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Paraguay - Land of Opportunities


Paraguay - The Land of Opportunities | Paraguay Tourism Documentary

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Paraguay is the real Land of Opportunities guys where it is very easy to settle & you can get a quality second passport quite easily.

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The video was originally produced by the Paraguayan government to show the potential for Foreign Direct Investment in the country. It is one of the first official promotions for foreign investment in Paraguay.

Paraguay ~ The Land of Economic & Business opportunities, with the best business climate in Latin America. The video was originally produced by the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Paraguay.

Patitas Paraguay
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Paraguay, the invincibles of the Chaco | Roads of the impossible
Paraguay, the Invincibles of the Chaco | Deadliest Journeys
Wer bringt mein Kind zurück? Impfgegner fliehen nach Paraguay | Y-Kollektiv
Humor de Países Paraguay countryballs humor shorts viral
South America's Bloodiest War: The Triple Alliance | Animated History
routes de l'impossible
routes dangereuses
road trip
les routes les plus dangereuses
les routes de l'extreme
les routes de l'extrême
Auswandern Deutsche Kolonie
Auswandern Impfgegner
Auswandern mit Kindern
Corona Flüchtlinge
Corona Impfgegner
Corona Pandemie
Deutsche Flüchtlinge
Paraguay Auswandern
Paraguay Corona
Paraguay Deutsche Kolonie
Paraguay Doku
Paraguay Reportage
Querdenker Paraguay
Querdenker Reportage
Südamerika Auswandern
Y-Kollektiv Impfgegner
Y-Kollektiv Querdenker
Impfgegner paraguay
Impfgegner paraguay doku
Impfgegner entführung
Paraguay kinder entführt
deadliest journeys
deadliest roads
dicing with death
south america
En vivo
Océano Atlántico
Paraguay últimas noticias
Últimas noticias
Ocean Gate


Paraguay - land of opportunity and agriculture

Paraguay is a country with great business opportunities and the best business climate in all of Latin America. The country is deeply rooted in agribusiness and is an optimal location for agricultural investments.

Thanks to the Ministry of Industry and Commerce of the Republic of Paraguay for this great video!

More information:

#paraguay #agriculture #southamerica

Traveling to PARAGUAY in 2024? You NEED To Watch This Video!

Are you going to Paraguay this year or interested in life in Asuncion as an expat? This in depth travel guide has all the information that you'll need for your trip to this amazing South American county.




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00:00 Intro
00:32 Country Overview
05:15 My Paraguay Top 5
07:28 Money
08:16 Visas
09:32 Transportation
10:58 Safety
12:07 Internet
12:31 Food

Traveling the world is always an adventure. Eat, Taste and Explore. Come along.

#travelguides #cooking #paraguay

What's Going on in Paraguay? | Asuncion History, Food & Culture

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Today we are in Paraguay, exploring the old colonial streets of Asuncion in search of flavor, culture and history. Come along as we get to know this little traveled country.




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My Travel Blogs

Traveling the world is always an adventure. Eat, Taste and Explore. Come along.

#asuncion #paraguay #travelvlogger

Paraguayan Girl Guide Me Inside Asuncion's Massive Mercado 4 ????????

In today's video we are in Asuncion, Paraguay and we go Drinking Tereré in Asuncion's Massive Mercado 4. Enjoy the video and thanks for watching.

????????Liking the videos helps the video to reach more new people. Dar Me Gusta a los videos ayuda a que el video llegue a más personas nuevas.

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Start your own crypto journey today, download the great Exodus wallet, Not Your Keys Not Your Coins:
I have no affiliation with Exodus they are not paying me to put this link here, I simply use their wallet and I would recommend it to anyone interested in Crypto

DISCOVER PARAGUAY | You didn't know this about Paraguay

Paraguay is well known for...? Few people visit this country, but it is definitely worth a detour! We cycled through Paraguay and made this short impression. Discover Paraguay!

We are Zoë and Olivier, together we are WeLeaf. We are travelling around the world on human power since September 2016. We left Amsterdam by bicycle, hitchhiked across the Atlantic Ocean, cycled the Americas, north and south, hiked on the AT and did the complete Northern Forest Canoe Trail. You can follow our adventures on Youtube and one of our social channels.

