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Kuwait Timelapse & Hyperlapse


Kuwait Timelapse & Hyperlapse

Kuwait, the prototypical oil-rich state, has more than ten percent of the world's estimated oil reserves, and is a leading exporter of petroleum. Tourists, who look forward to a relaxed entry into the Muslim world, can enter Kuwait, and wander around souks, osques and other sandy traces of ancient Bedouin days. But, behind the extravagant richness, lies the traditional values and warm Arabian hospitality.

Timelapse & Edit by Kirill Neiezhmakov e-mail:

music: Eff3cts - Desert
Footage (this and many other) available for licensing in 4K
You can download it here

Kuwait collection:

Canon 2x60d, 70d
Sigma 10-20 mm 4-5.6
Tokina 11-16 mm 2.8
Samyang 8 mm 3.5
Canon 17-55 mm 2.8
Canon 70-200 mm 4L
GoPro Hero 3+
DJI Phantom 3
Vanguard Abeo Pro tripod
Adobe After Effects, Lightroom, LRTimelapse

International Tourism Film Festival Tourfilm Riga 2017 (Latvia): official selection
Finisterra Arrabida Film Art & Tourism Festival 2017 (Portugal): official selection

Thanks to my friend Ali Awadh for his invitation to Kuwait. It was good time in this nice country.

Kuwait is a small, oil-rich constitutional emirate, with foreign workers constituting 90 percent of the labour force. Kuwaiti nationals constitute 1.1million of the 3.4million population in the country, and they get to enjoy the benefits of a generous social welfare system that guarantees employment, housing, education and healthcare.
Kuwait City has numerous attractions which include excellent museums, a corniche ornamented with combed beaches and extravagant restaurants, modern shopping complexes and marinas, long and lazy retreats, and new beach resorts.
Outside Kuwait City, however, there are only few attractions, except at resorts along the coast. Tourist development of the historical Failaka Island is still in developmental stage. There are flat desert plains that are given over for oil excavation, and there are few distinctive features.

دولة الكويت هي دولة تقع في الشرق الأوسط من جنوب غرب القارة الآسيوية، وتحديداً في الركن الشمالي الغربي للخليج العربي الذي يحدها من الشرق، حيث يحدها من الشمال والغرب جمهورية العراق ومن الجنوب المملكة العربية السعودية، وتبلغ مساحتها الإجمالية 17،818 كيلومتر مربع، ويبلغ عدد السكان طبقاً لإحصاء عام 2014 ما يقارب الأربعة ملايين نسمة. وترجع تسمية الكويت إلى تصغير لفظ كوت التي تعني الحصن أو القلعة، وقد شيد بالقرب من الساحل في القرن السابع عشر ميلادي.
استوطنت الكويت قبائل العتوب الذين هاجروا من نجد في القرن السابع عشر إلى الإحساء أولاً، ثم ارتحلوا إلى قرية بالقرب من الزبارة في قطر. ثم بعدها بزمن وصلوا القرين جنوب الكويت ثم تفرقوا عنها سنة 1714، فمنهم من سكن الصبية ومنهم من سكن عبادان ومنهم من رحل للمخراق قرب البصرة، أما آل الصباح وآل خليفة والجلاهمة فقد استقروا في أم قصر قرب شط العرب، ولكن العثمانيون أجلوهم عنها فساروا جنوباً. عند وصولهم إلى الكويت استأذنوا بني خالد حكام الإحساء سنة 1715 بالمقيم فيها فأذنوا لهم، فاستقروا فيها حيث مارسوا التجارة وامتهنوا الغوص لجمع اللؤلؤ والتجارة البحرية، فازدهرت أعمالهم وتكاثر السكان في المدينة. وفي سنة 1716 اتفقوا سكان الكويت آنذاك على أن يتولى صباح الأول الرئاسة وشؤون الحكم.
وبهذا تأسست مدينة الكويت، وكان غالب سكانها منذ تأسيسها يمتهنون الغوص على اللؤلؤ والتجارة البحرية بين الهند وشبه الجزيرة العربية، الأمر الذي ساعد على تحويل الكويت إلى مركز تجاري في شمال الخليج العربي وجعلها ميناء رئيسي لكل من شبه الجزيرة العربية وبلاد الرافدين. وفي عهد الشيخ مبارك الصباح وقعت الكويت اتفاقية الحماية البريطانية في 23 يناير عام 1899 والتي عرفت باسم معاهدة الصداقة الأنجلو-كويتية 1899، استغل الكويتيون هذه المعاهدة في بناء وتدعيم وإرساء قواعد الدولة الحديثة، حيث وفرت تلك المعاهدة للكويت الاستقرار السياسي الخارجي إلى حد كبير. لكن في 19 يونيو سنة 1961 أُلغِيَت معاهدة الحماية البريطانية، وتم إعلان استقلال دولة الكويت، وفي 11 نوفمبر سنة 1962 أُصدِرَ الدستور.
في عام 1937 تم اكتشاف أول بئر نفط وهو بئر بحره،إلا أن النفط لم يصدّر بسبب ظروف
سياسياً، تعتبر الكويت إمارة وراثية يحكمها أمير من ذرية الشيخ مبارك الصباح،ونظام الحكم فيها هو ملكي دستوري، وتتميز بنظام برلماني متمثلاً بمجلس الأمة الذي يمثل السلطة التشريعية. وبينت المادة السادسة من الدستور أن نظام الحكم في الكويت ديموقراطي، السيادة فيه للأمة، التي هي مصدر السلطات جميعاً.
مدينة الكويت هي العاصمة السياسية والاقتصادية لدولة الكويت، ففيها مقر الحكم والحكومة ومراكز البنوك الرئيسية، وسوق الكويت للأوراق المالية. والكويت عضو مؤسس في مجلس التعاون لدول الخليج العربية، وفي منظّمة الدول المصدرة للبترول - أوبك، وعضو في منظمة التعاون الإسلامي، عضو في جامعة الدول العربية منذ عام 1961، وعضو في الأمم المتحدة منذ عام 1963. تعتبر الكويت حليف رئيسي خارج الناتو للولايات المتحدة.

