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Милан - Италия | Столица мировой моды | Жизнь других | 1.11.2020

Авторское travel-шоу Жанны Бадоевой «Жизнь других»!
Серия №9 (4 сезон) – о жизни в Милане!

#Милан #Италия #ЖизньДругих #ЖаннаБадоева
Аренда машин в Италии и по всему миру по особым ценам от Discover Cars

Туры по Европе и России на любой вкус и бюджет от туроператора!

Таймкоды выпуска про Милан:
01:27 Мода в жизни местных жителей
04:00 Роды и детские сады в Милане
08:20 В гостях у местной семьи
14:00 Школы Милана
15:34 Разговор с Альбертой Феретти
18:00 Неделя моды в Милане
22:06 Бесплатная вода для местных
23:20 Общение с представителем театра Ла Скала
28:04 В гостях у герцогини
33:00 Ночной клуб в церкви
36:01 В клубе разведенных мужчин
40:45 Пенсионеры в Милане

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Zanzibar w 2024 - TANIE Kontra DROGIE Jedzenie na Zanzibarze!

Zanzibar ile zabrać pieniędzy, ile kosztuje jedzenie, czy ile kosztuje dzień na Zanzibarze - te pytanie dostajemy tak często, że powstał ten film...

#zanzibar #afryka #ceny #jedzenie

Tak często pytacie nas, ile pieniędzy trzeba zabrać na Zanzibar, i jakie są koszty jedzenia, czy jakie są ceny na Zanzibarze, że postanowiliśmy nagrać taki odcinek, aby pokazać ile kosztuje budżetowe jedzenie na Zanzibarze, a ile kosztuje, jak się je w lepszych turystycznych restauracjach.
Po tym filmie będziesz wiedzieć ile pieniędzy przeznaczyć na wyjazd na Zanzibar, ile możesz wydawać dziennie na Zanzibarze i jakie są koszty jedzenia w różnych opcjach i restauracjach na wyspie. W tym filmie zobaczysz nie tylko jakie są ceny na Zanzibarze, ale też czy zawsze warto zapłacić więcej, oraz co dostaniesz, jeśli zdecydujesz się zapłacić więcej.

Zanzibar jedzenie lokalne, turystyczne i street food - ceny i jakość. Zapraszamy!

Chcesz, aby pojawiało się więcej treści podróżniczych, więcej filmów poradnikowych i więcej vlogów? Wesprzyj nasz kanał. Całość z kwoty z Patronite idzie na podróże i nagrywanie filmów, a przy okazji dostaniesz od czasu do czasu kartkę z naszych podróży lub inną pamiątkę i weźmiesz udział w losowaniu specjalnych gadżetów przywiezionych z naszych podróży...
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Linki do naszych blogów znajdziesz w prawej dolnej częsci baneru na naszej stronie na YouTube,

Russian TYPICAL (24 Hour) Supermarket Tour: Tvoy Dom

What does a Russian TYPICAL Supermarket look like? Let's walk together in a 24 hour per day Russian TYPICAL Supermarket. Tvoy Dom is a Supermarket on a whole different level, with over 112,000 sq meters of space.

????Store Website:
???? Mkad 66 Kilometr, Moscow, Moscow Oblast, 143401
???? Store Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 5.00 pm (17.00 pm) 28th August 2023.

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#tvoydom #travellingwithrussell #russia

西安小南门早市 高耸的古老城墙下充满人间烟火气的热闹早市 这里既有西安特色美食 又有居民所需的日常食材 油茶麻花 肘子肉夹馍 笼笼肉夹馍 梆梆肉 葫芦头泡馍 油条灌鸡蛋 菜盒 甑糕 石子馍 蓼花糖


00:00 西安城墙下的小南门早市
00:31 油茶麻花
02:00 宫廷香酥牛肉饼
05:11 笼笼肉夹馍
06:07 肘子肉夹馍
09:00 油条灌鸡蛋
11:20 甑糕
12:40 菜盒
14:42 千层饼
16:39 草莓
18:10 绿豆沙 豌豆黄
20:33 舟山带鱼
23:44 老面包 蜂蜜小面包
25:23 墩子牛肉
28:44 辣椒
30:05 腊肠 腊肉
30:43 咸菜
32:43 梆梆肉 葫芦头泡馍

