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Soroca, The Romani Capital of Moldova


Soroca, The Romani Capital of Moldova

Soroca, The Romani Capital of Moldova
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David’s Been Here is traveling Moldova in search of the country’s top destinations and most memorable travel experiences. In this short video, David brings us to the Romani capital of Moldova: Soroca. A two-hour drive from Chisinau, Soroca is home to the wealthiest community of Roma (or Gypsy) peoples in all of Eastern Europe. Explore the incredible architecture and history of this iconic town (dating back to 1740) with mansion-lined streets, the grand Soroca fortress (dating back to 1499), Candle of Gratitude and so much more. It’s one of the most unique and picturesque towns in all of Moldova, but visitors beware… it gets very cold!! Watch along as David and his guide warm up in the local style at Old Cellar Restaurant- over a hefty shot of Moldoka vodka. It might be strong, but it certainly does the trick! If you’re looking for an unforgettable day trip in Moldova, don’t miss this unique visit to Soroca- you can even catch a glimpse of the Ukrainian border!

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Production by Carlos de Varona from Chromahouse.

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My name is David Hoffmann and for the last decade I have been traveling around the world in search of unique culture, food and history! Since starting Davidsbeenhere in 2008, I have traveled to 71 countries and over 1,000 destinations, which I welcome you to check out on my YouTube Channel, blog and social medias.

I focus a great deal on food and historic sites, as you probably have seen! I love to experience the different flavors that each destination has to offer, whether it’s casual Street food or gourmet restaurant dining. I’m also passionate about learning the local history and culture.

Soroca, The Romani Capital of Moldova


Would you look for the Roma Gypsy mansions of Moldova? ????????

In the town of Soroca in northern Moldova there is an area called Gypsy Hill. This area is home to a large comunity of Roma. Historically marginalised and persecuted in many countries across Europe, the Roma have now built mansions in Soroca and have done so in great style. So let's go and have a look!

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Moldova, Soroca: los gitanos romaníes y su arquitectura lujosa | ¡He visitado al barón gitano!

La palabra gitano evoca muchas asociaciones: caravanas, adivinación, robo, matrimonio infantil, tráfico de drogas. No todos los gitanos son nómadas. Algunos incluso tienen sus propios barrios y ciudades. Visité al barón gitano de la ciudad romaní de Soroca, en Moldavia, donde los residentes viven en lujosos palacios, conservan su cultura y viajan al país vecino, Ucrania, para comprar productos para la venta. En mi nuevo vídeo mostraré y explicaré cómo se ha adaptado la capital gitana en el espacio postsoviético y a qué problemas se enfrenta el pueblo romaní debido a los estereotipos que se han desarrollado a su alrededor.

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Rusia desconocida: República de Tuvá, la región más peligrosa del país | ¡Me atacaron en la calle!

Afganistán unas horas antes de la llegada de talibanes | Pobreza y ejército irresponsable ESP SUB

Yakutia, Rusia: la vida de los pastores de renos nómadas en el Extremo Norte ESP SUB

#moldavia #gitanos #baron

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00:00 Introducción
01:18 ¿Cómo encontrar a un barón gitano?
03:06 ¿Quién es el barón gitano?
04:49 La historia de la ciudad de Soroca
06:17 A qué se dedican los lugareños
06:48 Andando por las calles de Soroca
09:48 Cúpulas de oro y la Casa Blanca local
10:50 Historia de los romaníes
12:43 ¿Los gitanos o los romaníes?
14:25 El Tribunal gitano
16:25 Rumores y estereotipos
18:06 Un patio hermoso
19:45 Cultura, costumbres y tradiciones
24:35 Empleo, dinero y los niños
25:42 Violencia doméstica y los derechos de las mujeres

Traveling to the Country Everyone is Trying to Leave.