↠ Social ↞

◇ Filming + editing by Zoë Agasi and Olivier Van Herck

6 gute Gründe 2024 nach Paraguay auszuwandern - gedreht am Strand in San Bernardino am Ypacarai-See

“Auswandern leicht gemacht – Der Masterplan für Dein neues Leben” von Lia Lenzing

„Auswandern Paraguay – Meine Erkundungsreise“ (Autor: Chris)

“Onlineschulen” Mit 33 Onlineschulen und 50 weiteren Links zum Online Lernen. Von Lia Lenzing

FRAGE AN LIA & CHRIS Trage hier Deine Frage ein. Du bekommst die Antwort per Email:

BERATUNG per Videokonferenz über Zoom zum Thema „Auswandern nach Paraguay“

GELDANLAGE Wie kann man sein Geld in Paraguay gewinnbringend anlegen? Worauf muss ich bei Cooperativas achten?
Investoren Ratgeber Silber für Kleinanleger 39,98€:
Investoren Ratgeber Gold für Investoren 59,98€:

ONLINESCHULE Sascha und Lars leben in Costa Rica und haben das erste deutsche reine Onlinegymnasium gegründet. Sie erklären, in diesem Video wie so eine Schule funktioniert: RABATTCODE: Zukunftshorizonte

ONLINE JOB Du möchtest online arbeiten? Hier bekommst Du von Helmut ein Buch dazu geschenkt, in dem er alles einfach erklärt: Gratis-Buch „Affiliate-Marketing die Erfolgsformel für Neueinsteiger ab 50+“

BANKKONTO:Die AUSWANDERERBANK, die bei Wegzug aus D-A-CH nicht kündigt. Kostenlose DKB-Konto:
(Danke, dass Du das DKB-Cash-Konto über diesen Link bestellst, denn so erhalten wir eine kleine Provision. Du unterstützt damit unsere Arbeit als Paraguay Pioniere.)
Video zum kostenlosen DKB-Konto:
Wir bewerben dieses Produkt, weil wir es selbst nutzen und wir der festen Überzeugung sind, dass es Auswanderern einen großen Nutzen stiftet! Das DKB-Cash-Konto inkl. der Debitkarte ist kostenlos. Du kannst damit (nicht nur) in Paraguay ohne Gebühren seitens der DKB Geld am Automaten ziehen oder einkaufen gehen.

VERMIETUNGS-INSERATE Willst Du eine Erkundungstour nach Paraguay machen? Suchst Du eine Erstunterkunft für Deine Auswanderung nach Paraguay? Bist Du Vermieter in Paraguay? Dann ist diese Telegram Gruppe genau das richtige für Dich!

Chris ist Immobilienmakler des größten Netzwerkes in Paraguay und der Welt: RE/MAX. In Paraguay hat RE/MAX über 7000 Immobilien (Häuser, Grundstücke, Gewerbeimmobilien) im Angebot.
Lia und Chris suchen aus diesem Angebot die Immobilien mit dem besten Preis/Leistungsverhältnis heraus und präsentieren diese in Form von Videos auf ihrer


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Bitte den YouToube-Kanal “immobilienparaguay-com” separat abonnieren, da die Immobilienvideos nicht hier bei den Paraguay Pionieren veröffentlicht werden.

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***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****

#Paraguayauswandern #auswandern #paraguay #auswandernParaguay

Combien coûte la vie au Paraguay ?

➡️ Recevoir le guide de l'expatriation au Paraguay :

Dans cette vidéo, nous explorons en détail le coût de la vie au Paraguay, une destination intéressante pour les expatriés et les voyageurs. Si vous envisagez de vivre, travailler ou simplement voyager au Paraguay, cette vidéo est votre guide indispensable.