#集市 #早市 #西安美食 #morningmarket #exploringchina漫步中国 #chinamarket #西安 #ExploringChina漫步中国 #字幕 #字幕付き #subtitles #subtitle #subtitlesavailable #subtitled #日本語字幕付き #陕西美食 #陕西 #肘子肉夹馍 #石子馍 #葫芦头 #梆梆肉 #小南门早市 #勿幕门 #含光门 #西安城墙

5000円で大阪→福岡 新門司 12時間 フェリー旅の価格破壊



0:00 オープニング
1:58 フェリーターミナル
4:06 乗船
6:36 船室
9:06 出航
13:06 大阪湾
16:01 明石海峡大橋
18:36 夕食
20:16 船内施設
25:11 瀬戸大橋
26:56 夜の船内
28:26 来島海峡大橋
29:57 早朝の船内
31:02 到着
33:37 下船
35:41 連絡バス
37:21 小倉駅


河东皇山大集 当大集进入城市 道路变身小吃街 一公里长的城市道路封闭起来作为集市场地 华灯初上的时候人流如织 把子肉卤菜 现拌凉菜 鲅鱼卷煎饼 梅干菜肉饼 章鱼小丸子 手打鸡蛋卷 街头爆米花





Song: Unstoppable
Music by:

00:00 精彩镜头
00:25 学府路东段的皇山大集
00:59 蜂巢小蛋糕 7元一锅
02:00 霉豆腐 现场制作豆腐乳 25元一罐
05:20 网红无骨鸡爪 48元一斤
05:50 鲁菜名吃 把子肉卤菜 33元一斤把子肉 58元一斤卤大肠
08:36 39元一双的运动鞋
09:30 50元一个的巨型羊驼毛绒玩具
11:34 馓子摊位
12:14 奥尔良烤鸡腿
12:34 先进的设备让老爷爷一次可以下10个萝卜丸子进油锅
14:02 梅干菜肉饼
18:00 武汉黑鸭不姓周
18:41 手作蛋卷达人
20:51 5元3串的糖葫芦
22:35 跳水进入百姓家的阳光玫瑰葡萄
23:05 5元一斤的大鲤鱼
23:44 新鲜玉米 10元5个
23:58 现炒葵花籽
24:57 蔬菜摊位
25:24 蜂蜜大麻花 10元5根
27:21 街头蜂蜜爆米花 3元一桶
28:45 炸萝卜丸子
30:10 玉米棒型印钞机
30:45 手作毛线饰品
31:31 寿司卷 纯肉肠
32:54 章鱼小丸子
34:18 鲅鱼卷煎饼 7元一份
35:50 拌凉菜
37:59 华灯初上 熙来攘往

#exploringchina漫步中国 #chinamarket #集市 #临沂 #河东 #皇山 #山东 #字幕 #字幕付き #subtitles #subtitle #subtitlesavailable #subtitled 日本語字幕付き

16 hours alone on a sleeper train in Eastern Europe [Ep. 7] ????????

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In November 2021, I travelled solo around Belarus for a month. I started my journey from the capital city, stayed in a small village, and continued to different cities in the North, Far East and Southeast of Belarus.

The last part of my journey started in the city of Gomel. Captivated by rail transport, I decided to buy a sleeper train ticket for 33 Belarusian rubles or around 12 US dollars for a 16-hour journey. The train departed from Gomel, heading Northwest, and passed through Minsk all the way to Grodno city, bordering Poland and Lithuania.

Hello there, welcome to this channel!
I am an Indonesian female solo traveler, who started solo traveling in 2013. After working for the government till 2016, I left Indonesia to pursue full-time traveling and to document myself as I explore different cultures as a solo female.

Having initially traveled for 5 months throughout Asia, I moved to China in January 2017 for an English teaching job, which was my first experience living abroad.

Since leaving China in 2018, I have taken the move to become a full-time YouTube creator and traveler. I strive to create unique, culture-driven content and capture authentic interactions as I travel.

BMW 5.000 DOLAR ! (Özel Video)

hesabımdan dünya turunu anlık paylaşmaya başladım.

