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内蒙古铁锅焖面,排骨土豆面条,大铁锅现做,阿星吃东北大拉皮Nei Mongolian Snack Iron Pot Stewed Noodle in China


内蒙古铁锅焖面,排骨土豆面条,大铁锅现做,阿星吃东北大拉皮Nei Mongolian Snack Iron Pot Stewed Noodle in China

Nei Mongolia is a long and narrow area, and the food culture here is deeply influenced by the surrounding provinces. The eastern accent is similar to that of the three provinces of Northeast China, with authentic Northeastern cuisine. The central part is influenced by Shanxi, Shaanxi, with a heavier nasal voice and likes to eat noodle. The iron pot stewed noodles here is a combination of pasta and iron pot stwe series, pork ribs, beans, potatoes and noodle, put in the soup, freshly made in a large iron pot, the noodle is rich in chewy sauce. Axing also ate the smooth northeast Dalapi.

东北延吉大冷面,牛肉汤加冰碴子,锅包肉香酥,阿星吃延边美食Traditional Snack Cold Noodle in Yanji,China


What should Axing eat in the hot summer in Northeast China? Of course it is a bowl of cold noodle with ice. In Yanji City, Jilin Province, there are many cold noodle restaurants. Cold noodle can be said to represent Yanbian's daily diet and are the most recommended snack. Add buckwheat noodle, egg, watermelon, beef and other ingredients in a large stainless steel bowl, pour in ice beef soup, sweet and sour taste. There is also Guobao meat, fried golden and crispy, and it is a perfect match with cold noodle.

内蒙古布里亚特包子,100元一斤,馅料纯肉丸,阿星喝牛肉干锅茶Nei Mongolia snack Buryat bun in China

The Buryats are a branch of the Mongolian ethnic group. The Buryats of Nei Mongolia live in the Ewenki Autonomous Banner of Hulunbuir. They have their own unique food and culture. The most famous delicacy is Buryat bun, which is made every time there are guests or festivals. Chopped beef into pellets, add a small amount of onion for filling, leave small holes in the bun skin, after steaming, the skin is thin and the filling is large, and there is delicious soup. The price of 100 yuan per catty is also real. Axing drinks pot tea with beef jerky and fried rice, which is rich in milk.

内蒙古铜锅涮肉,清水大锅木炭火,现切羊肉鲜美,阿星雨天涮火锅Nei Mongolia snack beef and mutton hot pot in China

When it comes to the cuisine of the prairie of Nei Mongolia, beef and mutton are the protagonists. In the cold rainy season in Hulunbuir, the correct way to open beef and mutton delicacies is, of course, copper pot of hot pot. A 30-year-old hot pot restaurant, the freshly cut lamb is delicious, the meat rolls are thick and evenly thin, the bottom of the big copper pot is clean water, the charcoal fire temperature is strong, and the sesame sauce is also delicious. Axing eats hot pot in the rain, and tells you how the old palace cuisine entered the homes of ordinary people.

新疆过油肉拌面,加面吃到饱,烤羊肝馕坑肉,阿星吃的真攒劲 Oiled Meat Noodle in Xinjiang,China


How can Xinjiang cuisine lack carbon water? Oiled Meat Noodle is a favorite of people's daily diet. The noodle that are evenly stretched, the fragrant over-oiled meat, stirred together,rosy and oily, every bite is satisfied, and even the noodle can be eaten full. There are also grilled lamb liver, naan pit meat, and ramen noodle are also delicious to eat.Axing was very satisfied.

内蒙古满洲里百年俄餐厅,俄式盘肠1米长,阿星吃鱼子酱配黑列巴Centennial Russian Restaurant in Manzhouli,China

Manzhouli in Nei Mongolia is located on the border between China and Russia. It has been deeply influenced by Russian culture since ancient times and has many authentic Russian restaurants. The well-known Manzhouli Restaurant is said to have a history of more than 100 years. It was renovated and reconstructed in the 1980s. It has witnessed two world wars and the changes of Russian food culture in Manzhouli. Axing tasted colorful, heavy oil and meaty Russian food, 1 meter long Russian sausage, salty caviar, black Russian Leba, and experienced Russian food culture.

内蒙古烤羊腿,呼伦贝尔草原美味,外皮酥脆羊肉鲜嫩,阿星动手烤Roast leg of lamb in Nei Mongolia,China

The lamb in Nei Mongolia is of good quality, and it can be eaten in a variety of ways. It can be cooked, steamed, fried or roasted. But the roast lamb is not to be missed, especially the delicious roast leg of lamb. The traditional Mongolian roast lamb shank from the Hulunbuir prairie has a golden and crispy skin, dripping with oil, and the lamb inside is white and tender, and tastes full of taste. Lamb is warm and nourishing. In Hailar's cold winter, people eat lamb to withstand the cold weather. Axing started roasting the leg of lamb, flipping it over the charcoal fire, and eating it with a bamboo stick.

