнежевих земних остатака: у великој сеоби Срба крајем 17. века мошти светог кнеза однете су најпре у Сент Андреју, а потом у фрушкогорски манастир Врдник. За време Другог светског рата кнежев ћивот је пренет у београдску Саборну цркву. Шест векова након боја на Косову, 1989. године, свети цар се поново вратио у мир своје Раванице.

Данашња Ћуприја постојала је у доба Рима и звала се Хорреум Марги, што значи житница Мораве. О Морави је испевано много народних песама које славе њену плодности, али и ћуди.

Sportsko-turistički kompleks „Potok Đurđevo brdo“ sastoji se od nekoliko zanimljivih celina: Muzeja voštanih figura, jedinog u Srbiji, velikog Akva parka i atraktivnog Zoo vrta. Đurđevo brdo je negovan park sa letnjom pozornicom i stoletnim lipama.

Janko Brašić, zemljoradnik i umetnik iz sela Oparić, zaslužan je što u Jagodini postoji Muzej naivne I marginalne umetnosti. Njegove slike bile su začetak zbirke u kojoj su danas sabrana vredna dela samoukih stvaralaca sa prostora bivše Jugoslavije i Evrope. U tom raskošnom svetu boja i motiva mogu se videti dela svetskih klasika kao što su Sava Sekulić, Ilija Bašičević Bosilj, Emerik Feješ...

Manastir Ravanica (14. vek) zadužbina je i grobna crkva kneza Lazara Hrebeljanovića. Dramatični događaji u istoriji Srbije mogu se pratiti u priči o sudbini kneževih zemnih ostataka: u velikoj seobi Srba krajem 17. veka mošti svetog kneza odnete su najpre u Sent Andreju, a potom u fruškogorski manastir Vrdnik. Za vreme Drugog svetskog rata knežev ćivot je prenet u beogradsku Sabornu crkvu. Šest vekova nakon boja na Kosovu, 1989. godine, sveti car se ponovo vratio u mir svoje Ravanice.

Današnja Ćuprija postojala je u doba Rima i zvala se Horreum Margi, što znači žitnica Morave. O Moravi je ispevano mnogo narodnih pesama koje slave njenu plodnosti, ali i ćudi.

A Tiny Piece of Serbia - in 4K

Short visit to the Ćuprija region and some of it's touristic sites.




Country : Serbia/Srbija ????????
Date : 25.07.2021
Vehicle : Mercedes-Benz A 200 d
Camera : MiVue_798D
Time-lapse video : x2
Itinerary :
Intro : 00:00
Kneginje Milice street/ulica (Jagodina) : 00:16
State Road/Državni Put IIA-158 (Jagodina) : 00:43
Mijatovac (State Road/Državni Put IIA-158) : 02:22
Ćuprija (State Road/Državni Put IIA-158) : 04:30
Morava Bridge/Most na Moravi (240 m) (Great Morava/Velika Morava) (State Road/Državni Put IIA-158, Ćuprija) : 04:41
State Roads/Državni Putevi IIA-158/IIA-186 (Ćuprija) : 04:54
Trinaestog oktobra street/ulica (Ćuprija) : 05:00
Miodraga Novakovića street/ulica (Ćuprija) : 05:22
Anđe Ranković street/ulica (Ćuprija) : 05:48
Ive Lole Ribara street/ulica (Ćuprija) : 06:16
Kneza Miloša street/ulica (Ćuprija) : 06:28
State Road/Državni Put IIA-158 (Ćuprija) : 07:24
Paraćin (State Road/Državni Put IIA-158) : 10:22
Paraćin downtown/centar (State Road/Državni Put IIA-158) : 11:42

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Video made by Road by Stevča

Šta mogu turisti obići na teritoriji opštine Ćuprija?

U ovom video klipu su neke od lokacija koje turisti mogu obići na teritoriji opštine Ćuprija.

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#Ćuprija #MoravskiPark #ManastirRavanica #ŠančeviNaIvankovcu #VezirovoBrdo #jezero

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This video shows the most beautiful places to visit in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).



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Celtic Impulse - Celtic by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Top Golf Courses in Republic of Serbia ????????????????????????????????????????????????

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The video Top Golf Courses in Republic of Serbia is an essential guide for golf enthusiasts who are looking to explore Serbia's public golf courses. This video showcases some of the best golf courses in the country that offer breathtaking views and challenging courses for players of all skill levels. Additionally, the video highlights the future golf projects in Serbia, making it a must-watch for anyone interested in the sport's growth in the region.

Commenting on the video is crucial as it helps the channel creator understand their audience's preferences, which they can use to create more relevant content. It also encourages interaction between golf enthusiasts, making it a great platform for networking and sharing knowledge about the sport. So don't forget to leave a comment and let the channel creator know your thoughts on the video!