Moldova - the least visited and one of the poorest countries in Europe. A country most of us know nothing about. But we wanted to travel here and find out what the real Moldova is like, beyond the continuous negative news headlines in the west. So we booked a last minute flight from London to Romania and then crossed the border in to Moldova, where we travelled on to the capital Chisinau, to explore the country and try to learn more about this little known country on the edge of eastern Europe. Welcome to Moldova! ????????


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#travel #moldova #europe #easterneurope #travelvlog #life #mattandjulia

SOROCA City - Romania (HD1080p)

*** SOROCA is a city and municipality in MOLDOVA (former Romanian territory, with the historical name Bessarabia), situated on the DNIESTER river about 160 km north of CHISINAU. It is the administrative center of the SOROCA District. ***

Soroca, Moldova (English)

A short video on Soroca town and surroundings, Republic of Moldova. Some facts and info about the town, its history, people living there.

All credits go to the original authors of this video who are unknown to me at the moment. This video is posted only for informational purposes. I seek no commercial profit and I am not responsible for the contents of the film. Enjoy! ;-)

The Town Of Soroca, Republica Moldova. Car Ride. Dance Music.

A car walk around the town of Soroca, throughout the city. You see with your own eyes this beautiful town. Happy viewing.

#Car Ride, #Chisinau, #Moldova, #auto walk, #car trip, #Soroca, #Dance Music

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Mandri ca sunt TIGANI! Ne-au primit in casele lor si au DISTRUS toate PRECONCEPTIILE

Despre Dealul Țiganilor din Soroca am aflat din pură întâmplare însă am înțeles repede că este unul dintre acele locuri care nu trebuie ratate. Acestea fiind spuse, ne-am pornit la drum din Chișinău și în câteva ore am ajuns în inima comunității de romi din Soroca. #soroca #moldova #dealultiganilor

Ziua noastră a început cu Donka, surpriza acestei experiențe, o femeie care ne-a primit în casa ei, ne-a povestit despre viața de familie, despre tradițiile țiganilor din anii trecuți, despre ce este important în viață și fără să ne întrebe prea multe, ne-a prezentat casa ei. Așternuturi de mătase, camere de palat, bibelouri din porțelan, flori, opulență, și o ordine cum rar am întâlnit.

De la Donka ne-am croit drum către casa lui Artur Cerari, baronul romilor din Soroca. Deși ajunși pe nepusă masă, acesta ne-a primit cu pârjoale calde și ne-a îndemnat să vizităm și alte case din comunitatea țiganilor. A stat de vorbă cu noi, a glumit și ne-a făcut repede să înțelegem că oamenii din Soroca sunt educați, ospitalieri și credincioși.

La numai câteva minute de casa baronului, am făcut cunoștință cu Vasile, pastorul comunității de romi. Aici am întâlnit o altă tipologie, altă educație, alte obiceiuri. El și soția sa ne-au ajutat să înțelegem mai bine de unde se trag țiganii, care este istoria lor, care sunt tradițiile și care este secretul conservării undi astfel de comunități. Vasile ne-a povestit și despre cum a ajuns pastorul de la Soroca, care au fost încerările prin care a trecut și care sunt planurile de viitor ale comunități.

Ziua se încheie cu Valentin, cel care cunoaște cel mai bine istoria neamului țigănesc, proveniența lui, tradițiile și obiceiurile. Odată cu poeziile recitate de el s-au dărâmat și prejudecățile noastre.

Cu acest material am încercat să evidențiăm Extraordinarul unei comunități care își păstrează obiceiurile și tradițiile într-o lume condamnată uniformizării. Sperăm să vă placă!