✅➡️ Kanala Abone Olun, Maceraya ortak olun. Bu seneki dünya turumu her hafta izleyin, bildirimleri açmayı unutmayın???? Yaklaşık 30 ülke gezeceğiz.

İş Birliği İçin:

Panaturco Kutay'ın Youtube Kanalını takip edin✅

Panama'da araba fiyatlarının çok ucuz olduğunu duymuştum ama Panaturco Kutay ile gezince daha da şaşırdım. Bu bölümü özel uğraşıp ayrıca çekmek istedim. Panama'da araba almak ne kolaymış. İyi seyirler...

00:00 Panama City'den Selamlar
01:20 Panama araba piyasası
02:30 Panama'da maaşlar (Minimum 588 dolar)
05:00 İlk galeriyi geziyoruz
08:30 Panama'da ev ve araba nasıl alınır
14:17 BMW 7.000 Dolar, Audi bedava
20:20 Audiler, Mercedesler bu galeride çok ucuz
24:30 Audi Q7 sadece 7.000 dolar
26:50 Akşam yemeğimiz
video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#panama #araba #fiyatlari

Benkovacki Sajam - the BIGGEST Croatian FLEA MARKET!

Today we made our way to Sukosan to base ourselves for the next week of exploring all around! Our first stop was the Benkovacki Sajam, which is the largest flea market in Croatia and has been going on for over 100 years. It takes place on the 10th of every month, so be sure to check it out if you're near Benkovac on the 10th of any month!

Learn more about our private tours throughout Croatia:

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The Acapulco they DON’T tell you about!

Looking for what to do in Acapulco, Mexico? We have you covered! In this Acapulco Travel Vlog we take you all over Acapulco Mexico showing you things to do, Acapulco beaches, Acapulco Restaurants, and more Acapulco attractions like Isla de la Roqueta and La Capilla de la Paz.

A lot of the Acapulco vlogs focus on its dangerous side but we wanted to highlight it’s beautiful side. Acapulco has so much to offer and is a beautiful destination in Mexico. We hope this Acapulco Travel Guide helps you plan your next vacation to Acapulco. With so many things to do, things to see, and things to eat in Acapulco you are going to have a hard time leaving! Enjoy Acapulco!

Acapulco Scooter Rental:

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We (Heidi & Adam) are part of multiple affiliate sales networks. This means that we may be compensated if you (the consumer) choose to utilize the links located here, in our channel. We only recommend products, services, and resources we believe will provide value to YOU! We greatly appreciate when you use our links!

深圳美食必吃!本地人市场!海鲜市场买海鲜!餐厅烹饪!超级美味!第一老字号人气甜品店!全部坐满人!点心早茶!2人消费70元!#dimsum #seafood #market,Shenzhen China

#seafood #market #shenzhen #深圳 #美食 #美食探店 #cantonese #deliciousfood #街景 #粤菜 #点心 #饮茶 #市场 #海鲜 #海鲜市场 #虾 #蟹 #螺 #生蚝 #seafoods market #shrimp #crab #snail #oyster #dessert #dimsum #物价 #cantonese #粤语 #旅游 #美食分享 #功略 #foodtour

00:00:00 Shenzhen dim sum morning tea, shrimp dumplings, fried dumplings, water chestnut cake
00:08:59 Property prices, local market
00:22:09 Buying seafood at the seafood market
00:36:22 Roast goose restaurant and cooked seafood
00:51:15 The No. 1 dessert shop

00:00:00 深圳点心早茶,虾饺,煎饺,马蹄糕
00:08:59 楼价,本地人市场
00:22:09 海鲜市场买海鲜
00:36:22 烧鹅餐厅煮海鲜
00:51:15 排名第一甜品老店


Guanajuato, Guanajuato Mexico, Guanajuato Guanajuato, Ciudad Guanajuato - whatever you call it, it just might be THE MOST BEAUTIFUL CITY in Mexico!

If you want to know what to do in Guanajuato, things to do in Guanajuato, are looking for a travel guide to Guanajuato, or just want see why this may be the most beautiful city in Mexico, you have come to the right place!