0:00 Introduction
1:19 Le contexte économique
3:52 Les locations
12:43 Acheter un bien
18:41 Faire les courses
25:54 Manger au restaurant
29:19 Les transports
33:35 La santé
35:56 Les activités
39:31 Les difficultés possibles
44:33 Faire des économies

Logement : Découvrez les options de logement abordables au Paraguay, des appartements urbains aux maisons en périphérie.
Alimentation : Apprenez à gérer votre budget alimentaire entre marchés locaux et restaurants au Paraguay.
Transports : Évaluez les coûts de transport, des bus aux taxis, pour naviguer facilement dans les villes paraguayennes.
Santé : Comprenez les dépenses de santé au Paraguay, un aspect crucial pour les expatriés et les résidents à long terme.
Activités de Loisirs : Découvrez comment profiter des activités culturelles et des loisirs au Paraguay sans excéder votre budget.
Défis au Paraguay : Anticipez les difficultés potentielles et apprenez à les surmonter pour une expérience enrichissante.
Économiser de l'Argent : Recevez des astuces pour économiser au quotidien au Paraguay, essentielles pour un budget limité.
Intégration et Conseils Pratiques : Acquérez des conseils pour une intégration réussie dans la société paraguayenne.

Pour plus d'informations sur la vie au Paraguay, des conseils pratiques pour les expatriés, la gestion du budget de vie, les options de logement économiques, et des astuces pour vivre confortablement avec un budget restreint, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne. N'hésitez pas à commenter pour partager vos expériences ou poser des questions sur le mode de vie au Paraguay.

PARAGUAY'DA YAŞAM(Ev-Araba Fiyatları) OTURUM VE VATANDAŞLIK ALMAK // Vizesiz Avrupa @cankirsan

Herkese Merhaba

Bu videoda 6 yıldır Paraguay'da yaşayan @cankirsan 'la Paraguay'da yaşam nasıl, ev ve araba fiyatları nelerdir, oturum ve vatadaşlık nasıl alınır, sosyal ve kültürel hayat nasıldır bunları konuştuk.

İyi seyirler dilerim.

Buymeacofe uygulamasından kahve ısmarlayarak yolculuğuma destek olabilirsiniz:

SafetyWing, dijital nomadların internetteki ülkesidir;


Katıl butonuyla kanalıma üye olmak için;



Ben Mücahit. 2014 yılından bu yana Türkiye'nin ve dünyanın bir çok yerini gezip çeşitli maceralar yaşadım, anılar biriktirdim. Yol deneyimim 2014 yılında Interrail ile başladı, 2015 yılında bisiklet turu ve 2016 yılından sonra da otostopla devam etti. Yolculuklarımı tamamen çalışıp biriktirerek finanse ediyor, otostop, bisiklet, couchsurfing ve çadır kullanarak yol maliyetlerimi minimize etmeye çalışıyorum.

3 yıllık bir kurumsal iş deneyimi sonunda hobilerimi meslek edinmeye karar verdim ve dünya turuna çıktım. Bu yolculukta temel amacım yolda kazanıp yolda harcamak olacak. Bu süreçteki deneyimlerimi aktarabilmek için de bu kanalı kurdum. Umarım keyif alırsınız.

Kanalımdaki başlıca içerikler:

Karadeniz Turu:
Likya Yolu:
Balkan Turu:

İyi seyirler.

PARAGUAY, Asunción — City Walking Tour 4K ????????

Unknown to many and surrounded by Brazil, Argentina and Bolivia, there is a beauty and exotic nation called PARAGUAY - Let's discover the secrets of the capital city, Asunción. This is the 'Mercado 4 de Asunción' city walking tour 4K by Wanna Walk.

Get out of your comfort zone and explore Paraguay's biggest market! The place is dirty and busy and it has shady characters but it is a very interesting place to get to know the locals. This is a place where many Paraguayos buy their food, clothes, shoes, toys, etc. Be open minded and visit the place and draw your own conclusions! Mercado 4 shows and tells you a lot about the local life in Paraguay.

City Tour Video Walk Paraguay
Free Walking Tour Asunción 4K
Top 10 Things to Do in Paraguay

Asuncion del Paraguay is the oldest settlement in South America. A pretty unique metropolis waiting to be discovered by the world. Home to some colonial architecture gems and fascinating culture. This country has a hot and humid from December to March, so the winter months from June to September are generally the most pleasant to visit.

You need at least 4 hours to walk thru the whole place, it is a huge market, you can find anything you want, perfume, food, electronics, clothes, shoes, toys, fabrics etc, IMHO the area is safe.