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【K】Moldova Travel-Soroca[몰도바 여행-소로카]집시 왕과의 저녁 식사/Gipsy village/Dinner/Gipsy king

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[한국어 정보]
집에서는 저녁 준비가 한창이다. 만두와 비슷한 요리인데 밀가루로 만든 만두피 대신 양배추나 다른 채소를 만두피로 만드는 것이 신기하다. 집시족들이 이렇게 집을 짓고 정착생활을 한 건 60년 남짓이라고 한다. “(1956년 소련 후루시초프의) 그 명령이 무엇이냐면 집시들이 더 이상 돌아다니지 못하도록 하는 것 이었어요. 정착을 시키기 위해서 집을 사 주거나 지어주고, 배당도 해 주었어요. 집시들이 이 곳 저 곳으로 떠돌아다니지 않도록 하기 위해서요. 그때 (집시들은) 말을 버렸어요 꼴호즈(집단농장) 등에 주었지요. 그렇게 집시들이 이 곳에 정착해서 살게 되었어요.” 집시 왕과의 만찬이다. 왕과의 만찬이라고 산해진미가 있는 것은 아니지만 특별한 저녁이라는 생각이 들었다. 메뉴는 주로 닭고기로 만든 우리로 치면 만두 같은 것과 생선, 옥수수로 만든 빵, 과일이다. 저녁을 마치고 난 집시왕은 아코디언으로 집시들의 노래를 들려주었다. 조상 때부터 물려받은 집시족만의 특유의 감성과 연주 솜씨를 보여줬다. 먼 옛날 떠돌던 조상들의 느낌을 아는 것일까 그의 노래와 연주에 특별한 느낌이 있었다. 한국에 있는 가족들과 꼭 다시 오라는 말씀과 함께 우리의 행운도 같이 빌어줬다.

[English: Google Translator]
The house is in full swing preparing dinner. Inde similar to cook dumplings made from flour instead of wear to make mandupi cabbage and other vegetables to mandupi. This is called a gypsy family have a house built for one thing settled a little more than 60 years. (1956 full-Soviet outset of the program), the command will yinyamyeon what was to prevent Gypsies were no longer walk back. Built four houses in order to give jugeona settlement, it also gave dividends. Gypsies are required to attend so that wandered into this place here. Then (Gypsies) tossed like a horse pasture eotjiyo weeks Hawes (collective farms). Gypsy doeeoteoyo so they settled here to live. The Gypsy King and dinner. Having a dinner with delicacies that the king heard this, but the idea of ​​a special evening. The menu is mostly the same as we hit made with chicken and fish dumplings, made with corn bread and fruit. Gypsy King told the songs of gypsy accordion as I finished the evening. It showed a unique sensibility and skill of playing gypsy family inherited only from fathers. It does knowing the feeling of tteodoldeon ancestors long ago there was a special feeling in his songs and performances. Good luck, as even gave our word with auras come back with my family in Korea.

[Moldova: Google Translator]
Casa este in plin leagăn cina pregătește. Inde similare pentru a găti găluște din făină în loc de uzură pentru a face varză mandupi și alte legume la mandupi. Aceasta se numește o familie de romi au construit o casă pentru un singur lucru sa stabilit un pic mai mult de 60 de ani. (1956 început full-sovietic al programului), comanda va yinyamyeon ceea ce a fost de a preveni țiganii nu mai erau de mers înapoi. Construit patru case, în scopul de a da de decontare jugeona, a dat, de asemenea, dividende. Țiganii sunt obligați să participe, astfel încât rătăcit în acest loc aici. Atunci (țiganii), aruncat ca o pășune de cal eotjiyo săptămâni Hawes (ferme colective). doeeoteoyo țigani astfel încât s-au așezat să trăiască aici. Țiganilor Regele și cina. O cină cu delicatese pe care regele a auzit acest lucru, dar ideea unei seri speciale. Meniul este în mare parte la fel ca și ne-am lovit făcut cu carne de pui și pește găluște, făcute cu pâine de porumb și fructe. Gypsy Regele a spus cântece de acordeon tigan ca am terminat seara. Acesta a aratat o sensibilitate unica si abilitate de a juca familie de țigani a moștenit numai de la tați. Aceasta nu cunoaște sentimentul de strămoșii tteodoldeon mult timp în urmă a existat un sentiment special în cântece și performanțele sale. Mult noroc, așa cum chiar și-a dat cuvântul nostru cu aure vin înapoi cu familia mea în Coreea.

