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陕西乡村美食,来这就够了,100多种小吃,阿星袁家村吃货一日游 Country snacks in Yuanjia Village, Shaanxi, China


陕西乡村美食,来这就够了,100多种小吃,阿星袁家村吃货一日游 Country snacks in Yuanjia Village, Shaanxi, China


Yuanjia Village, Liquan County, Shaanxi, more than 70 kilometers away from Xi’an, is a famous Guanzhong gourmet impression experience place. If you want to eat authentic Shaanxi rural food, it is enough to come to this village. You can choose more than 100 kinds of snacks. Axing Yuanjia Village Food Day Tour, powder soup sheep blood, steamed meat, sticky cake, noodle, hot and sour powder, yogurt, Axing can not stop eating.

陕西乾县临平镇,乡村美食4绝,阿星吃羊肉泡馍,3代传承腊汁肉Rural snacks in Shaanxi

Linping Town in Qian County of Shaanxi Province is located at the junction of the four counties in Guanzhong. It has been an important traffic road since ancient times. It has produced a lot of food, and gradually formed a small town food street. Although the rustic food here is some stalls, they are all old tastes passed down through generations. The Youfen is a jelly made of betel beans, poured in bright red chili oil, the taste is sour and spicy. Three generations of Lazhi pork, large slices of stewed pork with steamed buns, savory and delicious. Freshly fried small oil cake, the hot brown sugar juice is full of sweetness. There is also the special Mutton Paomo made by Guokui in Qian County, the whole bowl of lamb has to make people feel the enthusiasm of Shaanxi people..

陕西农村流水席,大锅大灶烹饪,阿星吃乾县酸汤挂面,酱辣子夹馍Shaanxi traditional rural wedding banquet in China

Traditional rural banquet play an important role in wedding in rural China. It is not only an activity to contact neighbors in the neighborhood, but also a necessary process for wedding. Axing was invited to participate in a wedding banquet in Qian County, Shaanxi Province to experience Guanzhong cuisine and folk culture. The big pot and big stove cook on-site, and the folks who came to help are lively, abundant ingredients and experienced chef, making a table of delicious food for guests to taste. You can also eat dried noodles in sour soup and steamed bun with spicy sauce.

西安肉夹馍老店,腊汁肉肥而不腻,咬一口满嘴香,阿星从小吃到大 Xi'an traditional snack Roujiamo in Shaanxi,Chian

Roujiamo is a famous snack in Shaanxi, which can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Xi'an, and penetrate into the daily food life of Shaanxi people. Bake until crispy Baiji steamed buns, cooked in the old soup until the meat is fragrant, minced and sandwiched in the bun. It tastes fat but not greasy, thin but not woody, bites full of oil. Combined with Liangpi and Bingfeng, they form a classic Sanqin cuisine, it's the delicious food that Axing has eaten since childhood.

50家档口卖一种面条,夜市挤满食客,陕西咸阳汇通面,大勺干拌酸辣香 Shaanxi snack Huitong noodle in China


In Xianyang, 25 kilometers away from Xi'an, there is a night market specializing in Huitong noodle. All 50 stalls all sell one kind of noodle, but each one is full of diners. A large spoon of noodles tastes sour and spicy, and the noodle is chewy. Shaanxi people love to eat a bowl of noodle with garlic. The whole night market is filled with the sound of noodle, which is filled with vinegar,and Axing also comes to eat a large bowl.

陕菜十大名宴席,同州九品十三花,阿星吃41道菜,一人独享流水席 One of the ten famous banquets of Shaanxi cuisine in China

Tongzhou Jiubin Shisanhua is one of the ten famous banquets in Shaanxi. It originated from Weinan Dali and inherits the red and white banquets of Weibei folk. The whole banquet is divided into four parts, tea seats, banquet seats, hot dish seats, meal seats, a total of four rounds, each round shows the folk customs and food culture of Guanzhong area in Shaanxi. Axing eats 41 dishes, to realize the childhood dream, one person enjoys the banquet exclusively.

关中小吃乾州四宝,挂面锅盔馇酥豆腐脑,陕西乾县美食阿星吃到饱 Four treasures of Shaanxi Qianzhou snacks in China


Qanxian in Shaanxi Province is 60 kilometers away from Xi’an. It is called Qianzhou in ancient times. The historical and cultural monument Qianling is here. It is rich in snacks and delicacies. The most famous among them are the four treasures of Qianzhou snacks. And every snack is related to the construction of Qianling. Noodles, pot helmets, crisp pastries, and tofu brains are all famous snacks in Guanzhong. Eat with Axing from dawn to dark and taste the authentic Shaanxi delicacies.

【阿星探店】福州人的早餐,从一碗锅边开始,配三角糕和油饼,阿星8元吃到撑 Chinese Food Tour

A bowl of pot-side paste for breakfast is a way for Fuzhou people to open the whole day, paired with fried triangle cakes and oil cakes, delicious pot-side and salty and crispy fried objects, make people all day long. This humble pot side store sells nearly a thousand bowls every morning. The rice slurry is repeatedly poured on the edge of the pot, and then shoveled into the soup. The production is simple and delicious. Axing can eat it for 8 yuan.