In this Mexico Travel Vlog we explore many historic places in Guanajuato such as Mercado Hidalgo, Alhondiga de Granaditas, El Callejon del Beso, and Teatro Juarez. We also go to El museo de Momias, Guanajuato Mummy Museum, as well as go up the Guanajuato Funicular to the Pipila Monument. We eat our way through Guanajuato Guanajuato, eating Guacamayas and Enchiladas Mineras.

We think that Guanajuato is absolutely one of the most beautiful cities in Mexico and we recommend 100% going there when you are traveling to Mexico. We hope you enjoyed this Guanajuato Travel Guide and hope it helps you when you go to Guanajuato Mexico!
#guanajuato #guanajuatomexico

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???? Having trouble finding GOOD MUSIC for your videos? Get COPYRIGHT free music here:

Looking for MORE? We’d LOVE for you to follow us on ALL our SOCIALS ⬇️
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We (Heidi & Adam) are part of multiple affiliate sales networks. This means that we may be compensated if you (the consumer) choose to utilize the links located here, in our channel. We only recommend products, services, and resources we believe will provide value to YOU! We greatly appreciate when you use our links!

4K Новый Иерусалим Воскресенский мужской монастырь ☦️ Экскурсии Подмосковье

✴ Старая Коломна. Коломенский Кремль -
✴ Коломна. Богоявленский Старо-Голутвин мужской монастырь -
✴ Город Верея -
✴ Храмы и церкви Солнечногорска -
✴ Новый Иерусалим Воскресенский мужской монастырь -
✴ Звенигород. Саввино-Сторожевский монастырь -
✴ Музей-усадьба Царицыно -
✴ Коломенский дворец царя Алексея Михайловича -
✴ Московский Кремль. Церемониальный развод конных и пеших караулов -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#монастыриподмосковья #подмосковьедостопримечательности #достопримечательностиподмосковья #турподмосковье #экскурсиипомосковскойобласти #экскурсионныйтурподмосковье #экскурсияподмосковье #однодневныйтурподмосковье #городаподмосковья

자전거 국토종주길 체험 │자전거 전용도로?│The best bike path in Korea! Yeoju, riding a bicycle in Korea

[ 민댕이 에게 ]
국토종주길을 체험했습니다. 그런데 이길이 맞나요? 자전거 전용도로 라고 되어있지만... 그냥 흙길에 자갈밭인데 무언가 잘못되었겠지요?

율촌3리 마을회관 - 여주보- 세종대왕릉 - 강천섬 유원지-소금산 -블루헤런gc를 넘어오는 코스
93km 상승고도769m 입니다.
소금산 전까지 자전거 도로를 달려서 편안하게 갈 수 있지만,
마땅한 보급지가 없어서 보급품 넉넉히 챙기세용.
분명 자전거 전용도로라고 써있는데...
소금산 이후로 약 32km 에 상승 400을 맞이합니다. ㅠ,.ㅜ
계속 언덕을 올라가기때문에 힘드시면 자전거도로로 재설정 하시면 될거에요~
항상 안라하세요~

늘 응원과 따뜻한 댓글 너무 감사합니다.????
구독과???? 좋아요???? 알림설정???? 감사합니다.
저작권 걱정없는 무제한 유료음원 사이트.
[ 아래 링크를 통하여 가입시 2개월 추가혜택 ]

▽▽▽[ 협찬 제품 ]▽▽▽

[insta360 GO2]

혜택: 무료 렌즈 가더
[insta360 ONE X2]

혜택:렌즈가더 (또는 셀피스틱)

???? 영상의 소유권은 민댕_Mindy 에 있습니다.
???? 무단편집 및 무단배포를 삼가해주세요.

Who Goes To Bosnia | Jajce Waterfall

Hey you guys! Who goes to Bosnia? Anyone looking to experience Bosnia's most beautiful places, and that includes magical Jajce, Bosnia! Our Jajce Bosnia travel vlog highlights some top things to do in Bosnia, like Mlincici Jajce (Jajce watermills), Jajce Bosnia Catacombs and Pliva Waterfall Jajce Bosnia and Herzegovnia...definitely some must dos in Jajce Bosnia. We also hit a couple of points on how expensive is Jajce, Bosnia. We show where to stay in Jajce, Bosnia too--our Jajce Bosnia apartment. If you have any questions or would like to share your thoughts, please leave us a comment below! Share our video with a friend, and like always, thank you for living life! ????