■클립명: 유럽141-몰도바01-07 집시 왕과의 저녁 식사/Gipsy village/Dinner/Gipsy king
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이남기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 10월 October

마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,숙소,lodging,hotel, residence, breakfast,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,육식,meat,meat,meal,식사,식사,meal,food, dish, cooking, 요리, 음식,음악,music,instrument, concert,유럽,Europe,동유럽,몰도바,Republic of Moldova,Republica moldova,Moldavia,이남기,2015,10월 October,소로카 구,Soroca,Soroca,

Turul caselor luxoase a celor mai bogati TIGANI!

Cand ajungi in Soroca Dealul Tiganilor iti atrage atentia prin casele luxoase care se inalta pe acolo. Iata ca am avut ocazia sa tragem o priviri la cele case chiar prin interior.


Echipamente folosite:
Set microfon wireless 2 transmitatoare Saramonic Blink B2:
Set microfon wireless 1 transmitator Saramonic Blink B1:
Saramonic SR-AX100 audio mixer:
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Camera Fujifilm X-T3:
Obiectiv Fujinon 16mm F1.4:
Obiectiv Fujinon 10-24mm F4:
Obiectiv Fujifilm 18-55mm F2.8-4:
Ghimbal Zhiyun Crane V2 -
Mini Trepied SIRUI 3T-35:
Microfon Shotgun Deity V-Mic D3 Pro:
Mini microfon Saramonic SR-XM1:
Drona DJI Mavic Pro -
Monociclu Inmotion V10F (Costi) -
Monociclu Inmotion V5F (Luminita) -


SOCAȚI in Republica MOLDOVA: nu ESTE cea mai SĂRACĂ ȚARĂ din Europa! - iată de ce!

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Moldova, Republica Moldova, vlog din moldova, ce sa vezi in moldova, preturi moldova, moldova in europa, cea mai saraca tara din europa, chisinau, cosmin avram chisinau, cosmin avram moldova, moldova saraca, realitatea din moldova, Transnistria, rusia si moldova, limba rusa in moldova, limba romana in moldova,

Bulibasa din Soroca ! Povesti si intamplari fantastice !

Acasa la Baronul tiganilor din toata Republica Moldova !

Exploring Moldova: Unveiling the Hidden Gems - Top 10 Must-Visit Places!

Welcome to our YouTube video on the Top 10 Best Places to Visit in Moldova - Exploring Moldova: Unveiling the Hidden Gems! In this video, we take you on an incredible journey through Moldova, showcasing its most breathtaking destinations. From historical landmarks to stunning natural wonders, Moldova has it all. So pack your bags and join us as we uncover the must-visit places that this beautiful country has to offer.

Welcome to the enchanting country of Moldova, a hidden gem in Eastern Europe. In this video, we will take you on a journey to the top 10 must-visit places in Moldova. Get ready to uncover the rich cultural heritage, beautiful landscapes, and unique experiences this country has to offer. So, let's begin our adventure!

Our first stop is Chisinau, the lively capital of Moldova. Explore its charming streets, visit the majestic Nativity Cathedral, and indulge in the local cuisine at the bustling Central Market.

Next, we head to Orheiul Vechi, a breathtaking archaeological complex carved into the cliffs. Here, you can wander through ancient caves, visit the centuries-old monastic complex, and take in panoramic views of the Raut River.

Nature lovers, rejoice! The Padurea Domneasca National Park is a paradise of pristine forests, tranquil lakes, and diverse wildlife. Take a leisurely hike, go birdwatching, or simply bask in the serenity of this stunning nature reserve.

No visit to Moldova is complete without exploring the famous Milestii Mici Winery. Descend into the world's largest underground wine cellar, where you'll be surrounded by millions of bottles of aging wine. Enjoy a tasting of exquisite local varieties and experience the true spirit of Moldovan winemaking.