1. Golf Club Beograd -
2. Center Golf Club -
3. Safari Golf & Archery Rujno -
4. Golf Club Novi Sad -
5. Golf & Archery teren Gajevi -

Višegrad, Na Drini ćuprija, Andrićgrad / Kamengrad, manastir Dobrun, Mokra Gora, Mećavnik, Drvengrad

Obilazak Višegrada, Na Drini ćuprije, vožnja turističkim brodićem Drinom i Rzavom i šetnja kroz Andrićgrad ili Kamengrad na ušću reka Rzav i Drina, čiji je idejni tvorac filmski reditelj Emir Kusturica a koje je posvećeno Nobelovcu Ivi Andriću.
Poseta Manastiru Dobrun, jednom od najstarijih manastira na prostorima Bosne i Hercegovine i Drvengradu ili Mećavniku, etno selu u Mokroj Gori u Zlatiborskom okrugu koje je sagradio filmski reditelj Emir Kusturica za potrebe snimanja filma Život je čudo.

Tour of Visegrad, the Bridge on the Drina river, tourist boat ride on Drina and Rzav rivers and walk through Andrićgrad or Kamengrad located at the confluence of the Rzav and Drina rivers, created by film director Emir Kusturica, dedicated to Yugoslav novelist and Nobel Prize winner Ivo Andrić. Visit to the Dobrun Monastery, one of the oldest monasteries in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Drvengrad or Mećavnik, an ethno village in Mokra Gora, in the Zlatibor district, built by film director Emir Kusturica for his movie Life is a Miracle.

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Nis in 4k | Serbia ????????

Niš, Serbia.

Niš is the third-largest city in Serbia and the administrative center of the Nišava District. It is one of the oldest cities in the Balkans and Europe, and has from ancient times been considered a gateway between the East and the West.
According to the 2011 census, the urban area of Niš has a population of 187,544, while the administrative area has a population of 260,237 inhabitants. It is one of the oldest cities in the Balkans and Europe, and has from ancient times been considered a gateway between the East and the West. It was founded by the Scordisci in 279 BC after the invasion of the Balkans. The city was among several taken during the Roman conquest in 75 BC; the Romans constructed the Via Militaris through the city in the 1st century, and it is also the birthplace of Constantine the Great, the first Christian Emperor and the founder of Constantinople, as well as Constantius III and Justin I. It is home to one of the oldest churches in Serbia, dating back to the 4th century, in the suburb of Mediana. During the partition of the Roman Empire it fell under the control of the Byzantine Empire. In the 6th century Slavic tribes began settling the Balkans; the town was held by the Byzantines until the 9th century when it fell under Bulgar rule.

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Places to Eat - Monument @ Knez Mihailova Street, Belgrade, Serbia

Vegetarians can find pasta and pizza. Among all the places I had pasta, the best one was here (vegetariana pasta)

Restaurants in Ćuprija, Serbia

Have a really tasty meal again, in a good restaurant or eatery nearby. Enjoy a great dinner with near Ćuprija. Whether gourmet, fast food or a romantic candlelight dinner, you will find something suitable here.

Here you can find Restaurants in Ćuprija, Serbia:
1) Olympus Plaza Serbia - Ćuprija 2
EKO benzinska staniaca, Autoput Niš-Beograd stacionaža 724, Ćuprija 35230
011 8256607

2) Gurman Ćaka
Ive Lole Ribara 27, Ćuprija 35230
063 642865

3) Santa Fee Restoran
Karađorđeva, Ćuprija
035 8870502

4) Cruiser
Živke Damjanović bb, Ćuprija 35230
035 8871172

5) Maestro Zeka
72 CARA LAZARA, 35230, Cuprija, Pomoravski county
060 4475555

6) Olympus Plaza Serbia - Ćuprija 1
EKO benzinska stanica, Autoput Beograd-Niš 145, Supska 35230
011 8256607

7) Plava Laguna
Cuprija, Pomoravski county, Ravanicka 4A, Ćuprija 35230
035 8470958

8) Sting Grill
17 DANILA DIMITRIJEVICA, 35230, Cuprija, Pomoravski county
035 8871220

9) Good food
158 56, Ćuprija 35230
066 097693

10) Duca King
Miodraga Novkovica, Ćuprija 35230
035 8476868

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Ćuprija (Ћуприја) - Sérvia

Imagens da Cidade de Ćuprija - Sérvia

*Град Ћуприја

*City of Ćuprija - Serbia

Ćuprija é uma vila da Sérvia localizada no município de Ćuprija, pertencente ao distrito de Pomoravlje, na região de Veliko Pomoravlje. A sua população era de 19380 habitantes segundo o censo de 2011. No período romano era um castro e tinha o nome de Hórreo de Margo (em latim: Horreum Margi).