????????Curious about where we'll be next? Subscribe now:
????????And hit the bell so you'll be notified of our future videos!

Music from Epidemic Sound:
Liability, Tape Machines feat. Astyn Turr

No One Is Safe Here,Kikoru

Want to Move My Feet, Sum Wave

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maastopyöräily emtb canyon spectral on 7

Joutsenossa polkuja ajelemassa..
canyon spectral on 7.0 emtb

#emtb #canyon #spectral #joutseno


Spirit by Sappheiros is under a Creative Commons ( cc-by ) license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

Sappheiros - Embrace is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

Železnička stanica Novi Sad / Novi Sad railway station & Viktor Orban / Novi Sad, 19. 03. 2022.

0:00 Start & Novi Sad & Železnička stanica Novi Sad / Novi Sad railway station & Zimski dan / Winter day & Rekonstrukcija i modernizacija stanice Novi Sad / Reconstruction and modernization of the Novi Sad station
0:10 Govor predsednika Vlade Mađarske, Viktora Orbana. / Speech by the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán.

Svečanom otvaranju prve pruge za velike brzine u Srbiji, na relaciji Beograd - Novi Sad, prisustvovali su predsednik Republike Srbije, Aleksandat Vučić i predsednik Mađarske Vlade, Viktor Orban. / The ceremonial opening of the first high-speed railway in Serbia, on the route Belgrade - Novi Sad, was attended by the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban.

Svečano otvaranje prve pruge za velike brzine u Srbiji, na relaciji Beograd - Novi Sad & Govor predsednika Vlade Mađarske, Viktora Orbana. / Ceremonial opening of the first high-speed railway in Serbia, on the route Belgrade - Novi Sad & Speech by the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán.

Акционарско друштво за железнички превоз путника “Србија Воз” / Joint Stock Company for Passenger Railway Transport “Srbija Voz “

Železnička stanica Novi Sad / Novi Sad railway station & Rekonstrukcija i modernizacija stanice Novi Sad / Reconstruction and modernization of the Novi Sad station & Svečano otvaranje prve pruge za velike brzine u Srbiji, na relaciji Beograd - Novi Sad. / Ceremonial opening of the first high-speed railway in Serbia, on the route Belgrade - Novi Sad.

Novi Sad, 19. 03. 2022. godine, u 12.10 h

#novisad #brzapruga #madjarska #hungary #prijateljstvo #baratsag #rzdinternational #railpassion #zgop #zgopnovisad #voz #train #zima #winter #backa #vojvodina #srbija #serbia #pruga #railways #rekonstrukcija #modernizacija #infrastrukturazeleznicesrbije #kineskezeleznice #srbijavoz #soko #brzivozsoko #zeleznickastanica

Moji najgledaniji video klipovi o zeleznici su / My most watched railroad videos are:

[C.C자막]잉크집 타투샵 소개 손님 실시간 스트리밍/개천에서 용난다는 손금 드디어 나왔다!

서울 용산구 우사단로 10길 54 /1층 {우사단로 10길 56 /2층}
한남동763-20 1층 /건너편 2층 사무실 모두 이전
포춘텔러 손금형님 사무실 이전

구의역2번출구에서 U턴 하셔서 50m
GS편의점 골목으로 120m
메가MGC커피 좌측 바로옆 사무실위치입니다.