For these who are looking for new experiences and something different, Paraguay’s capital is the answer. There are tons of things to see and do in Asuncion city. Probably the South America's best kept secret waiting to be discovered. In the heart of the continent, Paraguay is home of unique contrasts, cultural mixes and genuine travel experiences. PARAGUAY, Asunción — City Walking Tour【4K】????????

Best Asunción Paraguay Free Walking Tours
Top Paraguay Attractions 4k Video
Mercado Cuatro PY
Cheap Shopping Paraguay

For travelers in search of a country different to any other, Paraguay gives you everything: colonial buildings, locals who speak a rare mixture of Spanish and the indigenous language Guaraní, pretty exotic street food and paraguay street food with dishes like: tereré, mate, sopa paraguaya, chipa, Mbeju and many others meals that uses manioc or farina flour as main ingredient. Watch he best things to do in Asunción.

Mercado Municipal 4 de Asunción, Paraguay is a very interesting and busy market place that worth to visit. f you’re in Asunción, I recommend it to you. Make sure you have cash and time since this market it's huge.

City Walking Tour - Paraguay Free Walks
Best Virtual Walking Tours in Asunción Paraguay
Market 4 (Mercado 4) Address: M9XF+JRJ, neighborhood
Walking in Asunción (Paraguay) downtown virtual tour in 4K

Asuncion, the Paraguay’s capital doesn’t has international tourism yet. Locals are curious about why you visit their country. Some must see and do in Paraguay are: Palacio de los López, Museo del Barro, La Costanera del Rio Paraguay, Loma San Jerónimo, Mercado Cuatro, Casa de la Independencia, Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción, Panteón Nacional de los Héroes
and more. There are just some of the most recommended Paraguay Tours sightseeing.

Ciudad de Asunción, Paraguay: Walking PARAGUAY 4K
Best city virtual travel tour. Downtown Asunción, Paraguay
Walking Tour (Centro) and THE 10 BEST Asunción Tours
25 Authentic Genuine Weird Places to Visit in the World

The MERCADO 4 it's an amazing place to visit in Asunción, Paraguay. You can see the genuine Paraguay. From cheap electronics, clothes, jewelry, fruits and street food. Everything here is very cheap. They offer herbs for the mate too. This is the Asunción's largest market is an epicenter of activity. Almost everything can be found in the Mercado Cuatro, from produce to electronics. Be sure to visit market 4, a place where can find everything. From furniture for your home and cell phones. The place has little hygiene and organization and that makes it interesting.

If you love Paraguay, like, comment and share this video on social media.

Made with love by Wanna Walk ❤️


Watch this video to find out:

- when Paraguay recorded the highest temperature in its history;
- why there are numerous power outgages happening in Argentina;
- how locals cope with the recent abnormal heatwave;
- what country had set a record of 51 degrees Celius just a few weeks ago;
- and what piranhas have to do with all that.

Here is the link if you'd like to follow my Instagram page:

Here is my Couchsurfing profile (in case you need help or a place to stay):

If you'd like to read more about what's been going on lately in South America, here are the links to the news you can check:

Thank you for watching this video again!

Subscribe if you want to see more interesting things about the current situation in the world, travel restrictions, beautiful places to visit/see, exotic things to eat and how much it might all cost ????

#yellitravel #paraguay #encarnacion #southamerica #heatwave #travelsouthamerica #argentina #australia #py #hotinparaguay #summerinparaguay #travelingduringcovid #covidtravels #hotsummer #heatwaveinparaguay #climatechange #piranhasattack #piranhasparaguay #deadinparaguay #summerheat #firesparaguay

Paraguay A Land of New Opportunities Part 1

A look at the opportunities in Paraguay today.

Paraguay A Land of New Opportunities Part 2

More options to invest in Paraguay

Paraguay Opportunities

Life in Paraguay -6️⃣ Tips for Buying Property in Paraguay & Much More

We talk to Daniel Velázquez, a Real Estate Agent here in Paraguay.
Daniel shares some vital tips for buying property in Paraguay... there are definitely some things you need to be aware of!
Daniel also shares his insights about Paraguay, how it compares to its neighboring countries and talks about the business opportunities here in this beautiful country ????
Sorry about the background noise - we thought we had chosen a quiet spot, but it ended up being quite busy! That's Paraguay ????