Kuwait Travel Video l Beautiful Middle Eastern Country in 4K Hyperlapse l Explore Pearl of Arab

#Kuwait #beach #travel #destination #holiday #hotel #resort #sea #gulf #arabiangulf #explore #4K #hyperlapse #kuwaittower

Kuwait, officially the State of Kuwait (Arabic: دولة الكويت‎ ), is a country in Western Asia. It is situated on the northern edge of Eastern Arabia at the tip of the Arabian Gulf, bordering Iraq to the north and Saudi Arabia to the south. Kuwait has a coastal length of approximately 499 km (310 mi). As of 2021, Kuwait has a population of 4.5 million people where 1.3 million are Kuwaitis and 3.2 million are foreign nationals. Most of the country's population resides in the urban agglomeration of the capital city Kuwait City. (Source: Wikipedia)

Kuwait is a small country, but it is diverse and an amazing country in the middle of the gulf region. Often this country is referred to as the 'Pearl of Arab'. Though this country is small, but it has a big heart.

Hi, if you want to see the world from a whole new perspective, you are in the right place. We are a family of four; mother, father, and two daughters. We are full-time professionals, but by passion, we are photographers, travelers, explorers, and adventurers. Wish we could live our life on the road; crossing one country after another.

There are quite a lot of solo travelers, couple travelers, but very few family travelers. Though we aren't full-time travelers or explorers, yet we try to document our journeys so that those who cannot travel, or at least planning to travel can see before traveling.

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Kuwait Towers Timelapse 4K

Kuwait Towers Timelapse
The Kuwait Towers are a group of three slender towers in Kuwait City, standing on a promontory into the Persian Gulf. They were the sixth, and last, group in the larger Kuwait Water Towers system of 34 towers (33 store water, one stores equipment), and were built in a style considerably different from the other five groups. The Kuwait Towers were officially inaugurated in March 1979[1] and are regarded as a landmark and symbol of modern Kuwait.[2] The towers were closed for maintenance from March 2012 to 8 March 2016

Kuwait time lapse

Here's a quick time lapse that I did using my iphone 4 .. Hope you like it. More is coming ;)

Kuwait City in Motion Hyperlapse

Kuwait city in Motion

This Video was made with the help of the master
of hyperlapse Kirill Neiezhmakov

Thanks so much for your time and effort for teaching me
the art of

it was made from march 11,2016 untill march 22,2016
its a very hard process to learn but it needs patience and time.

Thanks for watching.