吉林延边东北大串,烧烤好吃全凭串料,辣苦啤酒锅,阿星煮肉蓉面Yanji Street Food Beer Pot in China

If you don't have a small barbecue when you come to the Northeast China, doesn’t that mean you have not come? People in Yanbian, Jilin, love Northeast barbecue. There are large and small Chuan Restaurants on the street. When night falls, three or five friends meet for barbecue. There is a special barbecue grill with strong carbon fire temperature. The locals have their own secret roasting method. Various parts of beef and mutton can be roasted. The beer pot is bitter and spicy, and Axing cooks minced meat noodles in it.

甘肃岷县豪横美食,牛骨头糊糊,牦牛肉蘸椒盐吃,阿星喝骨汤稀饭Traditional snack yak bone porridge in Gansu

Minxian County is located in Dingxi, Gansu, on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where there is a habit of eating yak meat. The whole yak skeleton is boiled in a large pot and boiled for a whole day. The meat is fragrant and the soup is thick and delicious. Yak head, tripe, and yak bones are eaten with salt and pepper in various parts of the yak. The meat is fragrant and original, and there is a porridge made from bone broth. AXing ate the meat in a big bowl and drank the soup.

满洲里俄式大肉串,48一串比胳膊长,奶酪包香甜,格瓦斯1度酒精Russian Meat Skewers in Nei Mongolia,China

Manzhouli in Hulunbuir, Nei Mongolia, is a small border city with bright lights at night. The food here not only has Han characteristics, Mongolian characteristics, but also Russian style. Axing tastes a popular Russian-style western restaurant. The large Russian-style meat skewers here are 1 meter long, grilled on the outside and tender on the inside, with colorful vegetable skewers, served with white bread. The freshly baked cheese bag is golden and sweet, and the whole restaurant is filled with the aroma of toast. There is also kvass called liquid bread, only 1 degree alcohol, it tastes fruity.

中俄边境小城满洲里,套娃涮肉火锅,阿星讲呼伦贝尔美食避坑指南Matryoshka Hot Pot in Manzhouli,China

Hulunbuir in Nei Mongolia borders Russia, and Manzhouli, a small border city, is full of Russian exoticism. It has been a port of trade and commerce since ancient times. Food and architectural culture have both Nei Mongolian grassland characteristics and Russian characteristics. Matryoshka Hotel is a landmark building here. There are not only beautiful matryoshka dolls, but also delicious Mongolian style hot pot. Axing explained the Hulunbuir Food Travel Anti-fraud Guide.

延吉明太鱼啤酒屋,鱼干浑身是宝,阿星品尝玉米温面,火辣蒸鱼Mentai Fish Banquet in Yanji,China


Mentai Fish is a very popular dish for drinking in the Northeast China. It is not only popular in Yanbian, but also in Russia, Japan, North Korea and South Korea. In Yanji City, there are many Mentai Fish Beer Bars, which use dried Mentai Fish as the main ingredients. There are various methods of roasting and cooking. Axing not only tasted hot steamed fish, but also corn noodles.

西双版纳集贸市场,云南小吃汇聚,阿星吃大锤牛干巴,糯米饭舂鸡脚Street Foods in Xishuangbanna Market,Yunnan

Xishuangbanna Market in Jinghong City, Yunnan, has many strange local products, fruits, and agricultural and sideline products. It is dazzling to visit here, and there are also many local street snacks. The glutinous rice made of purple rice and white glutinous rice, Baoshao made of banana leaves, and various hot and sour dishes, is a Dai-style breakfast. The beef is cut into pieces and air-dried. The dried beef is grilled on charcoal, sprinkled with seasoning, and then smashed into shredded beef with a sledgehammer. There are also special cold Chong Chicken Feet, and a variety of vegetable seasonings are added to the container, which is delicious. Axing suggested that this place can be used as the last stop of the trip. There are many choices for a wide range of goods.

【乌啦啦vlog】 花62元吃山西超大大大大锅「铁锅焖面」,配上蒜真的无敌! | 特别乌啦啦

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【#牛雜撈麵】一大碟 (豬紅 豬皮 豬腸)車仔麵非常吸引! #Beef offal dry noodles, pig skin, pig intestines cart noodles! #廣興車仔麵

廣興車仔麵 (Guangxing nostalgic car stall )
黄大仙18小巴站旁邊 (Next to Wong Tai Sin minibus 18 station )

牛雜 Beef Offal
牛肚Beef Tripe
牛筋Beef Tendons
心腚Beef Heart
豬皮Pork Skin
豬腸Pork Intestine
豬肺Pork Lung
軟骨Beef Cartilage
豆卜Tofu Puff
蘿蔔 Carrot
腩汁 Beef Brisket Sauce

东北的菜量实在太大了,79元2个菜根本吃不完,留晚上露营吃宵夜#女骑 #骑行 #摩旅





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