00:00 to 01:20 - Intro
01:21 to 02:45 - Daniel’s thoughts about the Paraguay property market
02:46 to 05:32 – Challenges people face when arriving in Paraguay
05:33 to 07:46 – Challenges when buying a property in Paraguay
07:47 to 08:41 – What should a buyer be looking for?
08:42 to 10:38 – How does a buyer acquire a survey of a property?
10:39 to 12:53 – Is Paraguay an ethical property market?
12:54 to 14:06 – What is the benchmark prices for property in Paraguay?
14:07 to 15:27 – How has the Paraguay property market changed?
15:28 to 16:53 – What areas in Paraguay should a buyer consider?
16:54 to 18:46 – Business opportunities in Paraguay?
18:47 to 21:04 – Is Paraguay an ethical country in general?
21:05 to 22:58 – How does Uruguay compare to Paraguay?
22:59 to 25:13 – What areas does Daniel operate in?
25:14 to 27:38 – Importance of finding an agent you can work with
27:39 to end - Daniel's advice for learning the Guarani language

If you are interested in purchasing property in Paraguay you can contact Daniel via email - or Whatsapp +595 991 263830

Thanks for watching, you can support our channel by ???? Buying us a Coffee at Gracias!

Have some important questions about moving to Paraguay? ????
You can now book a Paraguay Relocation Consult with us. We can answer all your personal questions & concerns about moving to Paraguay and share our experiences, contacts & knowledge, to help you get settled faster.
Click below for more INFO & to BOOK

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Opportunities in Paraguay

This video was produced by MOPC, the Paraguayan Ministry of Public Works and Communication, with the intent of providing general information about Paraguay and showing this beautiful country to potential investors. Their website is
My website is


Vlog 83 Paraguay December 2019

Paraguay... veel weten we niet van dit land en het wordt zelden (lees: nooit) aangeraden als toffe vakantiebestemming. Het Zuid-Amerikaanse land heeft het slecht getroffen qua highlights en wordt daarom vaak bestempeld als saai. Reden genoeg voor ons om er eens een kijkje te nemen. Is Paraguay een land om links te laten liggen of stiekem best de moeite waard?


Wij (Dominic en Eva) zijn voor onbepaalde tijd op wereldreis. In mei 2017 pakten we onze backpacks en vertrokken we. Volg via ons kanaal alles wat we beleven.


Instagram: &

Paraguay house prices. A look at my recent rental.

Paraguay house prices vary greatly. This is a quick look at my recent home rental in Luque, Paraguay on moving day.Please visit my website at and feel free to check out the services we offer if you are interested in any of the following:
Permanent residency in Paraguay
Living in Paraguay
Retiring in Paraguay
Real estate in Paraguay
If you enjoyed this video or found it interesting, please like and subscribe.

Life in Paraguay - 3️⃣ Should you Choose an Intentional Community or Go It Alone?

So many choices. You can invest in an intentional community, buy land on your own or invest with others. We tackle the pro's & con's of navigating this tricky aspect of relocating.

00:01 to 00:46 - Intentional Communities in Paraguay
00:46 to 02:52 - Do Your Due Diligence
02:53 to 03:37 - Our Progress With Finding Our Tribe
03:37 to 06:34 - Other Ways Of Finding Your Tribe
06:34 to 08:39 - The Best Way To Approach The Challenge

Thanks for watching, you can support our channel by ???? Buying us a Coffee at Gracias!

Have some important questions about moving to Paraguay? ????
You can now book a Paraguay Relocation Consult with us. We can answer all your personal questions & concerns about moving to Paraguay and share our experiences, contacts & knowledge, to help you get settled faster.
Click below for more INFO & to BOOK

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???? FIND US: Check out our blog on our everyday life and adventures in Paraguay -
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Land for sale in Caacupe Paraguay (a typical price)

Land for sale in Caacupe Paraguay. This piece of property measures 4 hectares and is located on the outskirts of Caacupe. The price is typical for the area. Please visit my website at and feel free to check out the services we offer if you are interested in any of the following:
Permanent residency in Paraguay
Living in Paraguay
Retiring in Paraguay
Real estate in Paraguay
If you enjoyed this video or found it interesting, please like and subscribe.



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