Music is by:
Glitch Mob- Bad Wings

For any inquiries please feel free to contact me:
Name: Ali Awadh
instagram: alibaba145

What to see and expect in Kuwait - timelapse

Using a Sony ILCE-5000 camera here are some of the sights of Kuwait City, with views from the seafront promenade and the Kuwait Towers. I've also included a timelapse video of the lovely drive across the causeway - the Sheikh Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah Causeway

The Kuwait Towers timelapse hyperlapse - the best known landmark of Kuwait City. Kuwait, Middle East

The Kuwait Towers timelapse hyperlapse illuminated at night - the best known landmark of Kuwait City. Kuwait, Middle East. View with palms and cloudy sky
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

The Kuwait Towers timelapse hyperlapse - the best known landmark of Kuwait City. Kuwait, Middle East

The Kuwait Towers timelapse hyperlapse illuminated at night - the best known landmark of Kuwait City. Kuwait, Middle East. View with palms and cloudy sky
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Kuwait City Hyperlapse video

On this video i worked to put all what I’ve learnt about editing hyperlapse techniques using my sony a7siii and insta360 one x2 and mix them together into premiere pro and after effect

And relyingon sound effects only

Please if you liked it then press the like button and subscribe for more next videos

The Kuwait Towers timelapse hyperlapse - the best known landmark of Kuwait City. Kuwait, Middle East

The Kuwait Towers timelapse hyperlapse - the best known landmark of Kuwait City. View with palms and flowerbed, blue cloudy sky before sunset. Kuwait, Middle East
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Tower in Kuwait City timelapse hyperlapse. Kuwait, Middle East

Modern twisted Tower in Kuwait City timelapse hyperlapse. Kuwait, Middle East. With palms and traffic on the road at sunset time
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Modern Mosque Building in Kuwait timelapse hyperlapse

Modern Mosque Building in Kuwait timelapse hyperlapse with blue cloudy sky and green grass
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Tower in Kuwait City timelapse hyperlapse. Kuwait, Middle East

Modern twisted Tower in Kuwait City timelapse hyperlapse. Kuwait, Middle East. With palms and traffic on the road at sunset time
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Drive through the traffic in the city highway timelapse hyperlapse in Kuwait. Kuwait, Middle East

Drive on streets through the traffic in the city highway timelapse hyperlapse drivelapse in Kuwait. Kuwait, Middle East
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Tower in Kuwait City night timelapse hyperlapse. Kuwait, Middle East

Modern Tower in Kuwait City night timelapse hyperlapse. Kuwait, Middle East. With palms and traffic on the road at night
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Hyperlapse in kuwait airport

A day in kuwait airport

Skyline with Skyscrapers timelapse hyperlapse in Kuwait City downtown. Kuwait City, Middle East

Kuwait City skyline with skyscrapers timelapse in downtown. View from bridge with traffic on the road. Kuwait City, Middle East.
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Skyline with Skyscrapers timelapse hyperlapse in Kuwait City downtown. Kuwait City, Middle East

Kuwait City skyline with skyscrapers timelapse hyperlapse in downtown. View from bridge with traffic on the road. Kuwait City, Middle East.
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.

Kuwait Timelapse

This video is about Kuwait Timelapse

Drive through the traffic in the city highway timelapse hyperlapse in Kuwait. Kuwait, Middle East

Drive through the traffic in the city highway timelapse hyperlapse drivelapse on convertible in Kuwait. Kuwait, Middle East
Сheck and download stock footage (4K, 1080p) here:

How can you find it and buy? Just copy the video title and put it to a search bar of stock agency.

Timelapse and Hyperlapse stock footage by Kirill Neiezhmakov.
For licensing you can also contact me by e-mail

High quality Royalty Free stock video from different popular countries and cities you can buy on my portfolio page on Shutterstock, Pond5, Depositphotos or Adobe Stock
Many different scenes for your project, TV program, documentary, website, blog etc.
UHD Ultra HD 4K, FullHD, HD and Web Resolution available.

Высококачественный стоковый футаж в технике таймлапс и гиперлапс (интервальная съемка в движении). Вы можете купить и скачать любой подходящий футаж по указанным выше ссылкам на мое портфолио на одном из видеостоков: Шаттерсток, Адоб сток, Понд5 или Депозитфотос.
Роялти Фри футажи предствалены из разных городов и стран мира вы можете использовать в своих проектах, телепрограммах, документальных фильмах, блогах, сайтах и т.д.



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