福州传统风味煎包,整颗肉丸内馅,海蛎汤和拌面,阿星吃得很满足【Fried buns,Peanut butter dry noodles,Oyster soup in Fuzhou, China】

Fuzhou's fried buns have a unique traditional flavor, with less soup, salty and fresh fillings, different from Henan decoction and Shanghai raw fried buns. This old fried buns shop can eat the whole meatball-like filling, the pork is full of grains, and the flavor of shrimp oil. With a delicious and tender sea oyster soup and a large portion of peanut butter dry noodles, this meal is satisfying.

【阿星探店】昆明滇菜小馆子,95年营业至今,家常炒菜美味实惠,都是回头客 Chinese Food Tour


Yunnan is rich in natural resources. Yunnan cuisine mainly uses potato, pork, and various vegetables as raw materials, which has local characteristics. This small Dian cuisine restaurant in Kunming has a 70-year-old aunt who has been in business since 1995 and has sincerely greeted every guest. Home cooking is delicious and affordable, and neighbors come to eat. A Xing ate 5 dishes and 1 soup, all of which are local and delicious.



阿星咥渭南,蜂蜜糖水粽子,麻辣涮菜,辣子鸡拌面,陕西东府美食 Weinan snacks honey Zongzi,spicy chicken noodle in Shaanxi,China

Dongfu food is very unique in the Shaanxi cuisine system. Axing takes you to taste Weinan snacks. This sweet and spicy crossroad must not be missed. There are many local specialties, all restaurants that have been in business for many years. The honey Zongzi is sweet, soft and glutinous, the hot and spicy fresh vegetables, the spicy chicken noodle, and the beef bone soup balls casserole bring the satisfaction of carbohydrates.

百年老店只卖4种小吃,老汤卤肉,炉齿面月牙烧饼,陕西大荔美食 Shaanxi traditional snacks Yueya Biscuit and Luchi Noodle in Chian

Dali County in Shaanxi Province was called Tongzhou in ancient times. There are many traditional snacks here. Axing came to Weinan to taste Dongfu food. The century-old Dali Cooperative Restaurant only sells 4 kinds of food, Braised Meat, Yueya Biscuit, Luchi Noodle, and Cold Tofu Dish, each of which is a delicacy inherited from generations. Although the restaurant is small and the taste is good, the chef's insistence on food craftsmanship and crafts allows diners to eat authentic folk snacks.

陕西武功老街美食,香辣蒸面皮,酸汤旗花面,阿星吃地道街头小吃Street Foods in Wugong Town, Shaanxi

Wugong Town, Wugong County, Shaanxi Province, is the hometown of Houji, where people were taught farming in ancient times, and one of the birthplaces of Chinese agricultural civilization. Here, flour can be made in a variety of ways. Axing came to the old street in Wugong Town to taste authentic Guanzhong street foods. The golden crispy Chasu, the Youcha Mahua with almonds, peanuts and sesame seeds, the steamed noodles with bright red chili, and the beautifully colored Qihua noodle in sour soup are all local specialties.

陕西周至两大馍,粉蒸肉拌米饭,搭配油茶麻花,桥头30年油炸馍 Shaanxi snacks steamed meat and fried bun in China

Zhouzhi is 70 kilometers away from Xi'an. The buns here are very special. One steamed meat bun and one fried bun are called Zhouzhi two buns. Steamed meat originating from National Road 310, can not only be eaten in soft bun, but also eaten with rice and chili, which is very satisfying for breakfast. The fried bun by the Shahe Bridge have been sold for 30 years. It is also a scenery, golden and crispy, with a bite of oil. Axing tastes two buns. People in Zhouzhi understand food so easily and directly.

一碗面3种吃法,泡泡油糕甑糕香甜,阿星吃6种小吃,陕西三原美食Sanyuan Traditional Snacks in Shaanxi,China

Sanyuan is a famous historical and cultural county in Xianyang, Shaanxi. There are many authentic Guanzhong snacks. Axing tastes the local specialty snacks in the old restaurant, each of which has 6 types of cuisine. Geda noodle is three ways to eat a bowl of noodle. The bubble oil cake is very beautiful. The Jinggao is soft and glutinous. The pork trotter is salty and fragrant. The thousand-layer oil cake with kimchi. The steamed meat bun is filled with satisfaction.

一碗面4种味道,老字号biangbiang面,陕西美食文化名片 Shaanxi snack biangbiang noodle in China


Xianyang, 25 kilometers away from Xi'an, is known as the international pasta capital, the birthplace of biangbiang noodle. Men, women and children here like to eat noodles and can recite the biang songs. A bowl of biangbiang noodle, mixed with tomatoes, deep-fried sauce, meat batter, oily and spicy peppers, is as wide as a belt of noodle, it is gluten and chewy, and covered with sauce. It is the most representative cultural card of Shaanxi. Axing eats noodle with garlic. The bowl is bigger than the basin. Tell you the story of Shaanxi.



陕西面食花样多,面皮蘸辣椒水,周至小吃翠峰饦饦,阿星吃一大碗 Shaanxi snack Cuifeng noodle in China

There are many types of noodle in Shaanxi. In Zhouzhi, which is 70 kilometers away from Xi'an, There is not only Louguan Terrace of Zhongnan Mountain, but also a snack, Cuifeng noodle. The chili vinegar and flour of Cuifeng Mountain make the noodle with light and spicy flavor. Silver plate-like noodle, dipped in hot and sour sauce, Axing eat a large bowl, 10 yuan will be full.





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