Prepare to be transported back in time as we arrive in Soroca, known as the Romantic Capital of Moldova. Explore the impressive Soroca Fortress, delve into the vibrant Roma culture, and don't forget to try the delicious traditional dishes.

Our next stop takes us to the picturesque village of Butuceni, nestled amidst fantastic rock formations. Discover the authentic rural life, stay in traditional guesthouses, and savor the renowned homemade Moldovan food.

For a truly unique experience, head to Cricova, a town known for its underground city of wine. Embark on a magical journey through the labyrinthine cellars and taste the finest sparkling wines hidden beneath the earth's surface.

Moldova is home to the oldest open-air museum in the country - the Old Orhei Ethnographic Complex. Immerse yourself in the traditional way of life, explore ancient dwellings, and witness traditional crafts being practiced by skilled artisans.

Our penultimate destination is Tipova Monastery, a place of unparalleled beauty and tranquility. Marvel at the stunning cliffside complex, visit the intriguing caves, and take a moment of reflection in this spiritual haven.

Last but not least, we have the legendary wine region of Purcari. Indulge in wine tasting sessions, stroll through the vineyards, and learn about the intricate art of winemaking in one of Moldova's most renowned wine-producing areas.

Thank you for joining us on this incredible journey through Moldova. We hope you've been inspired to visit these hidden gems and experience the unique charm of this remarkable country. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more travel adventures and hit the bell icon to receive notifications. Until next time, happy travels!

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Gypsy Capital of Moldova: Meeting the King and Exploring the City | Romani People in Europe

Welcome to Soroca, a town in Moldova, known as the Gypsy capital. Today we will have a tour around fancy mansions that Romani people built to show their success after centuries of discrimination. We will also speak to the real-life Gypsy King and find out what stereotypes about Roms are true. Watch the video now to see how I managed to get the Gypsy Baron speak to us and what is the right way to call this ethnic group.

Portugal, Lisbon: How People Live In Best City Of Europe | Travel Vlog | Documentary

#moldova #gypsy #romani #documentary

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Hey guys! My name is Ilya, I am a Russian journalist and a founder of various urban beautification projects in Moscow and across Russia. There is nothing in the world that I love more than traveling. On this channel I will do my best to give you an unbiased overview of life in different places around the globe. Subscribe to the channel not to miss my new videos.

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00:00 Intro
01:18 How to meet the Gypsy baron
03:06 Who is the Gypsy baron?
04:49 History of Soroca
06:17 What locals do for a living
06:48Touring Soroca
09:48 A White House and golden domes
10:50 Origin of Romani people
12:43 Gypsies or Roms?
14:25 ‘Gypsy court’
16:25 Rumours and stereotypes
18:06 A magnificent courtyard
19:45 Culture and traditions
24:35 Work, money and baron’s children
25:42 Women’s rights and domestic violence

TUR RETUR / orașul SOROCA / Redescoperă Moldova mea. Productie video CIOFILM Studio

TUR-RETUR orasul SOROCA / Republica Moldova / Moldova vorbeste
#Moldova #Ciofilm #TurRetur
Iată și primul episod al emisiunii TUR-RETUR (sezonul 2). Am vizitat nordul Moldovei, Soroca. În acestă ediție: depășirea obstacolelor în drumul spre peștera Bekir, cea mai veche toaletă din lume, situată în cetatea Soroka, un interviu cu profesoara de muzică a Irinei Rimes, o rețetă pentru sărmale în stil roman și alte episoade interesante din viața acestei zone pitorești.
А вот и наш первый выпуск передачи TUR-RETUR (sezon 2). Мы побывали на севере Молдовы,в Сороках. В этом выпуске: преодоление препятствий на пути к пещере Бакир, самый древней туалет в мире, расположенный в Сорокской крепости, интервью с учительницей музыки Ирины Римес, рецепт голубцов по-ромски и другие интересные эпизоды из жизни этого живописного района.
European Union in the Republic of Moldova UNDP Moldova Poduri de încredere peste Nistru - Мосты доверия через Днестр IREX in Moldova Ambasada Republicii Moldova în SUA / Embassy of Moldova to the USA /

Soroca Moldova ????????