Srdjan Adamovic

Serbia: The Place To Be – City Break

Follow the flow of the rivers to some of the greatest cities of Serbia. It will lead you to the places filled with history, excitement, joy and food we prepare with soul, just for you. Your guide should be the beating heart of the city and its people. Feel it, and discover why Serbian cities are the place to be. #SeeSerbia

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Country : Serbia/Srbija ????????
Date : 23.07.2021
Vehicle : Mercedes-Benz A 200 d
Camera : MiVue_798D
Time-lapse video : x2
Itinerary :
Intro : 00:00
State Road/Državni Put IIA-160 (Sedlare) : 00:16
Jasenovo (State Road/Državni Put IIA-160) : 01:43
Medveđa (State Road/Državni Put IIA-160) : 03:13
Medveđa village center/centar (State Road/Državni Put IIA-160) : 03:48
State Road/Državni Put IIA-185 (Medveđa) : 04:00
Veliki Popović (State Road/Državni Put IIA-185) : 05:02
Veliki Popović village center/centar (State Road/Državni Put IIA-185) : 06:03
Dražmirovac (State Road/Državni Put IIA-185) : 09:11
Glogovac (State Road/Državni Put IIA-185) : 11:10
Glogovac village center/centar ​(State Road/Državni Put IIA-185) : 12:00
State Road/Državni Put IIB-383 (Glogovac) : 12:01
Krušar (State Road/Državni Put IIB-383) : 13:22
Krušar village center/centar (State Road/Državni Put IIB-383) : 14:20
Supska (State Road/Državni Put IIB-383) : 17:09
Supska village center/centar (State Road/Državni Put IIB-383) : 17:46
Ćuprija (State Road/Državni Put IIB-383) : 19:55
States Road/Državni Putevi IIA-158/IIA-186 (Ćuprija) : 20:34
Miodraga Novakovića street/ulica (Ćuprija) : 20:56
Cara Lazara street/ulica (Ćuprija) : 21:37
Ćuprija downtown/centar (Cara Lazara street/ulica) : 21:42

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Video made by Road by Stevča

Krushevac, Serbia 4K travel guide

Заснемане на хотели и туристически дестинации от Блумакс студио. Production of Bluemax Studio. Video filming of hotels and tourist destinations. Krushevac, Serbia 4K travel guide

Walking Konjic Stara Cuprija, Konjic Old bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Walking Konjic Stara Cuprija, Konjic Old bridge in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Манастир Раваница, Србија - Monastery Ravanica, Serbia - part 1. - 4K Ultra / HD

The Ravanica Monastery (Serbian: Манастир Раваница / Manastir Ravanica) is a Serbian Orthodox monastery on Kučaj mountains near Senje, a village in Ćuprija municipality in Central Serbia. It was built in 1375–1377 as an endowment of prince Lazar of Serbia, who is buried there. The Ravanica church is called the birthplace of the new artistic movement Morava school because of architectural and artistic features. It is original blend of the Mount Athos and the cross-in-square five-domed model that became standard in the time of King Milutin.
Ravanica was declared Monument of Culture of Exceptional Importance in 1979, and it is protected by Republic of Serbia.
Built between 1375 and 1377, Ravanica is the famous endowment of Prince Lazar, where he was buried after his death in the Kosovo battle. Since then, Ravanica has been a pilgrim's destination and an important center of cultural activities & assemblies for the Serbian people. The monastery was assaulted and damaged by the Ottoman Turks several times: in 1386, 1398 and 1436.

In the great war after the second siege of Vienna of 1683, a number of monks were killed by Ottoman soldiers. In 1690 the monks took with them the relics of canonized Prince Lazar while fleeing a Turkish onslaught. Not until 1717 when teacher Stefan - the sole remaining survivor - came back to Ravanica to find her looted and deserted, did monks begin returning. With the help of locals, Stefan restored the monastery and added a new narthex.
Ravanica suffered repeated assaults during the Serbian revolution in the early 19th century, and as a result new restorations took place in the mid-19th century.
During World War II the monastery once again more violated and desecrated - this time by the occupying German forces - as they detained, tortured and killed it's archimandrite Makarije on February 24th, 1943.
The monastery church is dedicated to the Ascension of Jesus and was fortified with a strong defensive wall with seven towers, of which only a part is preserved. The Ravanica church is the first monument of the Morava school of the Serbian medieval art. Its ground plan has the form of an enlarged trefoil with a nine-sided dome in the middle and smaller octagonal domes above the corner bays. There are 62 window lights. The church was built in alternate courses of single-line stone and three-line bricks. Valuable ceramic decoration makes use of geometrical patterns, floral motifs, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic shapes.
The frescoes were not carried out at the same time and by the same artists. They are dated between 1385 and 1387. The middle-register frescoes, which are of the highest artistic value were painted by two artists, one of them known as Constantine, who left his signature on a fresco of a warrior saint. The noteworthy compositions include the Communion of the Apostles and the Adoration of the Lamb in the altar apse, as well as the festival Cycle in the upper registers of the church. The Ktitor's composition was later repainted, and a fresco of Lazar's death was added. It also depicts Princess Milica and their sons Vuk and Stefan.



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