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兰州南关夜市,本地人最爱小吃街,35元豪华炒面,阿星吃炒拨拉Street food Fried Bola in Lanzhou


兰州南关夜市,本地人最爱小吃街,35元豪华炒面,阿星吃炒拨拉Street food Fried Bola in Lanzhou

Lanzhou’s Snack Night Market not only has the popular Zhengning Road Snack Street, but also the lively Nanguan Road Night Market. This is where many locals choose to eat food. Axing will take you to Nanguan Road for food. The combo of tofu skin and potato chips, spicy wide noodle, and carrot juice is about the taste memory of childhood. The deluxe version of fried noodle, adding meat, vegetables and noodle, is double the carbon water happiness. The apricot skin water in a large pot is slowly boiled over charcoal fire, sour and sweet. There is also a snack in Shandan County, Gansu Province. People are sitting around and frying haggis and steamed buns, which is the joy of eating at the night market.

兰州传统美食三件套,牛肉面,烤肉串,三泡台,阿星黄河边刮碗子Traditional snack beef noodle in Lanzhou

How do Lanzhou people spend a day of food life? Of course, the traditional delicious three-piece set is indispensable, beef noodle in the morning, Sanpaotai tea in the afternoon, and barbecue in the evening, the whole day is clearly arranged, Axing will take you to experience Lanzhou cuisine for a day. The beef noodle called Lanzhou Ramen by outsiders is a world-famous snack. The red and tempting chili oil, meat and eggs, the soup is thick and delicious. Every local has his favorite old beef noodle restaurant. In the afternoon, drinking a Sanpaotai tea by the Yellow River, watching the rolling Yellow River water and sheepskin rafting, is the slow life here. In the evening, how can you miss the special barbecue, grilled on an open fire, roast lamb and big kidneys covered with peppers, take a bite of spicy and tender.

开封老河大夜市,地道碳水小吃,炒凉粉羊肉炕馍,阿星吃街头美食Street food at Henan University night market in Kaifeng

The Kaifeng night market has a long history and can be said to be the originator of the Chinese night market. It has been recorded in the Northern Song Dynasty. There are many night markets in Kaifeng. The more famous ones are Gulou night market, Xisi night market, and old Henan University night market. Axing eats the old Henan University night market delicacies, stir-fried Liangfen, all kinds of buns, almond tea, all of which are authentic carbohydrate snacks. The best way to come to Kaifeng for food is to choose a favorite night market at night to find out.

北海风情街美食,酸笋炒螺芒果沙冰,小巷热闹烧烤摊,坐满本地人Street food fried snails in Beihai

At night in Beihai, Guangxi, the Qiaogang Street is a place not to be missed. There are many local specialties gathered here. Axing tasting fried ice old restaurant, fried snails with sour bamboo shoots, fried ice with mango, Biqi ice desserts, and snail soup with rice noodle. Away from the streets where tourists gather, there are lively barbecue stalls deep in the alleys, full of local diners. Spicy barbecue and beer is the night of Beihai.

东北延吉大冷面,牛肉汤加冰碴子,锅包肉香酥,阿星吃延边美食Traditional Snack Cold Noodle in Yanji,China


What should Axing eat in the hot summer in Northeast China? Of course it is a bowl of cold noodle with ice. In Yanji City, Jilin Province, there are many cold noodle restaurants. Cold noodle can be said to represent Yanbian's daily diet and are the most recommended snack. Add buckwheat noodle, egg, watermelon, beef and other ingredients in a large stainless steel bowl, pour in ice beef soup, sweet and sour taste. There is also Guobao meat, fried golden and crispy, and it is a perfect match with cold noodle.

哈尔滨儿时味道,20年冰糖葫芦,郊区村子杀猪菜,酸菜饺子蘸蒜Northeast Shazhu Dishes in Harbin

What is the taste of Harbin people when they were young? It is a bunch of brightly colored Bingtang Hulu and the memories of Shazhu Dishes in the countryside. The old grandma has sold Bingtang Hulu on the street for more than 20 years. The sweet and sour taste accompanied many people when they grew up. She made her own syrup and added sesame seeds, which tasted crispy and fragrant in winter in the northeast. There are also Shazhu Dishes small restaurants in suburban villages, sauerkraut and white meat hot pot, pork blood sausage, three kinds of pork, blood tofu, and Northeast dumplings. Although these dishes do not look good, they taste delicious. Axing tasted the food about the childhood of Harbin people.

三亚回新村海鲜夜市,渔船现捕现卖,阿星吃油炸沙丁鱼,喝酸鱼汤The Hui Seafood Night Market in Sanya

Fenghuang Town in Sanya, Huixin Village here is the settlement of Hui people in Hainan Province. Huixin Villagers are good at doing business and cooking food, forming a seafood night market. The original dirt road became active as soon as the night fell, and the fishing boats that went out to fish were also dispatched, and it took more than an hour to catch fresh seafood and return. Axing eats fried sardines, squid rings, and sour fish soup, all of which are characteristic seafood delicacies with Hui flavor.

上海本帮面馆排队到马路,味美量大浇头多,阿星吃大排辣肉葱油面Street food local noodle in Shanghai

Eating noodle in Shanghai will dazzle you. Spicy meat, large ribs, fatty intestines, etc., a variety of delicious toppings can make a bowl of delicious noodle. Although the noodle is all made by machine, it is smooth and tough. White noodle, scallion noodle, and sesame sauce noodle can be used as a base. In the seasoning sauce, the noodle is as sweet as the dishes. Axing tasted the noodle with spicy pork and scallion oil, a popular noodle restaurant in Shanghai. It is delicious and affordable. It is the favorite of the drivers and the diners lined up on the road.

广东赤坎古镇美食三宝,柴火黄鳝煲仔饭,鱼滑豆腐角,三扣糖水Cantonese Claypot rice in Chikan Ancient Town

Chikan Ancient Town is located in Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province. There are not only antique arcade buildings, but also three treasures of food. Firewood is used to make claypot rice. The finely-grained silk rice is added with eel and bacon sausage, poured in special soy sauce for seasoning, and there is also a crispy golden rice at the bottom of the claypot. The fish-smooth tofu triangleis, fried golden on both sides, and crispy in the mouth. There are also dessert shops in the streets and alleys of Guangdong. The sweet three-buckle syrup is added with Chikan's characteristic red beans. Axing tastes delicious Cantonese street snacks.

【阿星探店Chinese Food Tour】YouTube频道声明

【阿星探店Chinese Food Tour】YouTube Channel Statement
Welcome to follow and subscribe to this channel, embark on a delicious journey with Axing, and explore the delicacies of every city, one day I will eat downstairs in your house


#兰州 #兰州美食 #甘肃


在亚特兰大吃口兰州拉面倒不是件难事,至少有三四家可以选择。其中名气最大的可能要属Buford Highway上的这家“兰州拉面”(5231 Buford Hwy, Doraville, GA 30340)。因为被美国的媒体和美食博主报道过,倒是不愁各方宾客时不时来打个牙祭。我个人最喜欢他家的牛肉面和肉夹馍,当然菜单上还有很多其它选择。话不多说,一起来看看吧~




#河西走廊 #甘肃美食 #美食探店








营业时间: 05:30-19:00


I have traveled to nearly 100 cities, check local snacks, please follow my Youtube channel.


#苏州面 #苏帮菜 #奥灶面




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