????Soroca, a charming town located in northern Moldova, is a hidden gem waiting to be explored by tourists. Known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning landscapes, Soroca offers a unique blend of experiences for travelers.

One of Soroca's most iconic attractions is the Soroca Fortress, a well-preserved 15th-century fortification that stands as a testament to the town's historical significance. The fortress offers a glimpse into Moldova's past and provides a beautiful backdrop for exploration and photography.

Soroca is also renowned for its cultural diversity, with a significant Gypsy population that has influenced the town's character. Visitors can immerse themselves in the vibrant traditions of the Gypsy community and explore their colorful and distinctive lifestyle.

The town's picturesque setting along the Dniester River adds to its appeal, making it an ideal destination for nature enthusiasts. The surrounding landscapes are perfect for hiking and enjoying the serene beauty of Moldova's countryside.

In Soroca, you'll find a warm and welcoming atmosphere, delicious Moldovan cuisine, and a sense of authenticity that's hard to find in more touristy destinations. Whether you're interested in history, culture, or simply want to escape the hustle and bustle of city life, Soroca is a hidden treasure worth discovering.

#soroca #moldova #touroopi

【K】Moldova Travel-Soroca[몰도바 여행-소로카]집시 왕이 안내하는 집시촌/Gipsy/Village/Gipsy king

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[한국어 정보]
내가 알던 집시족은 과연 어떤 모습으로 살고 있을까 집시족을 만나러 집시의 언덕을 오르고 있다. 집시의 언덕은 소로카 시내와 강이 한눈에 내려다보이는 곳이었다. 집시왕은 외출 중이었다. 잠시후 돌아온 집시왕은 아내와 함께 시장을 보고 왔다. “이 곳에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 여기 오니까 어때요? 좋아요? 모두다? 정말 좋네요.” 하얀 수염이 산타크로스 할아버지 같았다. 올해 쉰다섯살로 1998년 부친이 타계하자 왕위를 계승 받았다. 집시왕은 세습된다. 집시족 여인들은 음식을 할 때 머리에 꼭 보자기를 쓰고 한다. 음식에 머리카락이 빠지는 것을 방지하기 위해서란다. 닭을 뼈째 통으로 다지고 있다. “이것은 우리의 전통 음식이에요. 닭을 뼈째 잘라서 함께 요리하는 거예요. 갈룹쯔이라는 전통음식인데 굉장히 맛있어요.” 요리를 하는 동안 집시왕이 집시촌을 구경 시켜줬다. 나는 집시들이 아직도 마차를 끌고 유랑생활을 하는 줄 알았다. 대부분 대장장이 일을 하던 집시들은 600년 전 투르크 족이 쳐들어오자 헝가리와 루마니아에서 이곳 몰도바 소로카로 오게 되었다, 주로 칼이나 창, 갑옷 같은 무기들을 만들었고 그 공으로 이곳에서 살 수 있도록 허락을 받았다. 지금도 만 오천 명 정도가 산다. 솜씨가 좋은 집시들은 직접 집을 짓는다. 몰도바에서 봤던 집들 중에 제일 크고 화려하다. 집 설명을 하는 집시왕은 자부심으로 가득찼다. “보셔서 아시겠지만, 이 집은 유람선 타이타닉 스타일로 지었어요. 이런 식으로 항해하는 것처럼 말이에요. 집주인마다 각기 개성에 따라 집을 지어요.” 집시왕은 몰도바뿐만 아니라 이웃 나라의 집시족까지 관장을 한다. 집시족 사이에서는 큰 존경을 받고 있는 어른이다.