서울특별시 광진구 아차산로55길11,103호 [테라펠리스]D&G 손금 디자인&인테리어 입니다. 예약번호는 010-6630-6225 예약전화가 부재시 촬영이나 상담중에 있사오니 차후 연락드릴테니 기억할수 있게 문자를 남겨놓아주시면 성실히 답변드리겠습니다.
사람의 근성은 돈을 받고도 생색을 내기도 물심양면으로 대우를 해줘도 본성의 악날한 것이 아니라 이용하고 활용하는 부분만 치우쳐 사람의 본질을 잊어버린다. 그런다해도 금수만도 못하다하는 인간들은 본성을 못고쳐써먹는다. 자기들이 찌질찌질하게 몇푼아껴서 손금설명을 들었다 치차...
복권을 티켓을 구매를 안했는데 1등이 되기는 만무하고 아예 당첨이 되지를 않는다.
복채를 받는다 한다. 네이버 국어사전에서도 복채.복권의 의미를 가지는 깊이를 따져보면 발복이 안된다 난 그렇게 본다.
ソウル市広津区阿茶山路55ギル 11,103 [Terrapelis]D&G Palmistry Design & Interior.予約番号は010-6630-6225です 予約電話が使えない場合は、撮影中または相談中ですので、後ほどご連絡いたしますので、覚えておけるようにテキストメッセージを残していただければ、誠意をもってお答えいたします。
たとえお金を払って物質的・精神的に扱われたとしても、その人は本性の邪悪な部分に偏っているのではなく、自分が利用し利用している部分だけに偏り、人間の本質を忘れているのです。それでも、禁じられるほど善良ではない人間は、その本性を変えることはできません。彼らは数ペニーを節約し、手のひらの説明に耳を傾けました チチャ...

Seoul, Gwangjin-gu, Achasan-ro 55-gil 11,103 [Terrapelis]D&G Palmistry Design & Interior. The reservation number is 010-6630-6225 If the reservation phone is not available, we are in the process of filming or consulting, so we will contact you later, so please leave a text message so that you can remember it, and we will answer it sincerely.
Even if people are paid for money and treated in a material and spiritual way, they are not biased towards the evil part of their nature, but only the part of them that they use and utilize, and they forget the essence of man. Even so, human beings who are not good enough to be forbidden cannot change their nature. They saved a few pennies and listened to the palm explanation Chicha...
I didn't buy a ticket for the lottery, but I can't win the first prize at all.
It is said that you will receive blessings. Bokchae in Naver Korean Dictionary. Considering the depth of the meaning of the lottery, I don't think so.

운세는 이집트, 로마,그리스, 바빌론, 앗시리아. 또한, 그들은 주 전체의 삶에서 커다란 역할을했습니다. 또한 러시아와 서구에서 가장 흔한 다양한 운세 책이있었습니다. 그러한 문학은 사람들에게 알려졌고 다양한 미신에 큰 영향을 미쳤다.
문서로 남는 명의, 부동산과 재물을 가지는 생명 선에서 나오는 선들이 돈과 연관이 다 되어있는 신비함.
생명선에서 보이는 건강의 상태,손금으로 문제점을 진단해본다
누구나 승진,출세, 명예 부귀의 가치를 가지며 그것을 향해 노력해 나간다
또한 가정의 운,결혼,연애를 꿈꾸며 아름다운 삶을 추구한다
손금으로 들여다 보는 새로운 발견을 찾아보자

Mysterium quod lineae quae sunt de linea vitae cum documentis, mattis et divitiae sunt omnes ad pecuniam pertinentes.
Diagnose problemata cum statu sanitatis visis ex vita, palmistry
Suae quisque ipsius dignitatis, victoriae, famae, divitiarum, divitiarum valet, atque in eam nititur.
Praeterea somniat fortunam familiarem, nuptias, et amorem, et prosequitur vitam honestam.
Nova inventa per palmam manus tuae

Das Geheimnis, dass die Zeilen, die aus der Lebenslinie mit Dokumenten, Immobilien und Vermögen hervorgehen, alle mit Geld zu tun haben.
Diagnostizieren Sie Probleme mit dem Gesundheitszustand von der Rettungsleine aus gesehen, Handlesen
Jeder hat den Wert von Beförderung, Erfolg, Ruhm, Reichtum und Reichtum und strebt danach.
Außerdem träumt sie von Familienglück, Ehe und Liebe und verfolgt ein schönes Leben.
Entdecken Sie neue Entdeckungen durch die Handfläche

The mystery that the lines that come out of the line of life with documentary names, real estate and wealth are all related to money.
The health of the double lifeline and the new world of tasting broadcasting
Diagnose problems with the state of health seen from the life line, palmistry.
Everyone has the values ​​of promotion, success, fame, wealth, and wealth, and strives towards them.
In addition, she dreams of family luck, marriage, and love, and pursues a beautiful life.
Discover new discoveries through the palm of your hand



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