[English: Google Translator]
I knew a gypsy family could have expected to live to see look like a gypsy tribe of Gypsies hill climb. Gypsy Hill at a glance This was a place overlooking the river and city Soroca. Gypsy King was busy going out. Gypsy King has returned after a while to see the mayor with his wife. Welcome to this place. Falling so how about here? good? We all? Really good. The white beard like Santa Claus grandfather. Let this fifty year had succeeded his father died five years old in 1998. Gypsy King is hereditary. Gypsy tribe women are wearing a cloth on the head when you come for food. Miranda to prevent hair fall in food. Chickens are laying the ppyeojjae barrels. This is our traditional food. I'm cooking with ppyeojjae cut the chicken. Inde go rupjjeu of traditional food very delicious. The Gypsy King gave a tour of jipsichon during cooking. I knew that the Gypsies are still nomadic lifestyle dragged the wagon. Most Gypsy blacksmith who came were one tribe attacked the Turks 600 years ago was in Hungary and Romania Caro come here Moldova Thoreau, was allowed to live mainly made weapons, such as knives or window, struck him in the armor here. Now only buy a 5000 or so. Good workmanship Gypsies build homes directly. It is best seen in the large and colorful houses in Moldova. Gypsy King explained that the house was filled with pride. Bo letting you know, this house was not a cruise ship Titanic style. It means like sailing in this way. Jieoyo each house, depending on each individual homeowner. Gypsy King is the director of Moldova, as well as to gypsy tribe in neighboring countries. Among adults the Gypsy family is under great respect.

■클립명: 유럽141-몰도바01-06 집시 왕이 안내하는 집시촌/Gipsy/Village/Gipsy king
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이남기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 10월 October

마을,village,시골, 농촌, 어촌, 구시가지, uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,숙소,lodging,hotel, residence, breakfast,현지인생활,풍습,,local life,uptown, town, suburb, ,country, old town, farm,육식,meat,meat,meal,식사,유럽,Europe,동유럽,몰도바,Republic of Moldova,Republica moldova,Moldavia,이남기,2015,10월 October,소로카 구,Soroca,Soroca,

Explore and Experience the Magical Charm of Soroca!

Explore and experience the magical charm of Soroca, a small town located in the northern part of Moldova. With its rich cultural heritage and stunning landscapes, Soroca offers a glimpse into the country's past and present. We visit the iconic Soroca Fortress, a must-see attraction that dates back to the 15th century, and we'll climb the 600 steps to the Monument of Gratitude. We'll also discover the unique customs and traditions of the Roma people. Join us as we uncover the beauty and charm of Soroca and all it has to offer.

Tour Guide: Nicolai Chirnev

What is soooo special about #Moldova? ❤️ | WikiTravel Destinations Video Tour

What is so special about Moldova! You will love Moldova for its amazing world-class wine, ancient monasteries and unspoiled open countryside.

Watch all the beautiful places recommended in Wikitravel.

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Chișinău (Kishinyov) - capital - an administrative municipality. A nice city to go and visit for some days, and to walk around in.
Bălți (Bieltsy) - merits a visit as well as the capital. Nice pedestrian zone around the central square. Check out the old part of the city.
Soroca - known as the Romani (Gypsy) capital of Moldova. The hill on the west side of town has numerous ornately decorated Roma houses. The city also boasts the Soroca fort built by Stefan cel Mare in 1499. It was an important link in the chain of fortifications which today are located in Moldova and Ukraine along the Nistru river. Hours can be sporadic especially in the winter. On the road into town, 5km (3 miles) to the south of Soroca there is a Monument called “The Candle of Gratitude”. One can reach the 29.5m (98 feet) summit by walking up the 600 stairs.
Tiraspol - Moldova's second largest city has a number of museums and a nice park along the Nistru river. Tiraspol is the capital of the region of Pridnestrovie.
Ungheni is also one of the most beautiful cities in Moldova with a lot of nice places to see.

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El curioso caso de los PALACIOS GITANOS en Soroca (MOLDAVIA)



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